Rosetta Stone

in rosetta •  6 years ago 

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"In I799, what is known as the Rosetta Stone was discovered by some of Napoleon's men while making an excavation at Rosetta, in lower Egypt. The stone contained an inscription written in three different characters: first, Hieroglyphic: second, Demotic, or common character of the Egyptians: third, Greek. From the Greek it was discovered that the inscription was tri-lingual: that is, each of the writings was a translation of the others. In 1822 Champollion deciphered the word Cleopatra from an obelisk found at Philas. Afterwards, continuing his researches, he completed the translation of the Rosetta Stone, thereby opening up the whole field of Egyptian writings to the long-baffled scholars of the West."– The origin of Freemasonry and Knights templar by Bennett, John Richardson, (1907) pg. 195

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