RING Platform
Short about Ring Platform
The RING Platform under the ambition to collect the mileage scattered around the world in one place is settled at the 4th Hashnet blockchain meetup held at the Centro Salo Maru 180 in Gangnam-gu, Seoul on the evening of 18th. About to open his mouth, Lee Woo-Jun, director of RING Platform, who gave a lecture on the integration and substantiation of blockchain-based mileage, explained that last year, the company's mileage was 16.1 billion won and nearly 5861 billion worth of points had been eliminated for five years. In the case of airline mileage, which is bigger than these, mileage of 2.80 trillion won was accumulated last year. Credit card companies also have cumulative mileage of 3.33 trillion won. Mr Lee said, 'Because of so much mileage has accumulated, according to the terms, it can't be converted into cash, can't be sold to others, and expires after a certain period, especially for the carrier's mileage, once a day, Hong can be cut once a week, There are many restrictions, such as the amount used can only be used for 5-10% of the payment amount.