A great philosopher once said, "Naughty naughty, very naughty." A writer once wrote A Christmas Story with someone named Ebenezer Scrooge. It seems there may be more complexity to our holidays. What is a holiday, but a holy day? My thought with this article is I would make it a little longer, with a little more intensity and depth, and attempt to show - that through the magic of language - how the three concepts of Santa, Satan, and the sexual self are all intertwined. My hope is to exhibit to the reader the fallacy of living a cultural lie, and the long term consequences being what we see around us today.
Ahhh... so like a deeper and longer article about sex? Will it be a hard read for the mind? Perhaps wetting the appetite even?
This seems a great deal like being taken out of context right from the start. Your Freudian foreshadowing is not welcome here, and just because you find it hard to see through the holes our culture and humanity have left and in your conflicted internal narrative does not mean that you are not rushing through life, trying to fit square pegs in round holes. Remember, wear a condom and a mask, and ffs not home made ones.
Nice. Yes, I enjoy your quietly implied dildo reference, and how square I am. Anyway, please do tell your Christmas story. I'm curious, do you see Ebenezer and those that push their narrative (like Disney) representing the current financial system and the odd concepts, like savings?
Yes, I hate to break this to you but saving money for a rainy day is an addiction for most, and especially so when one is so willing to do anything to ensure one's survival, and the perceived survival of one's ''comfortable retirement'' plan. Do you notice this saving for a rainy day thing may be a lie anyhow, as it is - in fact - raining? Like, it is really raining. Our society is based upon unsound upstream and downstream economic principles, a complete lack of biosphere ethics, and way too much Fantasia. Or is it not enough Fantasia? Anyways....
Yes, anyways, let's start this Christmas Story, as everyone loves a Christmas story!
Oh. Oh no really? Ahh shit, the spirit of Christmas has been co-opted and used as a tool to suppress and manage the individual, and the being that they are. How to tell a story and not be a Grinch? Even Ebenezer today easily coats the ever present rot of capitalism and privilege with thought provoking subjective nonsense. You deserve this, or your worth is that... as if the individual needs guidance on what they deserve and their worth. It is obvious isn't it...nothing. We are not worth anything, as that implies a system to be judged under. You have no value, you are priceless. Do be careful with what an individual deserves and the complications of entitlement. All happy happy joy joy...this is no good as child labour makes the toys for other children, adults live a life of hopeless labour so other adults may live a life of relative ease, and our biosphere is contaminated with products of a difficult-to-recycle nature. It is an Animal Farm, but with humans in the barn as well.
Oh no. Not hard to see why sex isn't working well in this story...unless it is also being used as an oppressive aspect to this Christmas Story. Santa isn't sexy...and he has children sitting around him. Besides, as we go from children to realized adults, the Naughty and Nice take on additional meanings, and the complexity of duality comes into play. Satan likes the naughty, and rewards them. Santa likes the good, and rewards them. Nothing like potentially playing both sides.
You know, perhaps one never thinks of it like that.. the duality of Santa, that is. "Oh you naughty thing" ends up with more power and potential than most concepts around the individual being nice. That sounds rather convoluted as a base understanding of one's universe...easily manipulated I imagine? Have you yet had a chance to think about the quantum equations that are starting to increasingly define the universe around us? Much more takes place than can be seen with our normal senses. At levels we don't understand yet, our biological body does certain things, our mind drifts about, and life has a dreamy aspect to it. We all notice how the sun and moon play huge roles in our life, yet for many they are still kept in the dark. What star shines at Christmas? What star falls? Is it possible that Christmas has been celebrated as a holy day (holiday) over many many eons? What stars shine in December?
Let us then define Christmas by using the stars. Seriously, by using science and spiritually, I find some very interesting beginnings for our species. Am I remotely Sirius? A long time ago, and upon the seas, there were eyes cast to some of the same stars of today, and those eyes understood the three dimensional nature of the universe above and beyond the veil. A chariot moves, an archer sets an arrow, the seven sisters watch. By these stories, great oceans were crossed, seeds were planted, and dreams conceived. The stars would speak of a great wealth that exists, that need not burden one's human body... and hence, their spirit. If Christmas was a star, the star would consider its light gift enough. Any further gifts only confuse, and especially so without correct context. Perhaps the true gift of Christmas is a Sirius one?Perhaps the blue apple came first?
Umm, come on now... blue apple? Had not heard that one before. Sounds like a dead apple to me, or an alien apple even.
You're following my thoughts? I do believe it is possible the blue apple is a gift from Nut, but "alien" being relative. Those that are dead have spoken to me, and this implies an alien universe that exists overtop (or overlapping) ours. If all energies exist together in an actual multifaceted orgy of dimensions, can my biological body see and sense the reality of all (or even some) of the energies around me? Or, have I not risen that much yet, and in essence not open to all or enough frequencies? Nut (goddess) from our Egyptian times, naked and proud, she was the sky.
Haha...like bust a nut? Hehe, kek.
Umm, no. Though if you like, we can revisit semen in a future article, as it seems to have developed some interesting stories over time? Or I can do a quick story within a story at this point. Yes, cum, let us speak about the true sexual self that starts with the exploration of one's body, and then others (to do this out of sequence is an actual sin). This naughty or nice state of being is incorrect. Though by all means, accept that naughty is good and nice is bad, and let us not forget that our human biological bodies are the spaceships we use while we are here. Does my body, my ship, have a captain that is in charge? Or is my ship simply an empty vessel, easily possessed? If it is the latter, perhaps I also am a possessor, and in this realization I can see that my body truly is a vessel and seek the work of ascendance, including the sexual entity that I am am with the being that I reside within. An example of a spell from the pyramid of Unas is Utterance 217:[111] Wikipedia.
this Unas comes to you
A spirit indestructible
Your son comes to you
This Unas comes to you
May you cross the sky united in the dark
May you rise in lightland, the place in which you shine!
Easy to discount the first carved words of the Pyramid texts, and that it is possible that Unas used spells to bring forth an entity and formed a symbiotic exchange energetically. The entity being identified as Sobek at that point in Egypt, which can roughly translate to either "he who unites (the dismembered limbs of Osiris)".[5], and may well have been another name for Sbk [7]. This is debated among scholars, but many believe that it is derived from a causative of the verb "to impregnate".[8]" So the light may impregnate too? If that's the case then she personified the sky and he became the Earth. She was naked at night for all to see. There was nothing wrong with her nakedness, nor her desire to impregnate the mind, or be impregnated. She was who Neith was and here lays the true Osiris myth and egg. Was she Isis, naughty or nice, and was Min being some type of measure with certain planets' stars and how they slip from the sky in more than one way? Did Unas mean Uranus? Are we led to believe that souls exist, planets and stars impregnate the mind, and some semen is different from others' semen? Oh, you like that story so far?
Yes. Yes, it's kind of sexy, and filled with lots of power, energy, and meaning.
Well allow me to sink your battleships, as we can quickly end up in some dogmatic game of Chinese whispers and before you know it, Bob really is your uncle. Semen goes from being seen and interpreted as a healthy, fertile, endowment of prosperity, and essential part of creation (and pleasure even), to being reduced to a sinful objectification of simple animal gratifications. Lost is the beauty of being possessed in the moment with another, wrapped together in an ecstatic dance and reunion of self. Robbed are the individuals of their right to play out simple biological gifts, like sex with self, sex with other, and sex with even more others. Here we go from ancient Egyptians' stars and semen, to a Santa that may be Satan as he exclaims hoe hoe hoe. Naughty, very naughty. All the while, another group seeks to create the false narrative that practicing purity and wholesomeness bring one closer to God.
This clean introduced thought process has become a very conflicted introduced base conditioning for humans beings like that of Onan, the heinous sin of self-pollution that follow the thought process that sex be only for procreation, and that no pleasure be derived, subsequently going on to live lives of horrible contradictions. I do digress, and will leave this discussion of Nut or No Nut November (it's near the end November by the way, did you last this long?) for another time before I post that link again, Every time you masturbate... God kills a kitten, and end up down that rabbit hole with the cats again, wondering why some interesting owners of influential corporations (like John Harvey Kellogg) injected terrible narratives. That said, I encourage you, dear reader, to look up his views on Masturbation prevention, and think of the healthy image he was really endeavouring to promote (or prevent) into our culture, and hence, into our society.
So, when one can see the stars, and that which exists when no light blinds the eyes (such as in the day), there is a reality and structure very obvious all around us and in it, some uncomfortable truths. What was Santa's first sleigh, but his chariot? This chariot is an orbital being that moved, and while moving also was a mirror, reflecting the stars and other entities back to us here on earth, and Saint Sin the biosphere. The light is more than energy, it is beings being, desiring and wanting, and having needs that our species can easily fall prey to.The moon is the chariot, and as it reflects the planets and stars that are larger entities upon our planet, a story is told. Some light is angry, and its desires and needs are violent and unbecoming. Some light reflected is sexy and seeks seeds to sow in wonder and awe.
Perhaps we should rename Christmas and start again with the holy day. "What about the children?! Won't somebody please think of the children you say! Well, the short sighted argument is not always possible to win until later. The children will be much better without all the sugar and chocolate. The children will do better not to be lied to, and simply exchanging gifts (made or otherwise) without bringing Satan into it is probably a good idea no matter what. So, if Santa was Satan would he be riding on a chariot-like apparatus all over the planet, giving gifts of candy to babies and children, introducing the concept of the adult white lies that is so much the horror of the capitalistic systems, all the while dressed up like an amanita muscaria from some Disney movie? We will leave the Cult of Disney and illusions created by lights for another time; but make no mistake, media in all its forms directs the optics of humanity in so far as we all are what we eat, and if I consume junk media, junk code, or junk food, I am nothing more than a junk human.
Yes, Satan may well be disguised as Santa...ho ho ho. Tell me if you have been naughty or nice. Taking our world for granted, taking the easy route, and not speaking about the complex and often messy subject of our biological bodies has allowed for a species (such as ours) to become convoluted, callous, and entrapped in conflicts. Many born before us will not bring about the required change. Only in the dark can one do the work, and in the dark one requires faith... not belief. I cast aside the bonds and chains of Satan dressed as Santa, and this horrifying economy of capitalist and communist intentions. Drop shipped madness from third world factories, to first world privilege and to the complete exclusion of the logic of closed systems. Santa cares not for the biosphere. Santa has third world children and women as elves serving the adult children of the first world. What lies does Satan tell you? Lies that will incite jealousy and envy, and prompt desire for material things to the detriment of an entire planet of beings and entities? Being naughty is good, being nice is is good too, being only one is silly. Perhaps a reevaluation of current systems, especially where the planetary cost does not much meet the needs of a species in any logical fashion. Perhaps it is time to give Santa a new name and a chariot, and from there perhaps new gifts may come.
So, you are seriously recommending a boycott of Christmas, and that humans honour the planets and stars once again?
Yes I am Sirius.