Baptism of Repentance

in sc-v •  4 years ago 

Baptism of Repentance

As we have said, the first requirement to prepare for the coming of the Messiah was repentance. This involved a change of mind and thought, which coincided with the need to "return to God" that many other prophets had already announced in ancient times. This return to God must include three important elements:
Understand the evil of sin as something committed against God, and therefore constitutes an offense against Him.
(Ps 51: 4) "Against you, against you alone I have sinned, and I have done evil before your eyes; that you may be recognized just in your word, and considered pure in your judgment."



A deep sadness for the sins committed.

(2 Cor 7:10) "For the sadness that is according to God produces repentance for salvation, that there is no need to repent; but the sadness of the world produces death."
A serious purpose of giving up sin, and living a life of holiness in the eyes of God.
(Lk 3: 8) "Therefore bear fruit worthy of repentance, and do not begin to say within yourselves: We have Abraham as our father; for I tell you that God can raise children to Abraham even from these stones."
Many people fail to truly convert because they do not understand what repentance and confession of their sins really is. In many cases, there are preachers who promise God's richest blessings without even talking about repentance. For them, it all comes down to making some financial offerings and sitting around waiting for times of prosperity. But all that is false. Without true repentance, there can be no blessing from God.

But fortunately, there are still preachers who talk about repentance, but it is certainly uncomfortable, difficult, and sometimes even dangerous to pose to anyone the need to repent of their sins. They are often hurt in their pride and self-esteem. But John the Baptist preached it, the Lord Jesus Christ preached it, although they both lost their lives because of it. But they did so, not because of the mere desire to protest, but because this is the first requirement to reconcile with God.

II. Forgiveness of sins

Repentance was "for forgiveness of sins." It is true that this was not a concern for the Jews of the time of John the Baptist. They were interested in getting rid of the Roman yoke under which they were subject. But the truth is that their sins had them more enslaved than the invaders.
In the original, the word "forgiveness" has the meaning of "letting go", "releasing". "Forgiveness," then, involves "letting go" of someone from the guilt or condemnation of sin. This idea is beautifully expressed in some scriptures.


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hope to see more post of this kind 😉

wow. this really is a very important part of culture.

nice post! gewntleman! culture is the most phenomenal topic.

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