Non violence is a method for resolving conflict without the use of physical power nor enmity towards opponents. Instead, it emphasizes you to look beyond convictions and one's urge for victory. Non violence is the motto behind the saying 'hate the sin and not the sinner'.
It is true that sometimes the only way to fight violence is through violence but as is apparent, much can be said of peaceful demonstrations inorder to enact change. An eye for an eye leaves the world blind. The main problem that arises with violence is that both parties quickly reach a point where they are only interested in defeating the opponent and in the process, the objective/goal of the movement/struggle is lost. Resulting to violence can leave the victim with long lasting physical, mental and emotional harm, posttraumatic stress disorder and sometimes they commit suicide even if he/she wasn't a direct victim.
Much can be achieved through non violence. Gandhi through non violent resistance eventually freed India from Britain's rule. Nelson Mandela was also succesful in gaining independence for South Africa through non violence. Thus, it is the responsibility of we as individuals to understand that non violence is often a more viable means to an end than violence.
Non violence has been proven to be the best and least destructive way to resolve conflicts and i urge us all to be non violent...