Vaccine hesitancy?

in sadtimes •  2 years ago 

Did you guys hate me here?
Was I some sexual thing?
To you?
To me?
Was I some artist?
Would you hate me if I was transgendered???
Would you hate me if I was autistic
Would you hate me if my brain didn't work like yours?
Did you not want to be hated?
Did freedom matter to you?
So they fuck my brain and then herd me back to the closet that it???
But I want freedom
I dont want to be punched down upon
ex-knowledge my existence
I am real...
Was it a vaccine that caused this?
So I am cause and effect?
So I am real right??
LEFt you seem to have forgot me too
You are stuck in your authoritarianism ways
White knights dressed in brown shirts

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