Making the Best of Mass Arrest

in riseup •  5 years ago 

The time predicted in Brzezinski's Between Two Ages is here, dear reader.
The time of millions dying fighting in the streets against one world gov't has been going on for a while.
Sorry, if you have missed it.
The following is a critique of some of it.


Making the Best of Mass Arrests

12 Lessons from the Kettle During the J20 Protests

January 20, 2017 saw the fiercest resistance to a presidential inauguration in US history.
The day also saw well over 100 demonstrators surrounded by police at the intersection of 12th and L and arrested.
This was the largest mass arrest in DC since the People’s Strike 15 years earlier, before some of this year’s inauguration demonstrators were even born.
The gap between this group and previous generations who had experienced mass arrests was apparent.
Some unintentionally enabled the police to collect intelligence about them; many lacked basic knowledge of what an arrest process entails.
As we enter a new phase of mass resistance and mass arrests, we want to pass on some lessons from the kettle at 12th & L.

1. If You’re Going to Make a Break, Act Fast

Some did escape the kettle on Friday.
A courageous countdown and umbrella-led charge allowed some comrades to break free and fight in the streets for the rest of the day.
The key to their success was that the charge took place while the police were still forming their line at 12th and L.
The longer a kettle has been in place, the more difficult it is to break out: the police will have established their forces and surveillance, people in the bloc may have changed clothes, demoralization and inertia will have set in.
If you want to make a mad dash for freedom, your best chance is to take advantage of the chaos before a new order is imposed.

The story goes on at some length.
Like most articles tend to do.

3. Don’t Make Things Easy for the Police

When the crowd detained at 12th and L was told to put their hands in the air, most did.
This is not the only thing they could have done.
(Stop being their best cop. Ed.)
What safety we can find in captivity will not come from following orders, but from how we leverage whatever cooperation the police require that is still under our control.
If they tell you to do something, it’s probably because it makes their job easier.
Ideally, a detained crowd should establish a process for deciding together how to respond to police commands.
Standard guides to nonviolent direct action suggest a police liaison system, but this can be difficult in some scenarios.
During one of the mass arrests at The People’s Strike in 2002, detainees locked arms immediately until the police told the crowd they would allow people to leave the kettle with their hands up.
This was a lie, but the experience of coordinating disobedience together built morale and rapport between the participants that was useful throughout the rest of the lockup process.
On J20, all police had to do was walk through the crowd and point at people for them to go willingly into a wagon.
Some just volunteered to get arrested out of boredom, falsely believing that it would speed up their release.


Be sure to take the time to read it.

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