
in ripple •  7 years ago  (edited)

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C. Ripple and R3 Enter Into a Technology Partnership Agreement and Option Contract

C. RippleとR3は技術パートナーシップ契約とオプション契約を締結

29.By mid August 2016, ProjectXenon was shaping up to be a great success.
"Ripple" was gaining momentum, and excited to start a Commercial Partnership with R3, which "Ripple" understood-based on R3's representations - would allow "Ripple" to really benefit from R3's banking consortium.
With additional projects in mind, and in an effort to solidify the Commercial Partnership, "Ripple" agreed to execute a Technology Partnership Agreement (the "TPA") with R3.

29. 2016年8月中旬、ProjectXenonは大きな成功を収めています。


追加のプロジェクトを念頭に置いて、また商業パートナーシップを固める努力の中で、RippleはR3とTechnology Partnership Agreement( "TPA")を締結することに合意した。

30.On August 16, 2016, "Ripple" and R3 executed the TPA, which outlined both Project Xenon (and other phases of the Project) and the Commercial Partnership.

30. 2016年8月16日、RippleとR3がTPAを実行しました。これは、 Project Xenon(およびプロジェクトの他の段階)と商業パートナーシップの両方を概説しました。

31.Because Project Xenon was already effectively completed at the time of the TPA's execution, the TPA was intended to formalize the Commercial Partnership.

31. TPAの執行時にProject Xenonが既に効果的に完了しているため、TPAは商業パートナーシップを正式化することを意図していた。

32.Under the TPA, in consideration for R3's solicitation of participating banks in Project Xenon and “its role in managing the Project ()," R3 would receive 15% of the revenue received by "Ripple" from any participating bank.

32. TPAの下で、R3がProject Xenonに参加する銀行の募集と「Project(管理)の役割」を考慮して、R3は参加銀行からRippleが受け取る収益の15%を受け取ることになります。

33.The TPA also outlines terms related to the Commercial Partnership.
Article IV.
1 of the TPA states: "The parties will negotiate in good faith with the goal of executing a term sheet reflecting the key terms of the Commercial Partnership) by no later than the conclusion of the Project.
” The paragraph further states: "Following the execution of the term sheet, the parties will commence negotiations of a full agreement), with the goal of executing the agreement by no later than 30 days after the execution of the term sheet.”

33. TPAには、商業パートナーシップに関する条項も記載されています。




34.Thus, R3 was obliged to immediately negotiate in good faith towards a term sheet on the Commercial Partnership, and work in good faith to finalize and execute an agreement on the Commercial Partnership within 30 days thereafter.


35.As consideration and incentive for the TPA-specifically the Commercial Partnership-"Ripple" also executed the Option, which gave R3 the option to purchase 5 billion XRP at an exercise price of $0.0085 per unit of XRP.

35. TPA(特に商業パートナーシップ)のための配慮とインセンティブとして、Rippleもオプションを実行した.R3は、XRPをXRPの単位当たり0.0085ドルの行使価格で50億XRPを購入するオプションを与えた。

36.The Option was given as consideration for, and to incentivize the success of, the TPA and Commercial Partnership.
The Option is described in detail in the TPA.
The face of the Option itself states as follows: "This Option () is issued...
in connection with that certain Technology Provider Agreement regarding Project Xenon and Potential Commercial Venture.
)" (emphasis added).And the Option was executed after the substantial performance of Project Xenon, because "Ripple" desired to incentivize R3 to perform its obligations related to the Commercial Partnership.



Option自体の顔は次のようになります: "このオプション()は発行されています...

Project Xenon及び潜在的商業ベンチャーに関する特定の技術提供者契約に関連して、)」(強調が加えられた)。また、Rippleが商業パートナーシップに関連して義務を果たすためにR3をインセンティブにしたいので、オプションはProject Xenonの大幅なパフォーマンスの後に実行された。

37."Ripple" understood that the purpose of the Agreements was to build a long lasting relationship between "Ripple" and R3, where "Ripple" could benefit from R3's many banking contacts, and in turn, R3 could reap the financial benefits of "Ripple"'s success (i.e.through its 15% commission and the Option).
This is what "Ripple" understood R3 intended when "Ripple" agreed to enter the TPA, and later signed the Option.



38.However, soon after executing the TPA and the Option, "Ripple" began to find out the truth: that R3 had no intention of working towards the Parties' Commercial Partnership, and had dangled it before "Ripple" in an effort to persuade "Ripple" to sign the Option.

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