How To Not Let A Shithead Ruin Your Run - Life Lessons

in running •  7 years ago 

Let's start out with a clarification. I'm using the word "Dude" in this post to describe "that person". This is a unisex term - my 17 year old son has called me "DudeMom" for years and I love it, so embrace the dude in you - male or female. In this case, don't be "that dude".

You know the dude. That dude who is always talking down to everyone. Sure, that dude is an elite athlete, but perhaps let the stats talk for you. Seriously. Shut your mouth.

You: "Great job on your race today!!! Your time was awesome!" That dude: "Yeah, well I knew I'd win overall, so I just jogged the entire race".

Or, when that dude passes you and says, "Geez, it's like you're not even moving and I'm barely jogging!" Oh, you're just jogging it??????!!!!!!!

How about doing a warm up with that dude?? That dude: "This pace is so slow it's painful." You: "Well, for me it's painful because I'm coming back off an injury and it's hard to keep up." Shithead.

That dude. The one in your regular life that's in the bar. The one that makes you instantly throw up in your mouth. The one that you think, "Wow. Does that ever work??" or "Holy crap, what a douche." That dude exists in the running world too.
"Hey, girl..... how 'bout going out for some adult beverages later....." Uh, how 'bout No. How about meeting in a public location or with a group for a run. How about asking questions, getting to know the person??? How about don't be that dude.

The race starts. You're in the right spot - you know your pace. Maybe not all the way in the front, but not back with the strollers and walkers either. You don't want to have to pass a ton of people but you don't want to make people pass you either. Then that dude is there. That dude can't just be polite when passing.....
"Coming through, look out, out of the way. Going by, passing you....."
That dude wants a lot of attention. Dude, go up front where you belong and when you need to pass someone, be gracious.

Non-runners are equally shitheads - maybe more so. Non-runners just don't get it. Seriously, you don't know who Bart Yasso is, why I'm psyched he and I have been talking and thrilled that he sent me a personally signed copy of his book????? What do you mean how far is THIS marathon???? They think you're crazy for running at lunch and make comments about how you can eat donuts and stay skinny because of all the running you do. That dude comes in many forms and this is one of them. Just remember, ignorance is bliss, that dude doesn't understand and at least you can blow off steam on a run. Running - and NOT eating the donuts keeps me fit. Shithead.

That dude. The tech geek. Sure, I have the Polar V800 and yes, it's as amazing as I imagined. Of course I like to PR, learn new things and track my information. But I don't always want to TALK about it. Sometimes, I actually just want to run. Don't be that dude. He's annoying as hell. Keep the stats to yourself, dude.

Finally, that dude that can not shut up during a run. Sure, we can catch up. Of course I'm happy to see you but please take a breath. Mix it up with some music or just a silent break to enjoy the scenery. That dude ruins the solace of the run, the decompression, the time AWAY from everything. Don't be that dude.

Finally, that dude in the car. That dude takes many forms but basically is so engaged in their vehicle world that they don't see you. Splashing you with a puddle, not seeing you so you have to jump out of his way. Going way too fast. That dude can completely be a shithead and ruin your run.

Don't let them. Don't let any of them. Get out there, shitheads and all, and run. Just don't BE that dude.

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