The Trouble with #MeToosteemCreated with Sketch.

in romance •  7 years ago  (edited)

Well, everyone has heard of the #MeToo movement by now, unless you've been living under a rock. Just kidding. But seriously nearly everyone has heard the horrible stories about Hollywood actors, musicians, directors, media talking heads, and other various high profile people (who are almost always men).

Now, according to the accusers, who are mostly female, these men are guilty of everything from sexual harassment to outright rape. Now, as a woman myself, who has been sexually harassed, I completely empathize with the devastation, anger, depression, and even, ironically, guilt, that this can bring.

I am not trying to minimize anyone's feelings about what happened to them. Many of these accusations are isolated incidents, while others seem to show a pattern of abuse by certain individuals. Many of the accusations are decades old and unverifiable.

Now, I am not saying anyone is lying about what happened to them, but memories are a thing that tends to start getting more and more fuzzy as time passes. What may have actually been and unwanted and sloppy kissing incident between two people who were substance impaired 25 or 30 years ago, can morph into forcible touching, even rape in the modern day "j'accuse" environment that seems to exist to take down and vilify men, especially successful ones.

Now again, I am not saying I condone sexual harassment or rape, but Hollywood has been well known as a cesspool devoid of morality for as long as I have lived. The casting couch has been joked about and alluded to in countless movies, television, and plays.

My point is that EVERYONE knew! They have always known. Both the accusers, the accused, and the ones that pretend they had no knowledge. They all knew. How disingenuous are they to now to try to feign outrage with the intent of using this as a political football? How many of these accusers willingly laid down on the casting couch knowing they were doing it to boost their career?

Many of the accusers are now wealthy and famous. They sure didn't seem to have an issue when it happened to them, but now that they have basically sold their soul to the devil so-to-speak, they are outraged and willing to let us all know it! Let's face it, acting is a career choice, where success is based largely on youth, beauty and sex appeal. You have only to looks at everything from movies to sitcoms to commercials to see that this is an incontrovertible fact.

The other thing that gets me is that humans are animals in clothing. Like every other species, our very survival depends on the attraction between makes and females to procreate. What used to be considered dating and courtship has also seemed to come under attack. Even in ages past that were filled with chaperones and modesty, a stolen kiss was rebuffed by a giggle and a slap of the lady's fan - not a life destroying crusade to paint them as a monster.

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The main problem with #metoo is its complete disregard for the presumption of innocence. As far as I know, not a single person has been formally accused of anything in any country regarding this movement.

Yes, I just finished re-reading A Tale of Two Cities, which was based on the French Revolution, and the #metoo movement reminds me a lot of that. Everyone has been whipped up into a heightened state of anger, and anyone is assumed guilty if someone points their finger at them. It is contrary to everything the US is founded on. Then again, looking at the people doing this, who are almost exclusively leftists, it seems that they never really liked the US Constitution, and the other principles that serve as cornerstone of our nation, much anyway.

Mind you, people on "the right" are no better. In fact, they kind of give the #metoo crowd a point with their blind defense of Roy Moore

Any blind Pavlovian reactions are bad. I'm definitely not going to dispute that there are some on the right. There just seem to be more of the left and they are louder and crazier in most cases. I don't think a majority of people on the right supported Roy Moore and the proof is that he lost the election in an area that has been elected only republicans for years.

On the other hand, do I believe all these women that accused him? Hell no. I think it was a political hit job. Some of those women had very questionable credibility based on their pasts and their close affiliation with democrat politicians. You also have to remember that 40 years ago, women married younger. In some states 16 year olds can still marry. We shouldn't judge Moore's dating younger women 40 years ago while at the same time asking liberal Jerry Seinfeld for his autograph when he was dating a 17 year old in his 30's.

Yes, the #metoo movement is more about media hype then reality.

The mouth piece women talk about sexual harassment in the work place.

While your average male corporate worker now carries a audio recording device to record ever conversation with any female employee. These men avoid female interactions accept when required by work, and never allow themselves to be in a closed room with only a woman.

So, like you said, on one hand we have a few men in power positions who took advantage of that position.

But, the media is trying to paint it as all men. All men are bad and evil. Men are already rightfully terrified in the work place.

And the worst is, as you say, work used to be one of the places you met people to date/start a family. Now, that avenue is verboten.

I agree with you. There's no doubt that sometimes people in positions of power abuse it. I don't think that it is limited to just men either. Then there is the other side of the coin, the person that wants a promotion badly and will do "anything" to get it. Both of these people are wrong. The thing that irritates me the most of the Hollywood women is many of them made the choice to do what they did and got something out of it. It's unfair to come back decades later and scream that they were wronged. They could have said no and tried to make it without special favors from the powerful men they went along with. They could have gotten a different career.

Also, what you said that basically a man is afraid to be alone in a room with a woman these days for fear of looking at her the wrong way. It's ridiculous.

Thank you for your post and interesting points related to the hypocrisy on this subject. I recently put up a post on the hypocrisy of Alyssa Milano who has been leading the #MeToo movement. Rather than explain it, I'll just cut and paste the first paragraph so I don't have to repeat the whole thing, but it is quite informative and really shows the hypocrisy behind her actions. Thus, I think that 'movement' is really off-course and has used and deceived women itself.

Alyssa Milano Promoted US Propaganda For The War in Syria With Fake Sex Tape

In 2013, Alyssa Milano promoted US propaganda for the war in Syria via a fake sex tape released via the website Funny or Die. Today, in 2018, it is a verifiable fact the US supported the FSA which has well been proven to be comprised of terrorist groups that killed women, kids/families. These terror groups intertwined with the FSA include Nour al-Zinki, al-Nusra Front, Ahrar al-Sham, Jabat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda in Syria, the White Helmets posing as rescuers, evidence of such is provided at the link. Thus, it is highly hypocritical for Alyssa Milano to use sex as a propaganda tool to support US foreign policy objectives that aligns with groups that conducted atrocities, including torture, rape, slavery and murder on women and families. Note that Alyssa Milano professes to be the lead voice of the #MeToo movement, thus her actions related to this fake sex tape/Syrian war promotional video are incredibly dangerous and hypocritical, and highlight the manipulative power of subversive propaganda masquerading as cheap comedy and creativity in the 21st century.

I would also like to point out that some truly impressive women have been leading the charge to get the truth out about the war in Syria and they are the ones who deserve real credit for helping empower and lead women. They are Vanessa Beeley, Carla Ortiz, Lizzie Phelen, Sarah Ahbed and Eva Bartlett. Sarah has a page up here on Steemit and I highly recommend people follow her as she truly is a role model for women.

I never knew this about Alyssa Milano. I've watched her since she was a gawky kid on "Who's the Boss" TV sitcom. It's sad what being raised in Hollywood, and most likely dropping out of school, does to young people.

Nice meme. Poor Julian. Hope he is safe.

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