Highlights from 'The Future of Marketing Tour' by Salesforce Marketing Cloud | 16 July 2015 - (Part 2 of 2)

in salesforce •  7 years ago 


StartupAUS: Chat with Peter Bradd

  1. Up on #MCFOM15 stage is @peterbradd from @Startupaus. He started FishBurners in Sydney (a Startup incubator) pic.twitter.com/9NJTsfJn29Mark Vozzo@MarkVozzo·Thu, Jul 16 2015 01:26:33ReplyRetweetFavorite
  2. Elley Nott@elleynottEntrepreneurs often start with nothing, they're forced to experiment and so forced to become effective #MCFOM15Thu, Jul 16 2015 02:17:28ReplyRetweetFavorite
  3. Lynton Manuel@lyntonmanuelListening to @peterbradd from @Startupaus - fascinating & exciting #MCFOM15Thu, Jul 16 2015 01:25:06ReplyRetweetFavorite
  4. @peterbradd on how entrepreneurs think and act differently #MCFOM15pic.twitter.com/NUFjLvnM1tJess Hamilton@JessMayHamilton·Thu, Jul 16 2015 01:28:16ReplyRetweetFavorite
  5. Michelle Cottrell@MicheCottrell@peterbradd how #startups differ in planning - leverage partnerships, small teams + explore different hypotheses to see what works #mcfom15Thu, Jul 16 2015 01:33:00ReplyRetweetFavorite
  6. .@Fishburners referencing Steve Blank - didn't realise they were setup as a charity #MCFOM15 pic.twitter.com/7UOAnwobyaBC@3decks·Thu, Jul 16 2015 01:29:24ReplyRetweetFavorite
  7. #mcfom15 #startup #secrets what can larger #businesses learn? #salesforce@salesforce #branding #marketing #customer pic.twitter.com/GpI2YzbJGBCMOAustralia@CMOAustralia·Thu, Jul 16 2015 01:33:23ReplyRetweetFavorite
  8. CMOAustralia@CMOAustralia#startup lesson: is yr team too big? Instead of 1 team of 20, why not have 5 teams of 4 & try many ideas? #mcfom15 #startupausThu, Jul 16 2015 01:37:28ReplyRetweetFavorite
  9. Mark Vozzo@MarkVozzoGr8 story by @peterbradd on how @TripView came abt via App hackathon at FishBurners. Winner got access bus/ferry/train API data #MCFOM15Thu, Jul 16 2015 01:42:20ReplyRetweetFavorite

SESSION 3: Who Killed Creativity with Gaia Grant

  1. You cannot have #innovation without being able to think #creatively #MCFOM15pic.twitter.com/uGkB6zGRKAKavita Rodrigues@KavitaRodrigues·Thu, Jul 16 2015 01:45:38ReplyRetweetFavorite
  2. Kevin Lockett@kevinlockettRT @p2pKirstie Creative thinking is the #1 leadership quality that CEOs value. #MCFOM15Thu, Jul 16 2015 02:20:07ReplyRetweetFavorite
  3. Kirstie Jeffries@p2pKirstieSince 1990, IQs have risen while creativity levels have been falling. Creative thinking also declines with age. Bummer. #MCFOM15Thu, Jul 16 2015 01:45:33ReplyRetweetFavorite
  4. #mcfom15 pic.twitter.com/GQsAdssA4mGina@giiiiinnaa·Thu, Jul 16 2015 01:49:30ReplyRetweetFavorite
  5. Elley Nott@elleynott98% of children 2-5 years old score as geniuses on divergent thinking tests. By adulthood, this proportion shrinks to 2% #MCFOM15Thu, Jul 16 2015 02:22:39ReplyRetweetFavorite
  6. Were u creative as a kid? Nice stat frm "Who killed creativity" #MCFOM15. Divergent thinking deprecates over time. pic.twitter.com/RUMjCQDXS2Mark Vozzo@MarkVozzo·Thu, Jul 16 2015 01:50:12ReplyRetweetFavorite
  7. Lynton Manuel@lyntonmanuelWow.. This was cool. Do the test  http://youtu.be/Ahg6qcgoay4  #MCFOM15Thu, Jul 16 2015 02:21:25ReplyRetweetFavorite
  8. Elley Nott@elleynottDo you remember being creative and imaginative as a child? What happened? Why did you lose that? #MCFOM15Thu, Jul 16 2015 02:21:17ReplyRetweetFavorite
  9. Who killed #creativity? Stress!! #MCFOM15 pic.twitter.com/xQPj3yeMrvKavita Rodrigues@KavitaRodrigues·Thu, Jul 16 2015 01:52:29ReplyRetweetFavorite
  10. Quote "Creativity & innovation go hand in hand." @gaiagranttirian #MCFOM15.
    pic.twitter.com/T6vX23hiDkMark Vozzo@MarkVozzo·Thu, Jul 16 2015 02:07:25ReplyRetweetFavorite
  11. Priming stops us from seeing creative pathways #MCFOM15pic.twitter.com/vH7W68cZ5yAlana Fisher@aussiegoldy·Thu, Jul 16 2015 02:10:14ReplyRetweetFavorite
  12. Kavita Rodrigues@KavitaRodriguesUse open ended questions to prompt #creativity and #innovation #MCFOM15Thu, Jul 16 2015 02:21:07ReplyRetweetFavorite
  13. Don't jump to conclusions and miss a moment that matters! #moonwalkingbear Great advice from #mcfom15 pic.twitter.com/kkAFGeZdBSClaire Waddington@ClaireWadds·Thu, Jul 16 2015 02:19:25ReplyRetweetFavorite
  14. "Flexibility - see things from customer's point of view" #MCFOM15 @gaiagranttirianshowed an image of parking lot pic.twitter.com/Z10nGFCdjnMark Vozzo@MarkVozzo·Thu, Jul 16 2015 02:27:26ReplyRetweetFavorite
  15. Think about it from the drivers POV instead of looking at the number sequence #MCFOM15 #WhoKilledCreavity pic.twitter.com/GquYTYCQojKB@Kayleigh_Bend·Thu, Jul 16 2015 02:36:31ReplyRetweetFavorite
  16. "People need to take time away to allow for the creative juices to flow" via @gaiagranttirian #MCFOM15 pic.twitter.com/vxKS1B1Fy6Mark Vozzo@MarkVozzo·Thu, Jul 16 2015 02:37:31ReplyRetweetFavorite
  17. Excited to win this one today #whokilledcreativity #mcfom15 #salesforce#futureofmarketing http://ift.tt/1TDz43S  pic.twitter.com/mmRoc0GUgzAlicia Novello@alittlecreative·Thu, Jul 16 2015 03:06:05ReplyRetweetFavorite

Fun Stuff: Some of the Creative Sketches in preparation for the "Who Killed Creativity" session

  1. Getting creative! #mcfom15 pic.twitter.com/N33XbUYAXIJess Hamilton@JessMayHamilton·Wed, Jul 15 2015 23:24:39ReplyRetweetFavorite
  2. #mcfom15 #creativity #marketing #ttct #justdoit pic.twitter.com/ueuFIs2IYsBennyCurnow@BennyCurnow·Thu, Jul 16 2015 01:09:26ReplyRetweetFavorite
  3. RT @michelle_rowney Being creative with #Salesforce #mcfom15 #creativetestpic.twitter.com/vgyREmSOPwDaryl Shaber@darylshaber·Wed, Jul 15 2015 23:18:14ReplyRetweetFavorite
  4. #selfportrait #mcfom15 pic.twitter.com/AUHuQ2W8F5Caragh Welford@caragh_welford·Thu, Jul 16 2015 01:55:52ReplyRetweetFavorite
  5. "The Washing Line" and "Sydney" #mcfom15 pic.twitter.com/RzNeC9RJ7NGina@giiiiinnaa·Thu, Jul 16 2015 01:59:24ReplyRetweetFavorite
  6. Who wins the creativity test? @GeorgeMuz #mcfom15 by alanakate23  http://ift.tt/1K8lVLH  pic.twitter.com/W5wGwYDNt4Pics from Sydney@InstaSydney·Wed, Jul 15 2015 23:15:12ReplyRetweetFavorite
  7. Creativity enhancers at @saleforceapac Future of Marketing Sydney #mcfom15pic.twitter.com/INzoj5qs3XAndrew J Moore@AJMHealth·Thu, Jul 16 2015 01:11:40ReplyRetweetFavorite
  8. #MCFOM15 only 3 out of 1000 Sydney Marketers passed All 6 criteria for creativity. pic.twitter.com/Jb757SX1k6Peter Bradd@peterbradd·Thu, Jul 16 2015 02:02:06ReplyRetweetFavorite

Salesforce Partner Expo Hall

  1. MAKING: it rain! #mcfom15 #datarati  https://instagram.com/p/5LcdAmjpG0/ Will Scully-Power @willscullypower·Thu, Jul 16 2015 01:36:46ReplyRetweetFavorite
  2. Welcome to The #MCFOM15 Tour! Come see The SEMA Team and go into the draw to win an Apple Watch! pic.twitter.com/9EHvPrPC3hSEMA Operations@SEMAgroup·Wed, Jul 15 2015 22:59:17ReplyRetweetFavorite
  3. Come check out our partner Citrus at the exhibition hall. #mcfom15pic.twitter.com/ZODK6BVeVrSaro Minassian@saro_minassian·Thu, Jul 16 2015 01:10:29ReplyRetweetFavorite
  4. Domo@DomotalkDomo is at #MCFOM15! Stop by booth #1 to pick up some swag and see how Domo QuickStarts help you connect and visualize your Salesforce #dataWed, Jul 15 2015 23:09:58ReplyRetweetFavorite
  5. Struggling with #marketing and sales alignment? The @Pardot team can help! Come say hello at #MCFOM15 #sydney pic.twitter.com/uUJLZyKuyzMike Roberts@mikejroberts·Wed, Jul 15 2015 22:58:33ReplyRetweetFavorite

It's a wrap, see you next year.

  1. Having too much fun at the sales force marketing cloud conference #Mcfom15pic.twitter.com/oiSYre7Wv0Lauren Donnelly@ldnnlly91·Thu, Jul 16 2015 00:35:16ReplyRetweetFavorite
  2. Kavita Rodrigues@KavitaRodriguesThanks @salesforceapac for an inspiring #MCFOM15. Wonderful to learn from other companies taking customer experience to a new level!Thu, Jul 16 2015 05:18:45ReplyRetweetFavorite
  3. This digital dreamer @derektweets is embracing change at #MCFOM15. #makeithappen with force4change pic.twitter.com/j83wHCYEpEJane Pattinson@force4change·Thu, Jul 16 2015 01:52:55ReplyRetweetFavorite
  4. My 1st @salesforce event as a Googler. Gr8 event #MCFOM15. Nice seeing ya @derektweets @eddiecliff @aussiegoldy pic.twitter.com/uM0Eg6St7JMark Vozzo@MarkVozzo·Thu, Jul 16 2015 03:07:53ReplyRetweetFavorite
  5. It's a wrap. Thx @salesforce for a great event "The future of Marketing" #MCFOM15pic.twitter.com/rrS4bWOLJsMark Vozzo@MarkVozzo·Thu, Jul 16 2015 02:52:03ReplyRetweetFavorite

Thanks Salesforce.

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