You know one of the most idiotic and pointless exercises of media is to entertain the lunacy of the accused and give them undue attention, furthering their overall plan to turn everyone into zombie followers so they can wield their zombie controlling wands and sit on their zombie empowered thrones pretending like most people below actually have half a goddamn brain to give a fucking damn.
I get it, the media has it's uses, we get informed on current events, some of which we may otherwise not know about. The media also drives narrative, particularly as above, calling out abuse in the upper echelons of society. But damn, when it talks about how cry baby Meghan is regretting taking on a royal family role and leaving behind her successful acting career, you really have to wonder who the hell is writing for these sites. It's a simple matter. You can't have the cake and eat it.
I mean come on, what is this really about? It's about privilege and very obviously decadence. We haven't had a need for the Royal Family for a long time, and giving them such significant resources for what they give back to society (basically zilch) begs the question, should they continue receiving public funds at all?
We don't need any more air time on Meghan, she is one goddamn person, and quite a fickle insignificant one at that. We literally are on the verge of a world epidemic crisis and the best the dailymail can summon up is how Meghan prefers being a upper class thot than a role model for society.
Prince Charles of course comes to save the day as always, with his publicly funded but "private" Duchy of Cornwall billion dollar fund. No worries Meghan and Harry, you've got $40 million + in net worth but should you run into financial troubles, Prince Charles' billion dollar fund will keep the macarons rolling in.
But why not keep the ball rolling and pretend you give a damn about climate change? Flying 16,000 miles on a private jet, burning 280k of public funds and campaigning for solutions to climate change is okay because Charles has assured everyone he bought indulgences...err, offsets, so it's ok.
With indulgence...err, offsets, the rich and powerful can continue to be morally advanced on climate change without changing their lifestyle one bit. The lifestyle sacrifices are for US mere plebes to endure.
The next time you hear Leonardo or Arnold campaign for environmental protection, just think of their Yachts, private jets, and gas guzzling super-car collections.
The media and now social media, has a twisted way of getting your attention, and will stop at nothing, not even lying through their teeth about their intentions to get your attention and swindle your guilty conscience of it's money.