Since I decided to get back into shape in my early 40's after a very irresponsible 30's I mostly focused on weights, bodybuilding, and strength training. This, in my mind if more fun than cardio because you can see the results of muscle gain in the mirror and who doesn't like defined muscles. In the past year or so though, I have become a bit more concerned about my cardiovascular health and this was something I noticed when I went on a rare hike 2 years ago with some friends and despite the fact that I am in the gym several times a week and they are not, I was the one getting the most winded.
of course this has a lot to do with the fact that I am older than most of the other people that went as well as the fact that I am 20-30 lbs heavier, but I was still kind of disappointed in myself for being the one who is in the gym the most out of the group, but was having the most difficulty keeping up. It was at that point that I decided to get more cardio in my life.
It has had its ups and downs and my dedication to it kind of wanes at points because I would much rather be in the gym lifting weights than out on a run. A year ago I was a 6 to 6 and a half minute per km runner but then winter hit and I decided to focus on weights again since I hate running on a treadmill. Even though it is still bitterly cold now, I still "hit the bricks" several times a week and while I am happy I get out there, I have been quite disappointed to discover that I am a full minute per km slower than I was a year ago.

I get kind of pissed off at myself when I am out jogging because I almost immediately want to quit. I think that this is because I start out too fast and the next time I am going to start with a walk until I arrive at the lakefront area where everyone runs. It just seems easier to maintain pace when there are loads of other people also running around you. There is a certain unspoken shame in stopping too frequently but I am doing the best that I can.

While it isn't that significant, you can see there is nearly a 1 minute 20 second drop from km 1 to km 2 which to me suggests that I am starting out too gung-ho and need to step it back a bit. While this isn't fast at all, for my own body I might be burning myself out and that is why I end up doing the 2nd and 3rd km significantly slower than the 1st. For whatever reason I really start to haul ass towards the end but that could probably be because I am stubborn and when i see my objective in the distance I will continue to run towards it even though I really want to stop.
I am not going to give up even though I am seriously not happy with these times. Some days you just have it in you and some days you don't Either way, I still did more work than I would have done if I just sat on the sofa at home and thought about it instead of doing it.
I'm going to aim for a "no days off" on the jogging for the next week even if those jogs end up being walks. I need to retrain my legs to get used to the fact that hey! We are doing this whether you want to or not. Of course some freezing rain could screw all of that up but we will take it as it comes.