Game Status at Level 40 Plus Tips on Earning StarPro

in risingstar •  2 years ago 

Major Level Up Event


I guess I have been playing this game for about three and a half months so far.

Sometimes you buy something and it takes the starbits from the balance showing at the top, inside the game interface. Other times, you will need to have the required funds showing on Tribaldex or Hive-Engine wallet. That part is a bit confusing but I keep a fair amount on both.


I just leveled up today as seen above. Up until now, I was limited to the same ten missions since getting through level 30 or so. Slow going! I will unlock one new mission as soon as I level up 5 more times. Then one more mission after leveling up 10 more times.

While going through that process, I learned how to get "energy boost" cards.


While building my band so far, I have survived on pizza and coffee. A bit like real life on that one. I was able to buy several pizza cards and use one while running missions, and when I am out of energy, I just use another one. These cards are for purchase and once you have them, you can cycle through cards for a free 100% boost that allows you to keep on playing instead of waiting for your energy to recharge. Each card has its own twenty four hour recharge time so it is easy to manage usage, given time that you are behind the keyboard.

StarPro Tokens


I watched the tutorial showing me how to become a music promoter. At the time I looked at it, they would charge 50 starbits to promote one mission for another player. You earn StarPro tokens for doing this. Each StarPro was worth three dollars at the time. I tossed several hundred thousand starbits (my investment in other bands) and let it run for a few hours. It showed more than 70 StarPro for my time.

I was not sure when I would get paid the said StarPro but I did watch my calculated percentage of that 24 hour period go down from 70 to 49 over the next few hours. As it turns out, they pay out your percentage of the daily take at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time.


So if you are trying to gain some of these cool tokens for fun and profit, you may want to bid on one or two kinds of missions and keep topping off your invested starbits balance all the way until eight o'clock - then you will surely get the payout that you see on the screen as the day turns over.

Since that first time, I have played the role of a promoter one other time. I spent about 400k in starbits for a period of three hours. The invested balance goes down twice as fast now since the minimum bid (per mission) is 101 starbits. I was showing a payout of 5 StarPro at around 7:00 p.m. and I ran out of starbits. I did not top them off. In the last hour, my percentage of the take went down one StarPro. If you are not participating, your percentage for that 24 hour period is reduced as others continue to promote.


Let's say you are running promotions on a couple missions and many others come in and outbid you. You can wait until that person leaves and revert back to your original bid. Otherwise, you can out bid someone and increase your cost for each mission you promote.

If you see the only promoter is wagginston, you can probably start promoting with no real bidding war. He or she promotes bands 24/7 and maintains his bid of 100 starbits per mission. In order to do that they must have a huge "starbits pool" and if his Pool balance goes below 100, all of his bids disappear.

If you bid 101, they will not likely challenge you. Your bid will be active as long as you have a Pool of more than 101.

All of what I am explaining is not in the tutorial video. I learned from experience and am now sharing that with you all.

The good news is that StarPro had gone up over 300% in value right after my first experience (around $10.00 per StarPro). But since the crypto dip, they are holding at around $5.00 which is still near double what they were when I started acquiring them. StarPro are currently $6.47 each. I would rather game for them than purchase them, which I do when I have the time.

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Hello dear friend @htooms good morning
Excellent information, I appreciate you sharing your gaming experiences
enjoy the weekend

Me agrado tu post, muy bien explayado, te dejo mi voto, saludos.

Hi @htooms, Thank you for sharing your experience. Play2Earn is a great experience. Thank You so much. Got you on twitter. 😍