STEEMCHURCH: spiritual growth

in sc-v •  6 years ago 

The Christian life is a relationship; therefore, our desire is for God to guide us to an intimate and deep relationship with God. There are fundamental truths that must be clearly taught and understood in order to grow that
level of relationship, among which are the following:

  • The attributes of God: His love, power, grace, omniscience, omnipotence, justice, immutability, abhorrence of sin, fidelity.
  • The sin of man, his inability to save himself and his need for a savior.
  • Only God can provide a path to salvation
  • The gospel

As a fundamental basis for the sanctification of a person is that it is born again, immediately a change of immediate position is made in our lives. At that precise moment we become a child of God and he is and we are made of Adam and put in Christ. Everything that Christ is and all that Christ possesses becomes ours.

Therefore, before service to God is considered, we must be rooted in the understanding of who we are in Christ. Within the fundamental truths that I want to emphasize that find the following, We are:

  • Places in Christ
  • Justified (declared righteous) and accepted in Christ.
  • Children of God
  • Restored to unity with God
  • Eternally secure in Christ
  • His divine power has given us all things concerning life and divinity through his finished work on the cross.
  • Our part is to believe.

For believers to advance toward maturity, we must walk and depend on the Holy Spirit.

The ministry for the Holy Spirit and his faithfulness to guide, nourish, direct, and protect the children of God as well as to make the Church known. Some of the fundamental truths that should be emphasized are the following:

  • The ministry of the Holy Spirit to direct, guide, nourish, protect and establish us in the truth.
  • Emphasize the FIDELITY of the Spirit to fulfill all that Jesus promised.
  • Reveal dependence on the Spirit of the Church in its beginnings.
  • The Holy Spirit is as faithful in our lives today as it was in the early Church of the book of Acts.

The Holy Spirit is teaching us to walk less and less in the flesh and more in the Spirit, with Christ becoming more and more the center of our hearts.

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Spiritual growth is the process of becoming more and more like our savior and Lord Jesus Christ. When we put our in God and in all his power. The Holy Spirit begins a beautiful process of gradually becoming more like our Lord Jesus Christ. conforming to His image.
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clearly taught and understood

God has not called us to stagnation. It is God's wil that we grow every step of the way to His fulness designed for us. Great post!

The flesh profits nothing but the spirit. If we live according to the flesh we will die and if according to the spirit we will have life and peace. Thanks for this message @enriquemartro