RE: Consider the power of your flag.

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Consider the power of your flag.

in rewards •  8 years ago  (edited)

These scams are getting out of hand. I was only just starting to recover my voting power after dealing with someone others who were abusing. I would much rather use my voting to reward good posts. Someone like @dan has more than enough power to deal with this kind of stuff if he delegated some of his SP to Steemcleaners or a similar service for helping with this kind of abuse.

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I would much rather use my (quite limited) voting power to highlight the good, as well. And yes, Dan could easily delegate a million each to Steemcleaners and SadKitten and it would probably go a LONG way towards making this kind of crap unprofitable enough that the perps would take their junk elsewhere. And he's still have more than enough free spending money to fund new projects...

Yes without a doubt.

A quick check on where some of the big delegations go shows that priorities could well lay elsewhere. It feels like some of the big-walleted people stopped caring a long time ago.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Dan has no responsibility to the community in my opinion.

Yea, he is a huge stake holder, but it's not benefiting him one bit, and he isn't affiliated with steemit anymore.

Steemit inc or the "elected representatives" called witnesses have all the responsibilities to do what is right and look out for the future of the platform.

I honestly can't imagine what would happen if @dan actually delegated in this manner and his SP ended up flagging the accounts that @ned recently delegated to for self voting.

I would feel more inclined to do something about this- if indeed anyone was able to do something about the worst abuse on the top of without having their steemit career ruined.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I agree that is a huge problem as well, the community is going to have to address it I fear. I have a feeling my account will be ded soon. :) - Trending page

Agreed that dan is no longer a part of the community and I don't have any expectations he should try to fix anything here.

This is the first and last time I ask for help on steemit.
@whatsup flagged my post.
I am really upset!
And he doesn't want to answer my comment.
So can you, since you seem to understand the subject explain to me why is my post, with my photo flagged?
Do I look like a bot or what ever...
I write so little and earn even less, but I love steemit.
I spend hours reading posts and learning,
I don't think that's fair..

Okay, calm yourself, I did respond. Now you are just going too far 3rd comment now. I responded within a half hour. Upsets come and go, and I am sorry for the misunderstanding.
The flag has been removed and I upvoted BOTH of your other comments.

@whatsup, why you stirring up all kinds of minnow shit? much love from the @runridefly family.

Thank you.
I am sorry for the drama.
Hope to see you all in better occasions!

I followed you @tamacvet. I hope to see you post some things about the legal profession. I'm just starting my adventure into law school :)

Thank you, and sorry for all the comments.
You will see, when you finish law school you feel the need to defend yourself even more :)
I will post about it, but our law is completely different than anywhere else!
I wish you good luck, it's a hard school :)

Thanks, I'm looking forward to it!

These sorts of scams, added to the circle-jerks at the top, combined with the slack curating and voting by so-called followers, and the sycophants bending over for the big wallets, don't bode well for the future of Steemit. They also make this a less friendly place, not just less interesting financially. I am less and less sure I want to be a part of this.

So, I am also going to address that in my next post. It is time the community takes responsibility to fix these issues. If we want to fix it, we are going to have to bite the bullet and use the tools we have. THE FLAG.

Hi @thecryptofiend, The community can't have it both ways. I hate spending my voting power on the negative as well.

If we want the site to be decentralized, don't we all have a responsibility to keep the site clean?

We do but the problem is few other people seem to care which puts even more burden on those that do. Then people get exhausted and stop bothering. Some probably just leave.

It's really a nasty prisoner's dilemma. We each are incentivized to reward ourselves, whether that be by taking our time we would be flagging to curate or produce content, or more directly by vote buying. The amount you lose from flagging someone is greater than your expected gain by cleaning up the network ever-so-slightly, so only a few people spend the time to do so. Same thing with curating new/created, same problems.

Even if we were to separate voting and flagging power as I have written a post suggesting a couple months ago, we'd still be left with the problem of it failing to be a rewarding task, either internally from a mental perspective or externally from a community perspective.

Exactly and one most also consider the social cost - nobody wants to go round creating ill will and even legitimate flags can do that.

It is a major challenge. I can only think I have to use my VP to protect my investment to some degree. Those who do not see the problem, are simply not using the site.

Please post a link to your article.

PS, to put this in perspective, this post, which has highlighted a scam, and created much discussion will likely not earn what this guy got for just one of his shit posts.

Thanks for asking.

Here's a link to the article you referenced.

Unfortunately, this article "resulted in / continued a" sequence of bad blood that lead to much argument in the comments of some other users blogs and more flagging/witch-hunting later.

However, what I found much more interesting was the article I actually referenced in the above article here.

This latter article continues to be a daily problem, but I have seen no will to combat it and have decided the personal attacks and mental stress of trying to assist with it are not worthwhile. (ie, I used to flag these and post in the comments how it was an exact cut and paste with the pictures reformatted to look different from 5 days ago).

Interesting ideas and well presented.

Or at least suffer from ever increasing fed-uppedness. I know I do.

:) fed-uppedness... I have it.

I'm trying to get people motivated to fight spam with rewards. What do you think?