Gutfield calls it a post apocalyptic wasteland! Isn't this what Hollywood dreams about in their movies? Others are leaving in droves increasing the rates for moving trucks to get the heck out of this Land Annihilated! 55,000 homeless just in Los Angeles alone. All while San Francisco spent millions cleaning up human waste left by the homeless. It appears they have finally achieved their look of what Gutfield calls "dystopian fiction and spending millions on creating the look of life after nuclear war." A reminder of, who Always pushes War? Who does it benefit? He is correct, they have achieved what they always dwell on, not for themselves of course, they just stay in the wealthy, protected walled off areas. They only want this look of grunge and war torn areas for others.
What he says about Hollywood is spot on! I have noticed this in those who still adore their self promoting award ceremonies and sanctimonious, hypocritical actions. Sinking time into the facade rather than actually Helping the problems They promote! Star struck people who think communist socialism works because Hollywood and the music industry tells them it's cool! All while going back to their mansions and leaving the rest of society to deal with the "sanctuary" fall out. I see why many are leaving and trying to run towards a Greater America! Follow the lead of independent, common sense thinkers and we'll take you there with Trump at the helm! See his report in the link below