in russia •  2 years ago  (edited)

Some globalist dickhead has asked Hungarian president Viktor Mihály Orbán why is he so set against escalation of the war between Russia and Ukraine when and I quote, "Russia" has invaded his country in 1956?

There lies their Satanic deception propaganda. Did you catch it? I did, of course, however President Orbán didn't in that interview, at least he didn't correct the false information right there and then planted within a question.

Russia didn't invade Hungary in 1956, USSR did. Russia was occupied by Western controlled entity called Soviet Union, which was funded and established by the German and British / American Masons and funded by the Rothschild's central bank, after the end of the WWI when Russian Tsar helped the Western "allies" to win the war against Austro-Hungarian, German and Ottoman empires, with promised prize of Constantinople.

Thus instead of being true to their word, the so-called alLIES, who are in fact led by Satanic Babylonian Talmudic Khazarian mafia, have back stubbed Russia in the back by sending the captured German standing army to Russia, redressed and explained away as "Латышские Стрельцы" "Latvian Shooters" to the Russians, causing the military coup in both capitals, arresting Tsar with his family and killing Russian government officials, holding royal family captives for three years before executing them all. Afterwards over 100 million of Russians, Ukrainians and other local ethnic groups been methodically exterminated. All that after Russia has already sacrificed for the so called alLIES in the WWI at the cost of 5.5 million dead and wounded. This was the reward for Russia after helping the collective West.

Obviously the Satanic central bankers never forgot Russia helping Lincoln in American Civil War by sending its fleet to New York and San Francisco effectively ending Britain blockade and selling off Alaska which made US even greater power, something the Jewish British slave owners who controlled and funded the South colonies resented, who after their loss in the the Revolutionary War of independence planned to brake the newly formed United States into several slave colonies. However Russia has intervened on the side of the North helping to create the United States as it is today.

"The Russian Empire originally supported U.S. independence from Britain. In 1776, after the outbreak of the War of American Independence, Catherine II refused King George III's request to send 20,000 soldiers to the American continent to defend the British Crown's possessions against revolutionaries. Russia continued to act against British interests in the next century as well.

Alexander II took the throne and began all-encompassing reforms in Russia after a bitter defeat in the Crimean War (1853-1856) against a coalition of Britain, France, and the Ottoman Empire. The United States of North America remained neutral and even supported Russia – for example, American ships supplied Petropavlovsk with food and water during the British and French blockade of Russia’s Far Eastern coast."*

Then while under Soviet occupation, Russia had to fight Germany again in WWII along side the "alLIES", a common enemy of the Western Satanic Babylonian Talmudic Khazarian central banking mafia, at a cost of another 26 million killed never mind wounded.

The West has idiotic notion of Russian history, mainly that Russians are simply a crazy bunch. They won WWI and were about to enter Constantinople when suddenly they had a change of heart, went back, killed their royal family and then went on the killing spree murdering each other in tune of over 100 million people, creating gulag archipelago for themselves, just for the fun of it. Thems crazy Russkis rascals. The Satanic West had nothing to do with it. Go to hell idiots and rot in it for eternity pathetic retards if you think so.

So, no, Russia had nothing to do with invasion of Hungary in 1956, it was Zionist Soviet Union with its fake Cold War money grab against US led NATO which they too control by its balls who did the invading, and still do all over the world, just since 9/11 2001 alone causing 4.5 million deaths in over 30 countries, with total wars reaching 500 since founding of US.

Nowadays the Khazarian Satanic mafia is cornered by Russia and Chona, their past victims, and payback is nigh. They can run but they can't hide and sooner or later they will be caught and brought to justice. In life or in death. The world is rising up against the failed Satanic attempts of their NWO, and flee en mass to join BRICS, SCO, and alike. The end is near for those sorry losers, the name stealers, thieves and rapists, murderers and ultimately apostates. Dis will be your eternal abode in Hell. 3:)


Who runs this world? History of evil fake Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical apostate Jews and the many attempts by the world to get rid off them.

Video by Jews FN on Bitchute


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