in sarsii •  4 years ago 

Today, April 23, 2020, I watched the YouTube Channel of George Webb Live. I anticipated the program to involve the COVID-9 problem. As a believer that the SARS I coronavirus was "improved" to make it a potentially weapons-grade version now named SARS II, I was curious to learn if George Webb had unearthed some new data. As it happened, he was planning to talk live with a caller named Donie O'Sullivan, a reporter employed with CNN. This CNN reporter planned to ask George some questions related to his recent YT channel programs suggesting that COVID-19 was lab-created, including CRISPR splicing of HIV-2 proteins which would allow entry into host cell-2 in alveoli at ACE-2 locations. At least, George seemed to think the questioning would be more general in character.

As he awaited the phone call, George explained to his audience what sort of questioning Mr. O'Sullivan would likely pursue, warning that the interview was likely going to include trapping questions the goal of which was to portray George as a far-right, conspiracy theorist. Therefore, George Webb might be thought to be alerted and to be armed with suitable arguments in defense of his overview.

When Donie O'Sullivan finally phoned and was channel-ready for the audio-conference, he rather promptly rolled into his main line of questioning which dealt with the Benassis (Matt, Maatje, Virginia and even Benny). He wanted to know George's factual basis for singling out the Benassis. Clearly, George was in a faltering moment in the contest. He recovered to restate what he himself styled as "circumstantial evidence" and then returned volley by mentioning a witness in a Fort Belvoir-area hospital. When pressed by O'Sullivan, Webb wheeled front and center the famed "anonymous source."

Donie O'Sullivan's focus on the Benassis included Maatje, the U.S. Army cyclist, who raced with the American team at the world meeting held in Wuhan, China in November, 2019. This U.S. team had been speculated by some to have been a vector in the spread of SARS II. I thought that O'Sullivan scored points with the general audience, as he launched into a "how-dare-you" style attack, citing the pain and suffering Webb had inflicted on the Benassis by his irresponsible, speculative charges. Donie also stated forcefully that Maatje had denied that she was ill, and she denied that she had tested positive for COVID-19 in the hospital near Fort Belvoir, VA.

His face visibly reddening under these attacks, George Webb shifted from his "dots" which - in his mind - offered connection among a loose cluster of data to a more global set of semi-disparate "dots" of data. Clearly, the O'Sullivan accusation of wanton cruelty - something akin to the "have you no sense of decency" assault by Mr. Joseph N. Welch against Sen. McCarthy in those famous '50s hearings on communist subversion - put George Webb back on his heels. Images of unfair and inaccurate charges being flung at him by 90% of American news media may well have floated by him at that moment.

At about this point, Donie O'Sullivan broke away from his mistreatment of the Benassis - including death threats - attack on Webb to begin a menacing inquiry about how much money George made doing these YT channel(s). He seemed to be probing to learn if (1) George Webb was being financially aided by unknown sources, and, if so, who they were; (2) or, did George have the resources to withstand a lawsuit for libel. I am sure George understood the lurking menace, and he basically made a poor man apologia.

Although George Webb portrayed himself as "a man of means by no means," I must say that I myself became curious if he might not be getting financial aid from one or more deep-pocketed sources. I noticed that George would bring in the word "Nazi"- or sometimes a sort of surrogate term "Paperclip"- as often as it could reasonably be slipped into a topic. No matter what the subject of the day, George seemed to somehow find an opportunity to use it. He also teamed up with others, and both would start talking about "Nazis." I do believe that he termed the current head of WHO as a "Nazi." Since I know that Webb has a good vocabulary, I thought that his noticeable reliance on "Nazi" was curious. Hence, I thought "Well, the Holocaust people may be paying George to use the word, thus keeping it alive and well, implying to all that the oppression of Jews is something which must be daily fought." I also thought that the Anti-Defamation League might be running a similar program. However, after hearing George's recital of income and sources of wealth, I will accept it and cease speculating. Still, I cannot rule it out entirely.

Another curious matter for me was the name "Benassi." To me, the name looks to be of Jewish origin. It looks as if it was originally either (1) ben Assi or (2) Assi. Since the "ben" part of it could be interpreted "son," or "relative of" or "disciple of," I checked the name Assi. There are two prominent rabbis noted during the early part of the current era ("A.D.").

Rav Assi, known as Assi I, was a first generation Jewish Amoraim who lived in Babylon. He was very respected by his peers. A sample of his wisdom: "The son of David (i.e. the Messiah) shall not come until all the souls have been depleted from the body (i.e. until all persons who were meant to be born are born).

Rabbi Assi II, known as Yessa in Jerusalem Talmud, was a third or fourth generation Amoraim, living in Israel (sic). He was a quoted both in the Talmudim and Midrashim. Wisdom: "At first the evil inclination is like a shuttle-thread (i.e. spider-web) but eventually it grows to be like a cart rope, as is said in the scriptures, 'woe unto them who draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as if it were with a cart rope.' "

Incidentally, I believe that within the last ten years a Palestinian or Arab youth killed a Jew in Jerusalem. This young man bore the last name "Assi." This recalled to my mind that not only were Edomites forced into conversion by the Judahite, John Hyrcanus, that Jews in Spain were also forced into conversion to Catholicism, and further that Jews were forced by the sword into converting to Islam during various caliphate ascendancies. Therefore, it is not surprising that after the 8th Century A.D. many Jewish surnames began to surface over the centuries by dynamic "Arab" figures. An ancestor of the Palestinian/Arab young man, Assi, was probably a follower of Rabbi Assi II or even blood descendant of him. Further, under pressure from the demands and swords of Islam, many other "Assi" and "ben Assi" progeny probably escaped to Italy, Greece and Iberia. I suspect some settled around Lombardy, especially Milan.

From one, or both of these, I perceive that the name "ben Assi" came. Over time, I believe the "ben Assi" became "Benassi."

Interestingly, Marco "Benny" Benassi doesn't seem to have any relationship to the other Benassis mentioned by George Webb. He is best known for a soft porn musical video of about 1982 named "Satisfaction." This musical video taste, the Milan area, and the rabbinic citations above suggest that all are of Jewish derivation. This is pretty thin circumstantial evidence, but if George Webb can do it, then why not others?

Consider that George Webb himself stated that he voted twice for Barack Obama and supported Bernie Sanders in 2016. That would seem to place him among the liberal or progressive political side of thought. It has been estimated on the basis of polling that 80% of the Jewish American population consider themselves politically liberal. The name "Webb" is shared by the Jewish actor, Jack Webb, and by the author and important investigative reporter, Gary Webb, who was apparently murdered. George Webb has, I believe, at some point stated he had some Jewish antecedents. In putting together such shared similarities, I may be making a prima facia case that suggests that there is circumstantial evidence of a correlation between the name "Webb" and Jewish ancestry.

Although circumstantial evidence should be noted, the weight of it until recently was insufficient to go to court and to expect that court to rule favorably. Determining blame with clarity in regard to SARS II may never happen.


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