¡Faith knows no defeat!

in sc-v •  6 years ago  (edited)

¡greetings and blessings, health to the whole family of steemchurch!

My reflection today is based on the faith that God can grow in the hearts of the faint who understand that they need Him in this world to be able to resist in times of adversity.

Faith does not know defeat because Jesus told his disciples: "for him who believes everything is possible" What can be difficult for someone who has decided to believe God?


In the Bible we find various adverse situations that ended in miracles because they were people who believed God before any limitation, giving proof that God moves by faith and not by necessity. One of these examples can be found in that woman who cried out to Jesus for mercy for her daughter who was tormented by a demon.

Matthew 15: 21-28 (the bible Reina Valera in Spanish)
22 And behold, a Canaanite woman, who had come out of those terms, cried out, saying, Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me; My daughter is badly tormented by the devil. 23 But he did not answer him a word. Then, when his disciples arrived, they begged him, saying: Discard her, for she gives voices behind us. 24 And he answering said, I am sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 25 Then she came and worshiped him, saying, Lord, help me. 26 And he answered and said, It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs. 27 And she said, Yes, Lord; but the dogs eat of the crumbs that fall from the table of their gentlemen. 28 Then Jesus answering said, O woman, great is your faith; be done with you as you want. And his daughter was healthy since that time


Remember that faith has no limits is illogical and is what precedes in the face of any storm, because the righteous live by faith. Although the Bible conceptualizes faith "as the conviction of what is not seen" to me, I particularly like this promise that the apostle Paul refers in the book of Romans 1:17:
"For in the gospel the justice of God is revealed by faith and by faith, as it is written: But the just shall live by faith" (Reina Valera-1960)

As we can interpret in this story of the Canaanite woman, no limitation could quench the faith that was in her heart, the disciples of the Lord could not do it when they asked Jesus to fire her because it bothered her, nor did the same lord when she first kept Silence and then he threw a word that for others would have been the biggest offense of his life, but none of this changed her, none of this offended her or prevented her faith from being weakened. On the contrary, she took more strength to the response she made Jesus.
he replied and said: It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs. 27 And she said, Yes, Lord; but dogs eat crumbs that fall from the table of their knights

Actually, this woman's faith surprised Jesus that he had no choice but to respond with honor to that woman's faith by saying: Oh woman! Great is your faith! Become with you as you want. And his daughter was healthy since then.

As you can see the miracles do not occur by necessity but by faith, when you believe God with all your heart.

Lord, on this day I want to believe you with all my heart, come and pour your mercy on what I desire with all my soul!


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la fe mueve montañas y hemos decidido creer en Dios y servirle

Amen sister @luxiannys01, that is our attitude to life, to believe God, DTB

Amen @ricci01, faith knows no defeat and in Christ we are more than conquerors.