If Romance was regulated, maybe it wouldn’t be mishandled.

in romance •  5 years ago 

Romance should "never" be used in a deceitful, and unscrupulous way.

Who has ever heard someone getting on a soapbox, broadcasting about the woes of Romance, and how Romance is improperly handled, in deceit? But it is, you know it is. If you haven't been on the receiving end of the deceit of Romance, you know of a co-worker, a friend, or a family member that has.

So what do we do about the mishandling of Romance, and the hurt and pain that is the result of Romance being mishandled?

Become an activist. When something is mishandled, they get involved in doing what they can, to make sure it never happens again. Like when weapons are mishandled, because of people getting involved, registration and background checks are put in place.

While thinking about this today, I also thought about one other activist, one that would not normally be considered as an activist; Harold C. MacDonald.

Ok. So you ask, "Who is Harold C. MacDonald?"

Harold C. MacDonald is the one responsible for the design of the Ford Pinto, and the placement of its gas tank. Being responsible for the placement of the Pinto's gas tank, means that he was also responsible for its explosion(s).

But why would I call Harold C. MacDonald an activist?

Because in 1932, his father, a travelling salesman, fell asleep at the wheel of his Model A, and died in a fiery car crash. The gas tank was located in the front of the vehicle, and his father burned to death when the tank exploded.

Getting a job as an engineer, meant that he could make a difference, so that the way his father died, would never happen again. But guess what, it did happen again. In so much, that Harold C. MacDonald was a witness in one case where three girls died in one of the explosions :


Couldn't Obamacare be considered, created by activism too?

I remember when President Obama signed the bill into law, this was for his mother, whom died of cancer. So no one would have to go without insurance.

Obamacare was created by activists, in defense of those that have been harmed by not having insurance.

Guns laws have been created by activists, in defense of those that have been harmed by the mishandling of guns.

The Ford Pinto was designed by an activist, so no one would have to die the same as his father had died.

I say, no one should ever have to suffer again, from being at the receiving end of Romance being deceived.

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