How to know God's disciples

in sc-v •  6 years ago 

Greetings and blessings, health to the whole family of steemchur.

My reflection today is based on the book of John 13:35 where we read:

"In this all will know that you are my disciples, if you had love with one another."


Jesus has always taught us through his word and under the direction of the holy spirit who are his disciples and what are those that serve him.

No doubt the word of God contains all the information about the attitudes and character that we as Christians and disciples of the Lord should have.

We can interpret in these verses that Jesus takes up once again with the disciples a subject that he had already referred to in other occasions and tells us that he takes it up again to talk about a new commandment ... that you love one another, every time Jesus took up these issues was to make them see that he put in his hands a new standard, "the love of Jesus." He refers to you when the world sees in you that selfless love for each other, you will realize that you are my true disciples.

And that is truly the greatest testimony that a disciple of Jesus can give to the world, because He also told them on an occasion when the concerned disciples asked him how the world would recognize him as his disciples. He answered them, do not worry, they will not have to do No effort because you alone will prove it through your actions- _ "If you love each other, everyone will realize that they are my disciples."

Many people make efforts and works to show that they are Christians or that Jesus lives in their lives, however although doing this kind of thing is good and exercising faith is no more important than the norms established by Jesus regarding the feeling of love, Love is essential in humanity to awaken genuine feelings of good in the body of Christ and in all others, and who are the best fit to exercise them? the disciples of the Lord, those who serve God and live for Him, all those who have been transformed and are light of the world and salt of the earth.

So the manifestation of love is what shows that Jesus is your lord, that He transformed your life and you serve him with love but you also give that love to the world and your brothers so that the light of Christ that is in you may shine To everyone around you.

¡Really when Jesus transforms our heart is beautiful!


it is your actions that will show that you are a disciple of Christ, it is also written by "its fruits you will recognize" the disciple or the one who serves Christ is recognized for his good fruits. Everyone who is born again practices the fruits of the spirit.

And you remember if you are a disciple of Christ "you will love your brothers"

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Jesus said that there is nothing better than giving our lives for our friends, true Christianity is based on the love of our fellow men.

Amén @darlenys01, muchas gracias por comentar.DTB

The second and great commandment of God is that we love each other. In this we will know that we are disciples of Jesus Christ. Blessings @ ricci01.

That's right @mamidalia, thank you very much for reading. DTB

Excellent reflection @ricci01 for love you will truly recognize that we are disciples of Christ.

Amen @xioran, love makes the impossible possible, thank you very much for commenting.

Excellent message with a well-defined purpose, that we love each other to show that we are followers of Jesus and the light that illuminates the entire world. DTB

Greetings @elpastor, I appreciate your comment, thank you very much for your input. Blessings

Greetings @ ricci01. Love characterizes the disciples of Jesus. Good post.

Hello @carlis20, Blessings, thank you very much for reading.

He who does not love his brother is not born of God, because God is love. The order is that we love each other. Thanks for sharing.

Hello @ennimariana, I appreciate your comment, thank you very much for reading, Blessings

Beautiful publication Love is important in fraternal relationships, God disapproves of hating each other. He who is born of God is full of love, because the nature of God is love.

Hi @johalys48, thank you very much for reading. DTB

There is no greater demonstration that we are of Christ when we love our brothers. Very good areflexión @ricci01.

Amen @mildreduh, thank you very much for reading. DTB

Brotherly love leads us to be true disciples of Jesus Christ. If I hate my brother, I'm still in the dark and not in the light. DTB

That's right @dali13, I appreciate your comment, thank you very much for reading.

Blessings @ ricci01. I find your publication very valuable and edifying with a message focused on the love of neighbor as a fundamental requirement to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Hi ricci01 This interesting message must be preached infinitely in the church so that love flows between the brothers and ends conflicts, murmurs and gossip. Those who practice such things know that they will not inherit heaven. Blessings

Hi @Kimbi09, Blessings. Thank you very much for your contribution.

Blessings The Lord Jesus Christ was characterized by loving people and left this example to all his disciples so that we all walk in the way he taught us. It is up to us to make it practical.

Hi @fany, thank you very much for reading and commenting. DTB

God bless you more @ ricci01. There are great truths in your post. Brotherly love is what makes the difference in the true church of Jesus Christ and is what allows us to be a light of the world.

Hi @jacobbendice, I appreciate your input, thanks for reading. DTB

Blessings @ ricci01. Very important the contribution he makes in his message full of reflection for a church with problems of criticism and gossip and other things to consider.

Hi @merry, thanks for reading. God free us from these situations, Blessings.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment