It gives the liquid kind of like this goldish kind of color except it's not actually gold it's just the reflection of the water for this one silver so don't really give it a really
reflection it's just you know clear but I think I think it looks fine I don't think it needs any like corners to it but it's got that silver rounder there it looks like it's got a tinted color
but that's only because it's got gold in that and that one's a silver so it just kind of you know makes it a lot different from our other bottles I don't know why I just love this go
around here I don't really know why I do but I just really like it I just think it looks really nice okay so to me this fragrance is so much better than her other two just because
I didn't really like rather to that much I didn't really like the after smell like the top notes is guava mandarin orange and pear so it does give it this whole fruity effect to it
like it's not as strong and I think it's really it's kind of like powdery when you smell it it kind of smells like that so the middle notes is jasmine sambac and I'm not really sure
what those because I know Jasmine's like flowers yeah and orange blossom flower and garden yeah and I've had gotten ear and orange blossom flower in quite a few of my the fragrance
but I think this one I don't really know why it's like it's kind of like the Christina Aguilera ones well it does it's definitely a lot like it's not as strong it's kind of like
powdered out it's not immensely strong which I like butter so it's not too overbearing at all.
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