in satanism •  7 years ago 

This is an extract from somewhat of a 'book' I'm writing discussing many different subjects.
This extract talks about Satanism and the Assassination of Princess Diana.

I’m going to talk about Satanism for a bit now, and the role it has in our society. Satanism is a religion that’s as bad as it sounds. It’s very ritualistic and has lots of ‘special’ symbols and numbers attached to it. There are some very important people who are members of this religion, people you may not expect. A lot of people in high positions of power are a member of this society or religion. The Queen, the Queen’s mother (when she was alive), George Bush, Father George Bush, Ronald Reagan and many more. They all attend these ritualistic sacrifices they hold on regular occasions. I’ve heard numerous testimonies from people saying they’ve seen all of the above mentioned people at Satanic Rituals. You hear it once and you’re like ‘yeah right, sure’ you hear it 4,5,6 times from unrelated sources and you start to say ‘ok what’s going on here’. Here’s a few names of people you can look up who talk about their experiences…Cathy O'Brien, Sarah Rachel Adams, Arizona Wilder. This elite are often sacrificing children and drinking their blood. This is because a child’s blood isn’t full of drugs and alcohol, it’s still pure. Also it’s because they haven’t hit puberty yet. There’s an energetic change that happens once a person hits puberty. And also children scare easier and that fear makes the blood taste all the better. You’d probably think ‘what kind of a human would do that?’ That’s because these people aren’t really human, they’re shape shifters; this’ll take a bit to explain. These Draconians have been playing an impact on earth for thousands of years. They’ve interbred with the humans and created these blood lines. These bloodlines have somehow survived through history, not being overly diluted. So these hybrids are part human part reptilian. However, if you understand that the universe is holographic you can understand that these hybrids can decide to appear as human or as reptilian. However, when they are aroused or excited they can no longer hold their human form. So when they are around the blood of a child they can’t help but shape shift to a reptilian. The 3 names mentioned earlier would all to testify to seeing humans shapeshift into reptilians. There’s another story of a lady whose name I can’t remember who talks about seeing Ted Heath(ex-UK prime minister) shapeshift into a reptilian at a satanic ritual. There's even a story of Vladimir Putin talking about seeing the Queen shape-shift into a reptilian. These elite need to keep the right balance of genetics to maintain their human form. Every now and then they need to inter-breed with a more human genetics to even things out. This is exactly what happened with Princess Diana. Her role from birth was to create offspring. Her death was also no accident, once you look into it, it becomes very obvious. As I was saying these Satanic/Masonic/Illuminati families that seem to all tie in together are very ritualistic with many important dates, numbers, symbols and astrological alignments. For example when Diana was pregnant with William, Charles told hold she was going to be induced to fit in line with his Polo playing program...What kind of a father would have his wife induced to fit in line with his Polo game? Though of course this wasn’t the real reason, the real reason was so he could be born on the summer solstice. Or David Rockefeller who is massively part of this elite just happened to die on the spring equinox. If you learn these important elements it makes it easy to tell when these families are involved in a particular event. Let’s go through Diana’s death…
One of the deities these elite(the Merovingian’s in particular) worship is Diana the Moon Goddess; which evolved out of another goddess Queen Semiramis, Diana was also a goddess of childbirth. The place where Diana died, the Pont D'alma Tunnel use to be home to Satanic rituals before the tunnel was built. Ponte D’alma translates to ‘’passage of the moon goddess’’. What a coincidence that this is where Diana died…It took emergency services an hour and a half to get Diana to the hospital….the hospital was 8 minutes away. This is because Diana didn’t die on impact but due to the ritualistic nature of the event she had to die there, so basically they had to wait until she was dead before taking her away. Also all the security cameras on that day happened to not be working, this is a common theme amongst these assassinations, security is removed at the key moment. The car also hit the 13th pillar, 13 obviously being the main Satanic/Illuminati number. I know at first this seems like just a coincidence and very conspiracy theory-esk…how could the driver pick out the 13th pillar at such speeds? But there’s a long explanation as to how this is absolutely possible. This breaks off into a whole another genre of Mind Control which takes some research to realize just how prevalent and real Mind Control is in this world. I’ll save that for another chapter. On top of the Pont D'alma Tunnel is a memorial to Diana which looks like this…


A lighted torch on top of a black pentagram, both of which are Satanic/Illuminati symbols. The torch represents Queen Semiramis just like the statue of Liberty; in fact this torch is a replica of the Statue of Liberty’s torch. This is sort of their mark, saying ‘’we killed her, but you can’t see it can you’’. There’s also a story involving her brother, Earl Spencer where he apparently had a dream involving 4 black swans. The next morning he says to his estate manager, “I’ve just had a dream about 4 black swans, where can I find 4 black swans I want to put them at Diana’s burial site.” And the estate manager says “ Well, it’s funny you ask, we’ve just been offered 4 black swans’’. The black swan, again, being an Satanic symbol representing death. The stories involving Diana the Moon Goddess often revolve around islands, lakes and tree groves…where was Princess Diana buried but on an island, on a lake, in a tree grove. It’s a similar story with John F. Kennedy, he was given a lighted torch at his memorial, because he was also assassinated by this Elite group.

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