The left honestly believe that men are racist and just hate the thought of putting a woman in power.

in rogan •  4 months ago 


I've seen a number of media discussions trying to figure out how the left missed so badly, and it's comical how clueless they are.

They honestly believe that men are racist and just hate the thought of putting a woman in power.

Theo Von said something really profound on Rogan this week that I think ties into this so well:

"This isn't Democrats and Republicans anymore. There's something transmorphing right now."

The left is about assimilation and homogenized thinking. They've abandoned acceptance and challenging authority long ago. I've mentioned how they are the Borg from Star Trek, that absorbs civilizations and forces everyone to join the hive mind. "Resistance is futile."

They are angry that Rogan gets so much reach, but they don't realize that it's because he is willing to question EVERYTHING, and has fun doing it.

When he got Peter Hotez on, the MD shilling the Covid vaxes for the CDC, he painted that guy into a corner without even trying by asking a few simple questions. And Rogan used kid gloves in that discussion, too.

He recently had the Senator from Pennsylvania on, John Fetterman, and again, had him surrounded with some basic questions around illegal immigration.

Neither of those guys are allowed to think, and must stick to the party line or risk being cancelled. They cannot question anything critically that might contradict the hive.

Now that Gen X is peaking, I think the Substack of El Gato Malo sums it up best:

"gen X swayed this election. we voted hard red and in numbers previously unseen. we’re the generation that always hated fakes and phonies, posers and poses."

I've always said that we want authenticity, transparency, and to question everything.

If anyone does that, we're interested and onboard.

Screw the narrative.

And if you try to control us for wanting these things from our leaders, as the anthem of the 90's so eloquently said, "F*#% you, I won't do what you tell me!"

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