in sacred •  21 days ago 

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"The Sacred Secretion

It has been hidden from mankind forever, and it has taken a long time to keep it hidden from us.

This is the story of a journey that something inside your body takes every month. And when this happens to you, your awareness, and understanding is multiplied by a thousand. This story has been hidden from you by myth, allegory, metaphor, and deception. This is an esoteric truth and comes from very ancient wisdom.

There is something in your brain called the claustrum and modern science is still not sure what the claustrum does. Sir Francis Crick once published an influential review proposing the claustrum as the seat of consciousness, since he had discovered the truth of its existence.

When a human child reaches about 12 years of age, this claustrum produces an oil, a very sacred oil. In ancient Greece, this oil was known as the Chrism, the Christos, or Ichthus, because it was said to be oily and had a fishy smell. When the cloister secretes the oil, it makes a journey through your central nervous system, down your spine, and finally to the lower portion of the spine, the sacrum. Most humans are born with 33 vertebrae, and as they age, the vertebrae begin to fuse together in the lower portion and form the sacrum and coccyx. Could the story of the fall of man come from the descent of oil?

As you settle in this sacred place, the sacral plexus, the five fused vertebrae of your spine, your journey back, the ascent if you will, then begins. The oil must go back up the 33 vertebrae, and as it makes the journey, and before it reaches the 33rd and crosses the vagus nerve. This amazing nerve, called the 10th cranial nerve, since there are 12, touches every vital organ in the body. Damage to this nerve is responsible for a number of different diseases that the body faces. This nerve can only be healed through chanting. Perhaps a reason chanting is so prevalent in your ancient religions?

After going through the vagus nerve, it enters the hypothalamus. Here the holy oil is mixed with serotonin from the pituitary and with DMT from the pineal gland. And here in the hypothalamus, it sits for 2 1/2 days, just like the sun does on December 22 and comes up on December 25. just like in the story of Jesus in the tomb, inside your body, the Christ, the ickthos, the oil, the sacred secretion that comes from the cloister and makes the journey to the 33. Santa Claus (trum), who brings great gifts from the North Pole. Serotonin was known as milk and DMT was known as honey, and so the land of milk and honey, and combined were known as the manna from heaven.

The sacred oil is now transmuted into this new substance of the Christ within and then reaches the top, the crown and touches the optic thalamus, which is esoterically known as the third eye. This is where it is exploded into a thousand lights, and pure consciousness, enlightenment is achieved. The ancient Egyptians called this the light of the world, for they understood its power. You feel as if you are glowing and radiant. Everything in the body that was asleep is now fully awake. It is an incredible experience that is truly indescribable.

Some of our stories, celebrations and history are allegories about this journey, this wonderful and indescribable journey that happens inside you every month when your moon sign crosses the sun sign of your birth. Go back and reread your sacred books and stories and look for the allegory of this story.

The ancients were able to live for thousands of years by preserving and conserving this sacred oil and transmuting it so that it reached the optic thalamus. The oil has both physical and spiritual regenerative properties. This is the story of its fountain of youth and the true story of physical regeneration. What happens is that when the oil reaches the optic thalamus, it is that new blood is generated in the body. And to regenerate and produce new blood, the oil must be raised to the optic thalamus where healing can occur.

This sacred oil is extremely volatile and the ancients taught that if one could live a life of peace, harmony, and in balance with nature, they could save the oil for the entire month. But there are certain practices that are very harmful to this oil, for example, over eating, creating an acidic body, alcohol and sex practiced at the wrong time, these would destroy the oil, which is known as eating from the tree of life. The ancients knew that when the oil was depleted due to bad life choices, the fleshy body would die. Death results from the depletion of all the oil.

This is the sacred science of Kundalini and the third eye.

If you are willing to embrace the discipline necessary to preserve the oil created within each of us, the Chrism that is born in the cloister and makes the journey of the 33, then the universe will reward you with your spiritual gifts. These gifts are innate within all of us, but we have lost our ability to ascend to them."

The Sacred Secret Never Told, by Helen Noronha

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