Aaron Swartz's body may be dead but his ideas shall live on

in revolutionaryideas •  9 years ago 

Aaron Swartz's body is no more but his ideas must prosper. Here are some ideas that must come to be.

  1. Knowledge must be made free
  2. Internet must be made free
  3. Governance must be transparent
  4. Fraud and crime must be uprooted at all levels

Make knowledge openly accessible

As a scientist, the pain of having lack of access to online articles even at prestigious universities is mind freaking boggling. Scientific knowledge is created by government grants and blood and sweat of students and faculty doing the research. It's not meant for publishers to pocket billions of dollars. This got to change. One way to do this is by creating a reputation based science publication site that works with block-chain. It's censor free and the content can be made available for everyone in the world.

Internet must be made free

If you haven't looked into the technology being developed by "maidsafecoin" then have a look at it. It frees up internet. It frees up censorship. Vote for leadership that are knowledgeable and believe in free and open internet and stop getting your news from CNN, Fox and the mainstream media.

Vote intelligently

Sign online petitions

Blog and share

Fight fraud and crime everywhere

What is the point of living otherwise? Fraud needs to be exposed whenever it occurs. The responsible party must be held accountable

Parting thoughts

This is a great documentary about this prodigy kid, who brought so much hope in our society. It is very sad to see that he passed away but his ideas and wisdom are truly divine. Something that is worth dying for. Remember that!

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Aaron Swartz is present in our minds and hearts! To contribute to remember.
This is an article I wrote about his legacy, two years ago: http://radi.ms/remembering-aaron-swartz-and-guerilla-open-access-manifesto/

Awesome writeup!! We should have a team now that helps bring this manifesto to realization. This team should focus on unlocking the knowledge of the internet. So all the scientific articles that has been published so far on all the major journals need to reside on a blockchain. What about bitcoin sidechain. Something that can never be locked up. This is a monumental task but needs to be done.

Never forget what they were threatening him with, only to let Hilary run free a few short years later. Aaron will always be a hero to me.

Yea. I am coming to a realization how heroic his efforts has been for all of internet community and freedom loving society. These kinds of minds need to unite. Just imagine what he could have done with all these blockchain applications. I'd like to see all the science articles that has been published so far be kept in the blockchain.

I think it would be cool to start an online campaign to remind everyone what they did to the man that help create the modern internet. Throw it in Clinton's face that they drove a genius to suicide by threatening him with harsh charges for crimes similar to the ones she was exonerated from. Although his crime returned public information to the people, hers breached national security.

It's a same thing with snowden. Our media manipulated society, focuses on the actor( Aron, Snowden) and criminalizes them for bad illegal behavior, when in fact we should have focused on the contents that were released and the precarious societal constructions we are all living in.