I've finally been there!

in running •  7 years ago  (edited)


Followers of mine maybe know my cover photo, it shows a street like eight kilometers away (not sure about this value but it should be something around that). Last time i've been there was like fifteen years ago, or even longer and since i started with my first runs i always had in mind that i wanted to run to this place one day but somehow never actually did that (okey the recent increase of my ability to run longer distances happened a shorter while ago).
But yesterday i finally made it to this place, yay!


And oh boy, what an amazing view it was, i tried this panorama thing but it actually broke my smartphones camera app for the rest of the run - will do this later!


As i almost always run in the late evening, i am hoping the best as i recently ordered a software-broken (i hope it's only the software) Oneplus Two which will be a little bit better in lowlight than my Oneplus One. I have pretty low budget so let's just hope the best for this buy. :)

I later ran through a befautiful forest in a valley with a nice and bigger stream, even the stream was magicly silent and ... wow it was all so lovely, at the end i had to climb mountains again and have seen a confused/curious deer which was watching me, actually like 200 meters away, wew this was a nice experience!

With the fading sun, i was felt less exhausted and the air felt rather invigorating as it wasn't that horrible warm anymore, i still didn't manage it to get some hydration pack, i burned all my money on the Oneplus Two for now anyways, haha - but hey, i found the sun very very stunning! Like in each fifteen minute cycle, i wanted to have my actual camera with me, as it just looked so pretty amazing, here are some impressions my smartphone was able to caputure (and i as always tried to recover in Darktable):



I further had luck, the farmers where spraying their poison out this day again but the air was just fine, very nice, it was different on the run before where it was partly hard to breath.

When i shot the first photo, i got grazed knees, the roof of this box had some tar...thing...on it but i actually realized it when i was back home, i shot that photo at six or eight kilometers haha.
@israuor always calls running "playing outside" but i got prove of this playing, ha!
Oh and also this was on a second street i wanted to see since years, and it was beeeaaauuutiful there, with lots of trees and a huge hillside!

At the end, the last big mountain to climb, i did a short break, i was hungry and my legs hurt, i shaked them a little and ... wow i crossed this one unexpectedly quick! Somehow my energy returned and i ran the two last kilometers without issues.


Bildschirmfoto vom 2018-04-22 15-39-00.png

Bildschirmfoto vom 2018-04-22 15-39-11.png
See this bigger gap at around one hour? I met the father of a good friend there after a long long while!

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"Bye Sun Run"

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