What is Sacred Geometry? Is there a faster more effective way to communicate than through words? Were our ancient ancestors showing us how the energetic field is manifested through geometry all along? You decide!

in sacredgeometry •  last year  (edited)

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The exact same patterns discovered in modern science and technology are the exact ones known and taught in ancient, spiritual traditions.

Now how do we apply them in practical, technological ways?

Sadly, some have done so with very little understanding on how these practices and technologies affect living beings in their consciousness and energy fields.

There is an evident overlap of what has been taught in many hidden circles thousands of years ago in spiritual traditions and what has been empirically discovered [verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic] in modern research leads to what is known today as sacred geometry.

Is Sacred Geometry simply pattern information?
Yet that information can be very involved as all is interconnected?
Is all ONE?

Does all go back to the one?

Can information be gathered from multiple sources while still seeing the same patterns?

Is Sacred Geometry sacred because it is
a manifestation of actual powers coming from higher non physical realms.

Basically from higher [higher frequency, higher vibratory fields] non physical realms,
thus Meta physical or metaphysical realms.

At the core of physics, at their very smallest atoms and particles do not behave in ways we Think they should. So what gives?

Are these particles in a state of potential?

Have you not found they can be here, there anywhere?
They can disappear, then reappear?
So is no thing and nothing static, but rather in a state of flux and ever changing?

What IF. . .

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Did you know scientists have proven that based off of your OBSERVATION
determines how particles are formed and how they react?

So very actively, consciously observing a particle changes it!

Did you know
by observing and focusing on certain aspects of your reality through your perception,
you are controlling what is happening in real time!

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Is your consciousness a giant magnetic force to be reckoned with?
In other words it is either bringing things to you or attracting or
pushing things away from you or repelling.

Are not all of your senses and nervous system just interpreting vibration based on your perception of experiences?

What are feelings after all?
Do they not send signals through the synapsis of your brain cells to deliver information based upon a certain vibration?

What if you could decide which vibrations you respond/react to or not?

Are not sounds and sights vibrations you sense then you determine it's language or communication?

So in the metaphysical, let's start with
the physical.
Just above it is the vital energy level referred to in some cultures as
Qi [sometimes written as chi]

Next is the Astral level which for humans is many times thought of as the mental and emotional function.
In other traditions the Astral level is used as the emotional only. level of function.

Then there is the
the Mental
the Spiritual

And finally the Divine!
The Divine is where everything is ONE!

Some physicists would call everything a Unified Field.
Is that more of an externalized and not very human perspective?

Is not the Unified Field unity among beings and unity to the original creator source?
Who after all is the original creator?

Is not Sacred Geometry based upon,
in the Beginning?
From the Divine Plane?
How did it all come into being?

As I have stated in prior reports and video content for years. . .
all goes back to SOUND!
Check it out,
John 1:1 and what a Beautiful 11 it IS!
John 1:1
King James Version
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Then how were humans created?
Were they not created in the image of God?
Did not God breath into man the Breath of LIFE?
What is that Life?
Life force?
You decide!

Is Sacred Geometry from the divine plane?
Could it be the emanation of the thoughts in the mind of God?
Was this what was being shown by various ancient civilizations?

The unified God source that is behind every being created?

Is it possible those thoughts in the mind of God go down through the different levels?
Could they form higher planes, forms and beings?
Do they come down into what some would call karma on the causal plane level?

What could Sacred Geometry Patterns actually be?

Are Sacred Geometry patterns like a snapshot in time in which Dr. Ibrahim Kareem refers to this as the forming process?

This is where the energetic field becomes formed into the configuration that will allow the physical crystallization of a thing into a stable physical form.

Things do evolve over time.
You see, it's constantly, dynamically moving.
It's all based on the generation of shape information
that allows consciousness and energy to express itself
in a stable way on the physical plane.

Is this connected to the concept of what is called a packed thought form?
[A way information is held and transmitted at higher levels above the physical[

Higher non physical beings don't communicate in earthly language.
Earthly language is actually a very slow method and can even be inefficient and imperfect in imparting information
compared to the direct transmitting of information from consciousness field to
consciousness field.

Is the packed form like a summary of a gigantic amount of information,
that in a spiritual transmission can be transmitted in an instant?

We do know that packed thought form can be expressed through pure geometric form.

Is not geometric form a kind of summary or crystalization of the pattern into space?

Even if it's a pattern in time that can be crystallized into a pattern in space
as it gives one a sense of what that unfolding pattern is.
The above would be the foundation.

When people talk about Sacred Geometry, they often are referring to a core set of patterns originally from Egypt and the Egyptians taught them to the Greeks.
So when the Greeks said you will find these in the writings of Plato and these Sacred Geometry patterns conveyed from the Egyptians to the Greeks.
These were eventually taught in the Pythagorean School of Greece and these became what are known as the
Platonic Solids and the Archimedean Solids

This means these ancient Greek iniciates understood some of these spiritual patterns from the past.
This leads to patterns like the
cube = earth
octahedron = air
tetrahedron = fire
dodecahedron = fire water or prana sometimes also known as Qi
icosahedron = water

These Greek initiates understood some of the spiritual patterns from the past.
These platonic solids some of which I mentioned above are often what are seen today in terms ofSacred Geometry.

They can take on slightly different forms.
They can stellate [become a star] form
there can also be more complex forms where they take some of the shapes
like a square from a cube and combine it with a triangle from a tetrahedron
to make other types of forms.
A cube and an octahedron can combine to make a cube octahedron with the Archimedean solids.
This has become popularized in modern society even in the entertainment industry in what is known as kind of trippy art if they're trying to represent something spiritual or non physical.

Also popularized in EDM circles especially around psychotropics.
This kind of imagery has become very trendy.
Just like in the 1960's the paintings of Peter Max and these kind of images became an
impression of the consciousness of the age
with the very brightly colored cartoony images that were everywhere in the 60's.
I saw some of these in an industrial district on the streets of Portland when visiting recently.

Are we moving into a time now where the sacred geometry imagery is just as fundamental?

Does Sacred Geometry apply to everything?
Have we not discussed in my previous articles that there is an evident pattern that applies to everything in existence?
Check out some info in here and in replies.


Think about the patterns even in the non physical like relationships.
Are there not patterns to how these are formed
those that get messed up and those that appear to work at times?

Everything has a patter, so until the pattern is known,
there is no real freedom or choice is there?
If you don't know how a system works you don't really have any freedom of choice.

Do you not have to understand the entire pattern you are working with in order to even have choice?

So understanding these patterns in Sacred Geometry gives one
true freedom of choice and
a power to work with the system co creatively to apply for practical purposes.
Core sacred geometry forms
cubes, tetrahedrons, octahedrons, etc.

Many think of sacred geometry forms more in the 3 dimensional geometric forms.

People need to be aware that there is nothing other than the 5 perfect divisions of a sphere.
So what often happens in modern times is that people do not start at the beginning when trying to understand Sacred Geometry, but rather start somewhere in the middle with a completed form and say something like what the Greeks said. . .
that the cube is related to earth
the tetrahedron is related to fire
but then it is not clear to people WHY these are related to those elements.

They are embodied in the geometry itself as to why they are related to these elements.
See how it affects this group of people.

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The vastest disappearing delta in the world?
The amount of land that has been lost is about the size of the state of Delaware?
How much of what they call climate change is fomented?

Hear their story here,

You decide!






The Story of Creation Through Sacred Geometry
From a point of light 360 degrees of awareness
The Spirit that created the light MOVED just as is stated in Genesis of the Bible.
Genesis 1
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

Once the point in space was created [light] the spirit was able to move to that awareness and expand Consciousness.
Once it moved to it's edge of awareness on that circle of expansion, able to create another circle which has been known throughout the ages as the Vesica Pices.
The place in the middle where these circles connect is where light is created.
Coincidentally or not so much as #ThereAreNoCoincidences,
this is the very same shape of our eye through which our 3d body receives light and makes sense of it through sight!
Parallel? You decide!

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Following the Genesis pattern, spirit was able to move to each intersection of the circle or awareness and expanding.
Here we have #Trinity
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From the 4th motion or drawing of a circle at the intersection to expand awareness it is halfway through the creation process at 180 degrees to the first circle drawn to intersect the original circle of awareness to the point of light.

After 6 movements or six days of creation a geometric miracle takes place!

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There is a complete pattern known as the seed of life!
This is the recipe or pattern for the rest of all that comes into creation or existence.

A second set of circles form yet another shape which the ancients called the Egg of Life!

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Everything about a human being's biology is dependent on this Egg of Life structure whether it be eye color, height, skin, etc.

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A third rotation or set of circles produces what is known as the Flower of Life!

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This shape is found in ancient cultures from around the world from
China, to Ireland, Egypt, India. . .they all had some evidence in their structures and art work of the Flower of Life.

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Is there information hidden within this symbol known as the Flower of Life that is so sacred and important that our ancient ancestors from various civilizations from around the world had to keep it secret because it was necessary at that time?

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Has the time come for us to learn and use the information as it was prepared for a time such as this, or do we fall further into darkness?
When the flower of life is extended out and all the circles are completed the #FruitOfLife is revealed!

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The secret is that out of the flower comes the fruit!
The Fruit of Life is a completely feminine shape.
Curved lines are feminine and they represent formlessness and emotion.
Once masculine energy [lines] are added in, the formless begins to take shape.

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This is #MetatronsCube and it contains the #FabricOfReality because
out of this shape we get the #PlatonicSolids

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Platonic solids have faces that are all the same size
Edges that are all the same length
Angles that are all the same degrees

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If put into a sphere, all points will touch the edge of the sphere.

These shapes were studied by the Egyptians who passed them on to the Greeks.
Pythagorus [570 - 495 B.C.] and Plato [427 - 347 B.C.] studied them which is where Platonic solids came from as Plato stated,
"Geometry will draw the soul toward truth and create the spirit of philosophy!"

Each platonic solid corresponds to an element
cube = earth
octahedron = air
tetrahedron = fire
dodecahedron = fire water or prana sometimes also known as Qi
icosahedron = water

And every element of the periodic table has a geometric relationship
to one of the platonic solids.

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From the motion of atoms

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To molecules

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To viruses

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To snowflakes

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To the shape of sound

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To the orbits of the planets in our solar system

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Everything stems from this basic geometric information system and it all starts with spirit!

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What if we were to look at ancient stories and religious teachings in a metaphorical sense and
less in a literal materialistic sense?
After we, most are used to only operating in the 3d or physical realm and tend to forget their is a spirit side to them and not just a body.

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Could this help us to decipher the encoded wisdom and help us bridge the divide between
spirit and science.
Haven't I always told you, the Greatest scientist is the creator as He literally Created Science?

Laws of the Universe created by the source.
As above so below.

There is as much Greater than is as there is lesser than us.

Another way of looking at this is
there is as much outside of us
as there is Within. . .the universe Inside of you!

Is not everything above us and everything below us constructed from
geometric relationships?

When Sacred Geometry is studied
do beings begin to understand their place in the universe?

Does expanding the consciousness and exploring what God created
help humanity to find out Who they Are?

If it all is a mystery, but if we go within to spirit and the spark of life
God breathed into man the breath of life,
then is this how beings can Know themselves on the deepest level?

In other words,
isn't everything from the smallest particle to the biggest star connected?

Do you remember what Galileo wrote?

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“Philosophy [nature] is written in that great book which ever is before our eyes -- I mean the universe -- but we cannot understand it if we do not first learn the language and grasp the symbols in which it is written. The book is written in mathematical language, and the symbols are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without whose help it is impossible to comprehend a single word of it; without which one wanders in vain through a dark labyrinth.”

How does this connect to all?
Remember my articles and research on the #GoldenRatio?
[aka the #GoldenNumber, #GoldenProportion, or the #DivineProportion, #GoldenSection, #GoldenMean]
A ratio between two numbers that equals about 1.618.
aka Phi a Greek Letter represented like

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or even

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This is what shows the relationship of the micro to the macro.
Easily seen in this illustration

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A golden rectangle with long side a + b and short side a can be divided into two pieces: a similar golden rectangle (shaded red, right) with long side a and short side b and a square (shaded blue, left) with sides of length a.
Illustrating this relationship which is Phi

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Or the relationship of the whole rectangle to the small rectangle
small rectangle to whole rectangle is Phi or the Golden Ratio.

Some believe it was derived from the #FibonacciSequence

A sequence in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones.
Starting from 0 and 1, the sequence begins

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144

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The Fibonacci numbers were first described in Indian mathematics as early as 200 BC in work by Pingala on enumerating possible patterns of Sanskrit poetry formed from syllables of two lengths.

They are named after the Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, also known as Fibonacci, who introduced the sequence to Western European mathematics in his 1202 book Liber Abaci.

Applications of Fibonacci numbers include computer algorithms such as the Fibonacci search technique and the Fibonacci heap data structure, and graphs called Fibonacci cubes used for interconnecting parallel and distributed systems. They also appear in biological settings, such as branching in trees, the arrangement of leaves on a stem, the fruit sprouts of a pineapple, the flowering of an artichoke, and the arrangement of a pine cone's bracts, though they do not occur in all species.

As the numbers get larger, the quotient between each successive pair of Fibonacci numbers approximates 1.618, or its inverse 0.618.

See more on this including #LucasSequences in a reply here from one of my previous research articles,


Many things we see in this 3d realm have properties that adhere to this ratio.
It appears to have a fundamental function to the building blocks of nature.

Life has appeared to revolve around this proportion for years and years
in order to maintain balance and harmony.
1 Corinthians 14:33
33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace. . .

You can see through out the artifacts of our ancestors from various civilizations how they incorporated this Golden Ratio in their architecture, art, way of life and at times even clothing patterns.
It is evidenced in some of the drawings of many artists, mathematicians and philosophers.

Even in modern times technology follows the design of nature to enhance experience, design aesthetics in an attempt
to be more efficient.

Is the center of everything a transcendental gateway beyond space and time
into the Divine Plane?

Think about it, if all came from let there be Light. ..so a point. ..
the Center of Everything?
And did not God breath into man the breath of life?

A specific energy known as the BG3 in Egyptian Geometry?

We are all dynamic living energy systems, existing in the sea of energy vibrations that is our world. Our vital energy systems are in constant interaction with each other and with our environment, exchanging energy effects on all levels. These energy effects can be grouped or categorized in a qualitative scale according to their resonant and harmonic effects on biological energy systems. Based on a Physics of Quality, the revolutionary science of BioGeometry uses the subtle energy principles of geometric form to introduce natural balance to the different energy-qualities found in any living system. BioGeometry was founded by Egyptian Architect and Scientist Dr. Ibrahim Karim (D.Sc./Dipl.Arch.-ETH, Zurich) after more than 40 years of research. Dr. Karim's breakthrough research identified a unique energy effect found in the energetic centers of all living systems. The natural function of this energy effect is to provide balance, or centering, to the different energy-qualities or effects within any living system. This one centering energy effect is detected through three specific energy-qualities that it manifests, and has been termed BG3. This BG3 energy-quality is responsible for maintaining the energy structures of all living systems, including the balance of the different energy-qualities involved. BioGeometry uses proprietary shapes, which interact with the peripheral energy fields of the body, to amplify the presence of this highly beneficial BG3 energy-quality, as well as to harmonize energy interactions with the environment.

BioGeometry is the only science that has been effectively applied on a wide scale for the harmonization of the effect of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and geopathic stress (Earth energy grids) on biological systems. The environmental energy harmonization of the Swiss town of Hemberg in collaboration with mobile telecommunications provider SwissCom was the first successful application of its kind in the world. The residents of Hemberg suffering from the condition of electro-sensitivity reported to the independent monitoring institution and the media that their suffering was alleviated by the implementation of the BioGeometry solutions. A second project commissioned by the Kanton of Appenzell for the town of Hirschberg confirmed the successful application with regards to electro-sensitivity, and also focused on the positive effects on the ecology, and the project was documented by Swiss TV in a documentary that was aired on Swiss national TV channel SF1.

See more here,

A universal, harmonizing and balancing force?
A force beyond polarity?

The ideas coming from the ancient Egyptian temple science,
and restored to the world again through Egyptian biogeometry
is through an actual energy quality
of activating the balance point itself directly without adding any polarized energy.
To activate that balance point, that harmonizing force in the thing itself.
Bringing it into it's equilibrium.
This is connected to the energy from the divine plane.
Some might call it the original singularity.
A point that has everything come out of it in modern physics.
The singularity is a description of the exact same concept in ancient Egypt and
the movement from that immaterial center outward

This center of the circle is this archetypal form that allows us to access the divine plane in it's center.
If you go to ancient Egypt or look through the slides and volumes we have from art history at the artifacts we have from them. . .
if you look at the ancient Egyptian ruler you will see it has divisions on them
in addition to the metric divisions they used to measure things
they also had Sacred Geometry shapes on the ruler
that were related to the divine process of coming into manifestation from spirit on the ruler.

The ancient Egyptians consciousness was very integrated with the movement of spirit to matter that created everything in physical space.
The first division of the Egyptian ruler is the point in the center of the circle.
For the Egyptians this was the hieroglyph for Ra, nettr of the sun.

The point in the circle is also used in modern times like astronomy to represent the sun.
It's used to represent gold in alchemy.
Used to represent the Godhead for the Freemasons and the Rosicrucians.

Rosicrucian teachings are a combination of occultism and other religious beliefs and practices, including Hermeticism, Jewish mysticism, and Christian gnosticism. The central feature of Rosicrucianism is the belief that its members possess secret wisdom that was handed down to them from ancient times.
Rosicrucianism is symbolized by the Rosy Cross or Rose Cross.

Did these hieroglyphs represent packed thought forms handed down from those that went before them?
It is actually a point in the middle of a sphere.
From that emanating center of the divine plane, we radiate outward and
the archetypal form of creating a separate system is to create a boundary
and every point on the boundary is equidistant from the center
this creates a sphere.
A sphere is the perfect form for everything on the periphery is equidistant from the center.

What people try to take out is the spiritual side, which makes it almost Impossible to understand, and that is. . .
the center is the gateway to the divine plane [the original source point]
Then it emanates outward to create the boundary in physical space for the physical world.

We have all of these spherical forms in the human body with things in the blood
spherical forms in planets
spherical forms for all kinds of things
because it creates the perfect balance
between the unified field, divine energy of the center
and it's manifestation creating a sealed boundary for a specific energy system to
manifest in the physical space within with the spherical form.
Once this is understood, then it becomes clearer as to what the platonic solids meant
to the Egyptians and Greeks.

They are the Perfect Divisions of the sphere.
The perfect boundary.
There's only five of those perfect divisions and
only four were taught publicly by the Greeks.

This is because the 5th one, the one with 12 pentagonal faces,
was considered to be too powerful, too dangerous
to release to the public.
They had said that if it were ever to be misused
it would create tremendous destruction.

Did you know that the form of the first nuclear weapon ever created in the #ManhattanProject,
if you take away the outer cladding [which makes it a sphere]
you can see that inside they have it formed to be a dodecahedron.

This was the same form warned against by the Greeks
that if it were misused, it could create tremendous destruction.
So why did they choose to use this against mankind and the other creatures of the earth?

The element the dodecahedron connects to is the ether [pure cosmic life force] also known in ancient times as fire water.
The same element some of the clubs and people the powers that be attempted to shut down?
You decide!


So there is clear evidence that this isn't just abstract and only metaphysical whoo whoo type of concept.
It is very powerful in the physical realm.

It is the foundation of incredible breakthroughs in modern science and technology.

The BG3 known as the healing and harmonizing system at a level Above the physical.
Remember called various names throughout history and cultures
Greek tradition called it Etheric or Aetheric
Chinese - Chi
Japan = Qi
India - Prana

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That energy penetrates down into the physical and animates physical substance.
One might say, the physical body Without this energy is a corpse!

In animating physical substance, to do this
it slows down below the speed of light
and begins to disintegrate.

As it disintegrates, it gets to be retarded Hertzian waves as described by Tesla
and becomes the electromagnetic spectrum.

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So there is new technology created that is very powerful for manipulating physical structure,
but does not take into account what the effects of the vibrations are on actual beings that are living.

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This is because the actual Living Aspect of biological life has been stripped out of modern biology.

Have you noticed that by those who attempt to control the media and comms. . .you're not even allowed
to Describe it?
If you try to talk about Life Force in modern biology,
they will claim that "you are a victim of the vitalist fallacy!"
They will possibly attempt to throw shade by calling you a Conspiracy Theorist just as they did
at those who dared questioned their Narrative they labeled as acceptable and anyone who tried to
find answers to unanswered questions was labeled and targeted.
Then they won't have anything to do with you and will try to shame anyone else who does.

Is that a Huge Tell?
Sort of the same thing we see whether in
mainstream media
mainstream entertainment
mainstream platforms
even churches perhaps?
Don't believe me?
Just question the dogma, beliefs, point out holes to any of these institutions and see what happens.

Why do you suppose they try so desperately to control the narrative and get so
bent out of shape if even unknown people from small towns question their narrative?
If they are standing on truth then shouldn't there by Nothing and No One, who is a threat?

Is it not a Big Red Flag when you are not allowed to have your own thoughts, opinions and questions?
If what they are saying cannot withstand questioning,
then perhaps one should question their
motivation Behind what they are saying and
how flimsy their dogma and belief system must be that it takes
them CONTROLLING others in order to keep their way of belief in Power.

Why is the Knowledge of observations and particular techniques in
Ayurveda Chinese medicine
Mayan Healing
and many traditions all over the world been completely cast out?

Was it so a New system controlled by elites could rise? You decide!

Consider one of my previous research articles with verified sources and evidence here,

#VesicaPices, #SeedOfLife, #EggOfLife, #FlowerOfLife, #SacredGeometry, #Elements, #microcosm, #macrocosm, #InformationPackets, #PackedThoughtForms

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The ether sometimes in ancient records called the aether,
described by #NikolaTesla as #ScalarWaves











Don't miss #TheGoldenRation and #LawsOfTheUniverse, #UniversalLaw in the following

