ARISE – The Greatness Creed to Imbibe

in sc-n •  6 years ago 

It is a great testimony that we are a part of what God is doing, having been privileged to see the first day in the Month of March, 2019. This is my New Month Message to you and I hope it blesses your day.

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Arise is a call to a seemingly non-active being that was meant to be active. Arise is a quickening call for a supposed numbed being. Arise is a challenge to one who sits or sleep when he should be walking or walking. It is a call to alertness and consciousness of one’s environment, lifestyle, environment and pursuit. Arise is an action-catalysing word!

Rise to the faith that with God all things are possible.

This first line of this creed is a call to consciousness of Go who is sovereign in all and of all. The creator that was not created and the changer who is unchangeable. Being conscious of this fact braces our heart with such a great comfort that God who created all can also make an undoing. Where things fall apart, He too can remake. Woe is he that says there is no God. God is and will ever be true for everyone who is conscious of His being and ability.

Rise to the faith that you was created by God out of greatness

This is a call to consciousness of the greatness, though temporary, that lies within every man. Being created in the image of God is the greatest blessing man could ever received. This qualified us to enjoy the dominion, authority, love, forgiveness, power which characterizes God.

Rise to the faith that as a people, we can move beyond ethnicity, biases, religion, and gender.

The dissect of man along lines of ethnicity, language, race had been the greatest all-time setback to the greatest all-time adventure of the UNITED man which caught God’s attention. Without scattering man’s language which led to non-consistency in understanding, men would have built a tower to reach God. This is an eye opener that the power of unity cannot be overemphasized. We shouldn’t keep causing lines of dichotomy to exist is tangible things must be done.

Rise to togetherness

God who created all things had exampled for us from the beginning, the power of unity. In creation story, He emphasized the need to consult the Godhead before creating man - _”Let US make man…”_. This was a show that man was not created to live an isolated life. We were created to enjoy the blessing of partnership and collaboration, and through it, wrought great exploits. May we be conscious of this call.

Rise to the faith of resources, beyond what others see, human and intellectual.

Of capital, material and personnel resources, the later is the greatest factor towards development. This is because human resources become an actuator that sets other resources to useful work. Truth be told that what makes human a leading resource is the intellectual property. This is the worth of man measured by the ability to think right, chose right and evaluate right. The intellectual build of man is a factor of the experiences gathered whether good or bad. We need to be conscious of this call.

Rise to chart a new course for us, our children and a generation unborn

This is a call to lives our lives not just for the benefits of the now, but also for posterity sake. We must be conscious of sustainability. Truly, the words and actions of today are but a seed for the future, thus, we must be conscious of this fact lest we sow the brambles and thorns for the future.

Rise to the faith that one day; we shall be counted as great people of a great state with great minds

This call is inevitable for all those who wish good things happen to others. A tree alone would certainly not form a forest in itself, but when in company with others, a forest is a sure deal. A great people of a great state with great minds are those whose thoughts and actions are motivated by love and concern for others. Together, there would a band of greatness.

Rise to the faith that all these are possible and many more.

This is a call to ser and reset the mind right. Possibilities in tangibles are a product of a positive mind. Success sure stems from the mind and so is failure. Winning within is the biggest victory every victor should seek to experience. Even in the seeming “famining” days, here is a call to see a great harvest.

Hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.

This is a call to consistency, stamina and belief. The heart that believes will always confess the faith wherewith is held. That we be great, we must love and be passionate about what we do. We need to stand firm even in the face of trials and fears. Holding up without wavering is a gear for the future. Keep believing!

I rise to the faith that I was created to be great.

This is a call to confession of a heart that believes in the value within; a personal motivation to be great and remain. Being conscious of the greatness raw material we were created of is the height of believe and the truest motivation. Build your courage with this confession. You are great in your nature and being!

I rise to the faith that I am destined to be great

Here, I see purpose. May our greatness not be inspired by what people will say about us, rather, what we will do for the people. Be conscious of this call and be focused on the purpose. There is where satisfaction shall be drawn.

I am @Uyobong and I rise to a faith of greatness

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The Arise Creed is native to Akwa Ibom State, an oil rich soil in South Southern state in Nigeria. The Creed founded y our dear governor Udom Gabriel Emmanuel in September 2015, is a message to the world. It is modified in this blog to inspire you!

I am UYOBONG MBABA, your brother, teacher and analyst


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Well explained Priest UY, very important the following phrases

May our greatness not be inspired by what people will say about us, but what we will do for the people.


Thank you CEO. Our drive in live should be what and how we can contribute to keep the web of love going!