Report from the Shallows. #15

in rewardpoolabuse •  6 years ago

Rep: 951
Posts: 849
Comments: 332
Replies: 65
Upvotes: 420
Upvoted: 505
Payouts: 1476
Steem Power: 3260
Followers: 1295
Following: 2505
Resteem: 3858
Resteeed: 1776

I guess I am doing ok, much better than some.
Out of ~20k daily authors there I am in the top few percents.
Don't give up, dear reader, my message can hardly be referred to as populist.

Don't miss the Bot Reporter!
This little guy keeps us up to date on who is killing us with bot votes.

I don't know if you have steem steem-ua, but don't be sucked in, its a redistribution scheme to rope in newbs that don't know any better to enrich the very people that already take the most out.
I score about a 5, which puts me in the top 1100.
I'd probably do pretty good, if I thought using a bot to self vote, while scheming newbs out of their own selfvoting returns, was a good idea for steem.

'We will give you a vote proportional to your weight in our scheme that is heavily weighted to the status quo, if you delegate to us.'
Read their literature, if you don't believe me.

It's bad enough that 19,900 of us have to split what the top one hundred leave for us, but now the 'savior of the blockchain' is trying to grow on the backs of those of us with the least.

The top 10 voters give out 30% of the rewards, the top 100 give out a percentage that I haven't seen, yet.
If you can give me that number I will include it in the next Report from the Shallows.

It's never gonna be easy to come in to steem cold and make a living.
It's not gonna get easier to get noticed.
No shortcuts to glad handing the folks.
You can try the schemes but you will likely end up being joe parrot, the cdbgh guy, the gold guy, or our favorite subsidized dumbass, JB.
The et al of stinc, et al, took rewards away from everybody to give to that guy when one of the first things he did was show up in his underwear and then they stuck with him until he videoed fellating himself.

Seriously, this is why nobody has confidence in the coin, just look at our 'leaders' decisions.

We continue to suffer from the petulance of our keyholders' decision to stick us with linear rewards, just because doing nothing makes us look weak, and going back makes the choosers look dumb.

Why are flags not separated from downvotes taking only rewards and not rep?
'Oh, yeah, because you said so, sorry, I glossed over that part,...'


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What curation trail do you recommend joining? I used steemua for a bit. I'm on Trevons now. I guess I'm just not technical enough to know where to find the people who are fair.

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I follow tribesteemup and antiabuse because i contribute to those communities, but optimally we just vote the content we read.
The pitfall of curation trails is voting its heirarchy more than the nobodies.

Ganging up to increase rewards makes it harder for everybody outside the gang.

But, as things currently are, mined stake has its thumb on the scales, we dont really have a choice, if we want to keep up with inflation/abuse by actually playing the game of 'distribute the inflation'.
If the field was level, just earners and buyers, i would denounce ganging up loudly, but while authority decrees who gets rewards, and who doesnt, i keep my head down.
Bidbots and vote selling break proof of brain in favor, arbitrarily, of proof of wallet.

@freebornsociety votes my reading list, but maybe you should just vote who you follow.
Use to set you a list of authors you support.
I try to only vote posts with less than a dollar from folks i follow with the two accounts.

Playing curation for maximum rewards breaks proof of brain.

At some point, inflation, boredom, or price collapse will change the game back to proof of brain.
Until then, and even after, you got to do what you do.

Did that help?

Yeah you helped a lot. It's unfortunate that proof of brain isn't ruling the votes currently. I guess I need to make sure the curation trail I follow actually supports content I'm willing to back.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm # 14380 ... Movin on Up~ Yo....

In which category?

You can check you steem-ua ranking, too.
Likely that haunts us for months before the newbs figure out the scheme.