Stand Together Outisde the State

in rojava •  6 years ago 

An interview with the people of Rojava.
If you don't know who those people are, they are the Syrians about to be wiped off the map by the Turks.
Remember Kurdistan?
This is them.
From the story:

The Rojavan Revolution has inspired us over the years; from the fierce resistance to ISIS and Turkish fascism, to its rejection of patriarchy and statism.
But with the US saying that it will soon be pulling out of the region, many are left wondering what the future holds for the autonomous territories.
Wanting to know more, we spoke with someone from Internationalist Commune, the authors of the Resistance is Life column here on IGD, to learn more.

IGD: What are your thoughts on the US withdrawing from Syria?
IC: When the news of Trump’s decision broke, many of us internationalists in Rojava were frantically checking the news, scrambling to prepare new work, calling one another up and discussing what this would mean for the millions of civilians here, for the future of the revolution – for our lives.
I noticed that our Kurdish comrades reacted differently. They felt angry and betrayed, of course. But to them it was also something expected.
The Kurdish freedom movement has 40 years’ experience of armed struggle against a ruthlessly self-serving capitalist state under the NATO banner, and the Kurdish people have known nothing but betrayal for centuries.

Be sure to read the whole story.

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the Kurdish people have known nothing but betrayal for centuries.

It certainly seems so...

Anywhere that doesnt bow to the invading bullies gets bad press in the media controlled by the invaders.
Until the broader audience fully groks that, they are unlikely to not continue worshipping their masters.

The truth will set them free, if they ever pull up long enough to find it, then they will get mad.
That appears to be happening even in the land of round doorknobs and flashylight box induced comas.