in robbed •  7 years ago 

Several Times, We have shared the Story of the Samaritan whose deeds earned Him a Qualifying Adjective, Good ! Often times it's been the Headlines for Sunday School Teachers and Religious Bodies and am sure your childhood wouldn't be Complete without the Story of the Good Samaritan.
Today In my Studies, I did a sober reflection on the scenario. I wanted to know more than just my everyday Sunday school mind. Firstly, I wanted a full picture of the victim! Why was He not helped? Or why couldn't He help Himself?
As I studied with the Help of the HolySpirit, It became clearer that Yes He was Robbed but the robbers or thieves didn't stop at that. They went ahead to wound Him. Let's take each Step by step:
He was stripped of every thing precious which included any means of proper identification. His money must have been taken in the process too.
The thieves didn't just Robb but in an attempt to slow Him down and hinder Him from crying out for Help, Wounded Him!
He was bleeding! Meaning there was a cut, Deep or not!
He must have been rough handled with clothes torn to shreds in an effort to render Him Useless. The Greek rendition offers He was beaten and left half dead. This connotes unconsciousness. Not only was He Half dead so he couldn't cry out for Help, He couldnt be identified as He was stripped of every thing he owned . Who would help a nobody?
Next step! Should the passer bys be blamed?
I mean the victim here had lost means of identification. So who knows? It could be a staged broad day robbery. It could be that was a bait to lure innocent men and women towards endangering their lives in their quest to Save a life! Right?
The Priest:
Am sure He was in a hurry to Conduct Church Service and Render Prayers too. I mean why stop to help when He was running late. God understands, He has a whole lot of people waiting for Him in Church. Right?
The Levite:
The Levites, who were not Kohanim, were specifically assigned to singing and/or playing music in the Temple or serving as guards. We could in present day liken them to Ushers and Choristers. Am sure He was in a Hurry not to miss Workers meeting or probably was the one with the Key to opening up the church. Justifiable reasons right?
The Samaritan:
Going through the etymology of Samaritans, I realised they are descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh, Sons of Joseph. They were the Housekeepers and Guards ; Sort of! By definition, They are the most busiest of all as they had little or No time for themselves. Why? Why did He do this?
The HolySpirit explained in a different way:
1.What ever the position you occupy, wherever you find your self, It's an opportunity to minister to someone. The Samaritan was moved by compassion! So He stopped! Didn't it cross his mine This could be a trap? Learn to Listen to the Holy Spirit. He is Compassion Personified. He tells you when to offer alms to that man who comes asking for Help on your way home. He tells you Don't give, It's a trap. Oh yes! Don't be deceived! God restrains too.
2 .He attended to His wounds and gave Him wine:
Learn a life saving skill. It would come in handy some day. Don't just acquire degrees and certificates, Learn a skill. It's not a sign of Joblessness. Learn to sew! Learn to Bake! Learn to drive. You can save a life..

  1. He took him to an Inn, Ministered to Him and paid for His stay and departed.
    Yes God has moved you to compassion to help. You have helped and ministered as the spirit leads but yet Still you must be cautious and timely. You can't use helping out as an Excuse for not getting your job done. Even after rendering help, avoid unnecessary detours. Head back to what lies ahead.
    Secondly, Be Smart enough not to give out unnecessary information. Maybe you gave someone a ride home. Yes you felt led to help out but in the helping don't share more than you should. The Samaritan dropped the wounded man in an Inn. Every stranger you help shouldn't know your house. Every stranger shouldn't have your Cell phone ID. Discretion is necessary.
    The Priest Had an Excuse
    The Levite Had an Excuse
    The Samaritan too. All had responsibilities but one had compassion. One listened to the divinity inside and saw that dying man as another opportunity to minister. We would never have heard about the Samaritan if not for His good deed. When God moves you towards compassion, Act! That singular Act of obedience can earn you a seat at the Table.
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