We Have it all! How and Why? Remember when Cynthia McKinney, first black woman elected to Georgia House took Rumsfeld on DynCorp child trafficking, how multiple corps involved, also used jabs to keep contracts , Trillions missing DOD, 9/11 War Games Sim?

in saveourchildren •  3 years ago  (edited)

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All addressed in the title. Feel free to scroll and skim.
All verified with sources included.

Not for Little Ears, this kind of evil and taking it on Never IS! This why some people were picking themselves off. ..They KNEW! This is very short and Well Worth the Listen if you haven't heard it already.

One should Never Forget Poppy Bush was the first C_ a director! Just as we know what he did, we know what all of those who are arrogant thinking they won't get caught did!

He's Never minced words. ..Always Spilling it! Thank you RDS, you and Cynthia McKinney have always had my respect since she took on Rumsfeld and you two partnered! Keep IT UP!

I'll put Cynthia McKinney taking on Rumsfeld for the child s$x traffi*ki_g down below.

Thank you to all for your dedication who persevere daily in investigating and exposing all that lies beneath. Not just their labyrinth beneath us all, but also those. ..high up in their companies who are part of the hive which people would Never Suspect. . .All has been collected for years.

No One Escapes as verified by the most recent evidence of MI's control in the biggest blocking of one of their modes of transport Ever Given!

As one of our leaders stated. ..We Will PREVAIL!

We Have It All - Robert David Steel - Former CIA Spy

Also not for Little Ears or eyes so please use caution. . .the rest of us. . .
It's been a Long Time coming, they're crimes logged for years now
It's Going to be Biblical when we take down all of these Traffickers!

Mark my words. . .Day of Reckoning Will Come!
Numbers 32:23
“But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out.”
Total 97
encodes 16
16 six breaks down to 2,3

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322, 332

How the Elite get rid of all their debt through corporations and bleeding off their smaller Co.'s while tax payers Still Foot the Bill!

Think illicit wealth, dirty money gained through trafficking!

Law Abiding Citizen - Legendary Scene

Who was the first Trafficker?

A type of satan right here in God's Word

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Now take a look at what Cynthia McKinney had to say about DynCorp's trafficking of children and women to Rumsfeld.

You won't want to miss this. Scroll lower to see the video footage.
Here are key remarks in screenshots for helping to Wake People Up!

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Interesting as she also addressed 9/11 questions and here 9/11 let the DOD off the hook for having record of their money trail.

Follow the Money!
There's a reason it has been stated Over and Over!

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Robert David Steele, his resume is Extensive!

  • USMCR Infantry, Adjutant, Intelligence 1976-1996; CIA Clandestine Service 1979-1988 inclusive of three back-to-back tours with five times the regional average in recruitments; three HQS tours in counterintelligence, advanced information technology, and satellite futures;
  • USMC Civil Service 1988-1993, #2 civilian in USMC Intelligence, responsible for creating the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity and service as Study Director for Planning and Programming Factors for Expeditionary Operations in the Third World;
  • CEO Open Source Solutions, Inc. 1993-2010, responsible for creating the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) discipline worldwide, training over 7,500 mid-career officers from across 66+ countries;
  • CeO Earth Intelligence Network, 2006 to date.
  • External Researcher, US Army Strategic Studies Institute (SSI), 1998 to 2017.
  • Now leading the OSINT Done Right – Active OSINT movement as well as a campaign to create Open Source Agencies and Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) Innovation Centres where desired.
  • As of 1 January 2018 he is the Chief Counsel and a Commissioner for the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse, part of the treaty-mandated International Tribunal for Natural Justice also nurturing a free book online, Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State, now with a tag cloud index.

Find out more about him in sources listed below.

Cynthia McKinney

  • served six terms in the United States House of Representatives.
  • She was the first black woman elected to represent Georgia in the House.
  • She left the Democratic Party and ran in 2008 as the presidential candidate of the Green Party of the United States.
  • After her 2002 loss, McKinney traveled and gave speeches, and served as a commissioner in 9/11 Citizens Watch.

On October 26, 2004, she was among 100 Americans and 40 family members of those who were killed on 9/11 who signed the 9/11 Truth Movement statement, calling for new investigations into unexplained aspects of the 9/11 events.

Cynthia asked questions about the War Games to Rumsfeld.

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Notice they do to these people who question the Corporate Owned Media's approved narrative what they did to those who dared question the Warren Commission. Always a Huge Tell.

It is a Known fact the c_ a coined their special phrasing "Conspiracy Theorist" to take the attention and target off of their back and throw shade on those who have a Constitutional Right to question them.

See how that works?

Note they do the Same for everything the self appointed Gatekeepers and Controllers of information have done with Ooter Odd. V*te_ Fr%ud and the rona.

Note how the C_ a coined and weaponized the phrase Conspiracy Theory.
A conspiracy Yes. ..theory, not so much!

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Will we Ever know the truth about 9/11?

This has been going on.
The TRUTH is out there!

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There is evidence that the date of the 2001 Global Guardian exercise was changed to correspond with the the terrorist attack. NBC News military analyst William Arkin, in his book Code Names, gives the date of the exercise as October 22-31, 2001.


Also, a military newspaper, the Space Observer, reported in an article dated 3/23/01 that the exercise was scheduled for October of that year.

See more in sources below.

More on Cynthia McKinney

  • During the 2000 presidential campaign, McKinney wrote that "Al Gore's Negro tolerance level has never been too high. I've never known him to have more than one black person around him at any given time." Gore's campaign pointed out that its manager, Donna Brazile, was black.
  • McKinney chastised Gore for failing to support the U'wa people of Colombia trying to oppose petroleum drilling near them.

In a press release issued on February 22, 2000, entitled "No More Blood For Oil," McKinney wrote that "Oil drilling on Uwa land will result in considerable environmental damage and social conflict which will lead to greater militarization of the region as well as an increase in violence."

Addressing herself to Gore, she wrote, "I am contacting you because you have remained silent on this issue despite your strong financial interests and family ties with Occidental."

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McKinney chastised Gore for failing to support the U'wa people of Colombia trying to oppose petroleum drilling near them. In a press release issued on February 22, 2000, entitled "No More Blood For Oil," McKinney wrote that "Oil drilling on Uwa land will result in considerable environmental damage and social conflict which will lead to greater militarization of the region as well as an increase in violence." Addressing herself to Gore, she wrote, "I am contacting you because you have remained silent on this issue despite your strong financial interests and family ties with Occidental."

The Facebook Frames We Have it all! How and Why? Remember when Cynthia McKinney, first black woman elected to Georgia House took Rumsfeld on DynCorp child trafficking, how multiple corps involved, also used jabs then as they try to do now to keep contracts , Trillions missing DOD, 9/11 War Games Sim?

Found here,

#WarGame, #CynthiaMcKinney, #Rumsfeld, #SaveOurChildren, #RobertDavidSteele, #NineEleven, #InformationWar, #HumanTrafficking, #Pedogate

Sources, connecting articles and reports

That time Cynthia McKinney handled Donald Rumsfeld and the crew

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