## The Creation Of The Solar System, According To The Qur'an Is Much Different ##

in sains •  7 years ago 

Throughout the history of science of the 20th century, nearly all mankind believed the creation of the universe and the solar system is based on the Big Bang theory. but, a writer who gets kecamanan years 1980 's with palpable explains the process of the formation of the solar system based on studies/stripping Qur'anic verses without the Hadith. Shocking, Syamsu Nazwar explained reviews very clearly reject the modern sarjanawan theory of Einstein and other classmates who are considered berfaham Atheists, not convinced of the existence of God, and how God has created solar system in logic.

All expressed Nazwar Syamsu very clearly tell the Genesis origins of the formation of the solar system. According to him, during this world of science has been poisoned with ideas and endless theory and could not be explained or disconnected. This article is the work of Nazwar writings retell Syamsu entitled ' the Quran and space ' which will explain the actual facts about the solar system.

Syamsu Nazwar Peeling Creation The Solar System

Syamsu Nazwar, a figure the author ever horrendous Indonesia early years 1980 's through his book ' Unity and logic ' which at that time thought it too difficult and scientifically accepted by lay people. The books he wrote are not based on the Hadith, all thoughts of using the verses of the Glorious Qur'an. He is the man who boldly spread understanding of rationalism Qur'an amid a society that time it can still be said to be very taboo to discuss religious teachings for free let alone up on a scientific level.

Tempo magazine issue 24 March 1984 never tells the story of Nazwar profiles and Syamsu. After graduating the school village, Syamsu Nazwar HIS entry for 3 years and in 1945 he began studying science at falak Shaykh Muhammad Jamil Jambek in Bukit Tinggi. In the year 1956 Nazwar studied at the Faculty of law of University of Muhammadiyah for 4 months. Nazwar a fan of space science, which in kahirnya diusia 65 years, died November 20, 1983.

Many people who do not agree to the contents of books, ranging from Clerical Assembly Jakarta, Minister of religious affairs and the Assembly of scholars of Indonesia (MUI) to the Attorney General and the Coordinating Polkam issued the condemnation and prohibition of the dissemination of the Da'wah work hard top Nazwar Syamsu produced by Publisher Ghalia Indonesia. The Attorney General in a decree banning the circulation of tapes that mention that the tapes contain the teachings of sunnah dissenter who once banned, while MUI Jakarta referred to it as a perversion of the Hadith.

Syamsu Nazwar not entirely categorized as a people disbelieve in the sunnah, he just deny the Hadith is not sunnah. The Hadith means words, deeds or attitude of the Prophet which was then written and practical has the power tie. Whereas the sunnah is the traditions that are certainly more abstract. Then all the books just peeling the Holy Quran, Hadith found nothing inside.

The Journey Of The Prophets In The Solar System

It has been clearly mentioned, signs written in the Holy Quran tells us that Ibrahim as the man of the Earth, first learned of the arrangement of the solar system. Ibrahim know that there are eleven planets circulating around the Sun, the Moon around the Earth, and the Earth and the other planets inhabited creature that comes from one myself. Ibrahim very clearly know that the stars of the air circulating in the universe Kingdom is God's creation.

tata-surya 1.jpg

The thought of Ibrahim under the will of God which then guides a variety of knowledge to believe in full. Over all that knowledge, Ibrahim bartindak reasonable and with a firm faith is followed by a prayer so that God sent someone from the child his grandson in this solar system as an expansion of humans from Earth.

Thus We return to the Ibrahim kingdoms of the planets and the Earth and that he became convinced (6:75)
Our bangkitkanlah God to them an apostle from them, for menganalisakan on their verses as well as teach thy Book and knowledge, and educate them. That thou noble wise (2:129)

Ibrahim challenging one big empire whose inhabitants worship idols, then teach them about the true nature of the cult that created all the contents of the nature. Though science is granted to Abraham, he also begs a heart desires to God in accordance with the logic so that among the child his grandson later made major figures. It is written in verse which is full of logic:

Do you not notice people challenging Ibrahim about his God because God gave him the Kingdom? When Ibrahim said: "my Lord that turn on and off," he said: "I turn on and off". Ibrahim said: "that God bring solar from the East, then datangkanlah him from the West," then bingunglah infidels, and Allah guides not a people as evil (2:258)

Ibrahim taught God how the arrangement of the solar system, how the Earth and other planets, and how changes at the time of the Prophet Noah. Based on that Ibrahim with his son Ishmael was ruled to establish the Kaaba that until recently were in Mecca, as a holy place on Earth, the right presupposed God as Mushalla Adam, and was formerly the Kaaba becomes the axis of rotation of the Earth. The Kaaba is the most widely kept secrets and harbinger of the greatness of God. Ibrahim understand very well the meaning of the commandments of God so that he implement the remains together with Ishmael's instructions given.

The Process Of The Creation Of The Solar System

At the time, Tatasurya has 11 planets orbiting the Sun in accordance with the views of the Prophet Joseph in his dream at paragraph 12:4. The dream is not just a story but also contain scientific elements of astronomy that was then very useful for posterity the Prophet Joseph itself, as well as for anyone who pays attention to.

Wouldn't the infidels it is noticed that the planet and the Earth was once sebingkah (collection of hydrogen), and then We split-separate the two, and we made every living something of hydrogen? Don't they believe? (21:30)
And they ask segerakan torment Allah will not alter his promise, and that one day in thy Lord is as a thousand years of what ye count (22:47)
He was the one who revives you and turn off you. When he executes a command, then he said to him: "it is," is he (40:68)
Say: "If ye will engkar on Him who created the Earth in two days (2000 year) and you make for her cross reference? That is the Lord of all mankind (41:9)
And he made of it Rawasia and bless her (with the ionosphere) and determine her time (rotation and orbital) in four days (4000 years) together for people who ask (41:10)
Then he completed Tatasurya and she is in the form of lumps of fire, then he said to her and on Earth: "come in submissive or forced to." Both said: "we came in well behaved." (41:11)
Then he created them into seven planets (above Earth's orbit) in two days (year 2000) and revealed to each Tatasurya the matter. And we decorate this world the universe with the stars volcanoes as well as babysitting. That's the Glorious conditions again Know. (41:12)

Of all the word of God says that the universe was created 6000 years during the Kingdom, divided into 2000 years for the compaction of the planet, and during that time there which breaks into small as Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Then over 4000 years formed orbit and rotation of each around the Sun or the stars. Everything done in time 6000 years old, so no stars are being born and dying as well as the month that was once produced from steam Earth or fractional part of the Earth.

At the time of the 2000 years of the creation of the solar system, the planet is broken up into several smaller than the original size. While one planet orbiting between Mars and Jupiter is really devastated to around 30.000 shards are still hovering in the line of its orbit around the Sun called planetoid or asteroid. The planet does not split the time including mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, the largest Planet, and which until now still intact in its orbit.

When a planet transits occur at that time still hasn't been solidified, or when some planets are in a straight line towards the Sun, the planets that happen to be there in the midst was split due to the enlargement of the radiation from the Sun. The most severe Planetoid into small-grain grains, also of Mars until now still often high magnification of the solar radiation because the orbital line directly below the orbit of Jupiter. Similarly, Pluto orbiting under ' Planet '. Pluto at first has a mass greater than that of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune is comparable to getting away from the Sun. But the planet breaks into the little planet, and it is also due to another planet orbiting the larger of it.

Between the Sun and the planets prevailing relationship firmly entwined through the magnet, as Mars is between the Sun and Jupiter would get the excess energy of the magnet from the Sun. This thing called radiation once enlargement had become a small planet Mars is solving. Similarly apply on some other planet, then God declared his creation over the solar system lasting two days or 2000 years and fragmented written in paragraph 41:12 and 33:72, then perfect for four days or 4000 years until it is said six days or 6000 years according to paragraph 41:9, 11:7 and 32:5. After undergoing the creation of 6000 years, resulting in solid planets with orbital and rotation speed. All are intertwined closely as mentioned ' Syadiidaa ' at paragraph 78:12.

There are plenty of reviews submitted Nazwar Syamsu alleged outside, outside the beliefs of modern science, opposing theories of the Western sarjanawan it thinks Atheists. One of them is the largest planet in the solar system, Pluto's orbit where the above sarjanawan the West considered him to be the 10th Planet who can't reach Earth binoculars. But since 14 centuries ago, the Qur'an has affirmed a limit that can be attained in humans, where the Apostles ever is here. There is also discussion about Adam and his wife, during this story that circulated about the history of Adam in the biblical verse on doctrines, because the story of the Qur'an according to the stripping Nazwar Syamsu turned out much different.


1. The Qur'an And Space Objects, the Qur'an about Al-Insan, Syamsu Nazwar, Ghalia work Indonesia, 1980
2. The Sun and planets of the Solar System, image via Wikipedia
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oman,,,,ka payah kujak bloe solar bak droe neuh bg @musliadi06 ukeu,,,hana jak lee bak spbu,,,hahah

hha, solar kon leu macam

koen menyoe hana solar,,,pertalite jeut sit,,,,hahaha