OPINION: Read at your own risk!!
Ok... I couldn't wait to watch and review the Reboot of Roseanne.
I just finished it and here are my thoughts...
It's a show that deserves to be in the B rated show category!
The scripting is all over the place. They jump from subject to subject that has nothing to do with each other within one conversation but they try to link them... The characters and the script is extremely awkward. It's only mildly humorous. Honestly, it's just dry humor with no warmth or real wittiness to it.
And it is completely and inaccurately political.
Halfway through the 25 min. show, with no commercials, I seriously considered turning it off. But I continued to watch it and by the end my disappointment grew to peak heights.
This show is nothing but liberal left propaganda with no rationalizations of their points of view. It is entirely about trying to normalize and minimize all aspects of the left views from Transgenderism, Abortion and the "gun culture".
This like many Hollywood shows and movies is being used as an indoctrination tool.
In short it's just another mildly humorous propaganda based tv show that has no entertainment value to me.
I'm extremely disappointed, I was looking forward to adding Roseanne to my list of shows to watch...