in rrbl •  5 years ago 

Hi There.....Do you like to travel?

I love traveling but I hate airplanes.....Ok, I admit I am scared in an airplane.....But I have been on them a few times just because it is so much faster and on some occasions cheaper even 😁

Actually I would love to go on vacation by train for once.....Just sitting on the train and watching the landscape is something I would really enjoy.....And I wouldn't have to conquer my fear of flying 😊

So there is a good chance that we might go to the south of Spain by train at the end of this year.....Although there is something that might spoil the party.....My husband has to go to his doctor next Friday to get the result of his foot scans.....He might need to get new surgery on his foot and then we won't be able to go 😱

The positive about this is that we don't spend the money and can save it as an extra for our next trip.....You see every negative has a positive somehow.....All you need to do is find it 😋

I do have a few trips on my bucket list though.....I would love to go to Lisbon Portugal one day.....It has centuries of history and tradition and it is said to be one of the most captivating cities in Europe.....And the weather is great there too 😀

picture from skitterphoto on Pixabay

But it does have a big negative for me.....It is called the city of seven hills.....They say no matter which way you go it always feels as if you are walking up.....That is a big problem for me because of my knee prosthesis.....My knee never went back to the way it used to be 😧

Another city that is on my list is Paris.....I went there on a school trip when I was about 14 years old.....It seems like ages ago.....Must be because it was in the previous age 😂

But there are a lot of things I still remember from my trip.....Going to Montmartre, for instance, was something that really inspired me.....Especially the Painter's Square.....It's a place where a lot of artists come together to sell their paintings or maybe make a painting of you while you are there 😊

Picture from yongyong park on Pixabay

There is still one more city on my bucket list and that is London.....I also went there on a school trip the year after I went to Paris....I still remember a lot from that trip too.....Like going to the museum of Madame Tussaud where you can see the wax figures of a lot of famous people from history or films.....I also very much remember the museum of science and going to the theatre.....But the one thing I still want to experience is London shopping.....From the luxury shops to the retail or outlet shops and to the market for a few bargains.....Who doesn't love a good bargain 😋

Picture from snowyraphael on Pixabay

Tx for the inspiration @nomadicsoul & @thekittygirl

So tell me what's on your travel bucket list 😀

Hope you like my blog post.....Until next time.....Have a great day

Renata (Seadbeady)

Want to be on my blog next time ?? Want me to review your product?? Just send me an email 😊


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i have some places on my ucket list aswell, i have a train trip planned, but with the corona virus, its hard to say if we will go in the may holiday.

Great blog, the bucketlist assignment is a great idea and we can blog with it alot. I hope you inspire all the other ralliers and thanx for joyning .

I sure hope so too - hope you get to go on your trip :)

Congratulations, my friend. Go ahead, follow the finish line.

Cool places! All of Europe is on my bucket list 😁😁😁

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Europe does have some amazing places - There are a lot more nice places I could have put on my list but then again you have to make a choice - let me know when you get to Belgium maybe we could meet on a terras in the sun with a cool drink and maybe a few snacks when we are at it :)

Nice post... Well, if it's of any comfort for you, right now it's not the time to be traveling, with all this virus spreading around. Better stay home and think about it later on the year.

I feel the same. I don't really like airplanes but it's a necessary evil, if we want to travel somewhere and not waste half of the holidays on the journey. 🙄

Nice article and photos, thanks for sharing!

tx so much - Yes flying gets us there faster and that makes people get over their fear - But indeed with the virus spreading the way it is at the moment I don't think I will be travelling any time soon - I suppose I should be happy to be able to stay home now although I think you don't have to travel to get it - it can be anywhere from stepping up a bus or going to the store :)

Hello, excellent post ...

tx so very much :)

How about trying out visiting Africa?

But there are a lot of things I still remember from my trip.....Going to Montmartre, for instance, was something that really inspired me.....Especially the Painter's Square.....It's a place where a lot of artists come together to sell their paintings or maybe make a painting of you while you are there 😊

I love this place. I wish I would be able to visit here some day in the future or create mine over here.

I also paint - we could get a spot next to another and talk about steem :)

Haha🤗 That will be great. I'm blushing already 😘

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Hi @seadbeady. I have several places on my bucket list to visit in Egypt. There are numerous places right here in the U.S. I've never traveled to. Maybe one day. I like strange monoliths and other ancient constructions. I love the TV show "Ancient Aliens." Could they have been brought here by Aliens? That is the timeless question.

Anyway, I like your bucket list of places to go. The information you added pertaining to the particular places is great for anyone who may be thinking about visiting also. I love museums too, and the Museum of Madam Tussaud sounds interesting with wax figures. Large markets and shopping venues are always favorites. But travel right now and in the foreseeable future is not possible.

Thanks for giving us a glimpse into the places you'd like to visit. Take care and have a great day.

Oh yes, Egypt sounds like a great place too :)

hello friend excellent selection, Lisbon, Paris, and London.
I wish your dreams come true and soon you will reach your special places.
A brotherly hug and a restem.

Tx so very much for the resteem - I sure hope so :)

Hope you go to all these places!


That would be nice tx :)

Great inspiration! Thanks for sharing.

Tx so very much :)

Nice places, friend @seadbeady

I like to go them with you jeje

Happy nigth

Tx they are pretty nice places indeed :)

Well explained . I have never travel by airplane. It's my dream to travel by a airplane atleast once.

Posted using Partiko Android

If you are not afraid I suppose it can be very exciting - especially the first time - The take of is something quite special - You get to exhilarating hights even before you know it - when you look through the window that is amazing I must admit - You can see all the houses get smaller and smaller - for me, it's a hate-love relationship actually - sure hope you get to do it someday :)

I do love to travel all over the world and by any means of transportation. I have many cities in mind and I believe that one day I will be able to make those dreams come true. I would like to visit Scotland, Australia, Spain.

Such a beautiful entry. Thanks for sharing.

tx so very much :)