New Mexico Rocks

in rocks •  6 years ago 


I just got back from a short camping trip in Northern New Mexico. My friend and I had decided it would be fun to start looking for gemstones and precious metals in the mountains and took a few rock busting tools with us.

On the second day, we hiked the nearby trail and tried to make observations for interesting looking rocks. We are not very familiar with geology and mining terms but have heard of a few thins to keep an eye out for.


We found a small grouping of rocks along the trail and decided to bust a few open. Inside with a black material laced with quartz. It is magnetic but we are not sure what it is made of.

The large rock pictured has small pockets of what look like rust. It was not magnetic.

If you know much about rocks let me know what you think they might be. Thanks for checking out my small rock pile.

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This page might be useful to ID black rocks:

good info share. keep it up. thanks