When investing in stocks or bonds yourself, based on where you make buying and selling decisions. Do you analyze financial statements, meet with management, or know how to value stocks? When you buy, are there profit and downside risk targets set in advance? That is what investors should do when investing in stocks themselves, but in reality not many people can do it. Many people buy based on recommendations and information (even rumours) in the "this stock is coming to good news" style, without knowing the stock's actual value.
If you're an industry insider with stocks you're interested in and have the time, you can invest on your own. The mentality of many people is that they like to handle their own money and think that being in control will be more secure. But if you buy stocks based on advice and feeling, it's a game of chance, not an investment, if you're lucky you win, if you're unlucky you lose. Meanwhile, the outstanding advantage of a fund management company is that the fund manager has good knowledge, data and experience. When they buy a stock, they know what will drive the company's growth, how the leadership team will lead; Does the company have a methodical development strategy as well as a commitment to creating value for shareholders? Based on assumptions, industry trends, and competitors, a fund manager can price stocks to estimate potential returns. And even when the assumptions are wrong because of market or company events, they also set a risk tolerance.
Traditional hedge funds are mostly only popular with institutional investors, but fail to attract retail investors due to the lack of transparency and complexity in investing. At the same time, traditional hedge funds are not attractive to fancy investors looking for investment opportunities in new asset classes. If you are faced with many choices and do not know which fund to invest in with safety and credibility, Rolaz is a hedge fund integrated with cryptocurrencies and operates in a decentralized way for you choose.
What's different about Rolaz?
rGLD: Why should you invest?
The first product of Rolaz group's investment firm -- Tokenizing the already operational gold mining operations.
Substantial Returns
The company's gold mining operations have proven an average rate of return of 50% with no additional risks involved
Decentralized and Transparent
By utilizing the decentralized nature of blockchain, Rolaz intends to bring transparency and integrity to everyone.
Fully Audited.
Rolaz has partnered with some of the world's most trusted assessment and certification bodies including Bureau Veritas and SGS.
Rolaz Protocol
A Foundation for all Future Transactions
The network will support a number of tokenized instruments mostly related to natural, financial and investment sectors.
The rGLD token will have a fixed supply of 50 million tokens of which 70% will be available for public sale. The token will have a base price of $1.5 (approx.) for the public sale, with an estimated market capitalization of $52.5 million. In the case that tokens are unsold during public sale, they'll be burned immediately as a price stability measure for current holders.
The public sale is expected to begin in the third quarter of 2021 and run through the first quarter of 2022. Once that happens, token holders will be permitted to invest in a variety of investment scenarios. Since the investment scenario has a hard cap so there will be limited rGLD circulation. Once the expected capital is raised, token issuance will be stopped immediately.
The Partners
For new investors who do not have full professional knowledge or real investment experience, the selection of investment funds will help investors make the best choices. minimize risks and bring the best benefits to choose investors.
The Rolaz Foundation is managed by a team of experts and is built on a modern and extremely innovative decentralized platform. Or in other words, a fund management company is the unit that manages investment funds, or investment funds are the products and services that the fund management company provides to its customers. The people who directly manage the fund are investment experts with a lot of professional knowledge, skills and investment experience in many different projects, so they have the ability to analyze and Research the market, build a diversified and potential investment portfolio. This at the same time limits the common risks of non-specialists and inexperienced individuals in the investment process, so this is the best choice for amateur investors.
For More Information :
• Website : https://rolaz.io/
• Twitter : https://twitter.com/RolazHedgeFund
• Telegram : https://t.me/rgldcommunity
• Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Rolaz-Hedge-Fund-108899818093256
• Medium : https://medium.com/@teamrolaz
Article written by
Bitcointalk username: huanbouty
Bitcointalk profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1948566