in sc-v •  5 years ago 

A book about God's love seems so obvious that most people would like to study other more interesting topics. The love of God seems to be the most basic course of Christianity, and many would like to delve into something deeper. But there is nothing deeper than the love of God.


“What the Father showed us in His Son's gift is that He does not want to conform to the servitude of fearful slaves. He prefers the intimate affection of sons and daughters ... God loves you with a deep and tenacious love. Nothing fulfills His purposes more than when His love overwhelms you, then transforms you, and then takes you through the rest of your life reflecting His glory on this earth. That's why he created you ... ”

God is always with us. And although He does not always act in the only way we can understand that true love would act, yet he loves us ... He wants to walk with us through the most desecrated places and experiences of our lives and redeem them ... The love of God is big enough to contain all our most horrendous moments and help us out of them.

In John 14:11 and 20, Jesus told His disciples: “Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me… In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you."

In these simple words Jesus reveals what God's desire has been since the first day of creation: inviting men and women to the relationship He has had with himself for all eternity ... His purpose in creating the world was to invite us as mere creation to share with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit the wonder of that relationship.

In John 15:15, Jesus explains this relationship more clearly: “I will no longer call you servants, because the servant does not know what his lord does; but I have called you friends, because all the things that I heard from my Father, I have made known to you. ”

“I know this sounds absurd. How is it that simple human beings can enjoy a friendship with the Almighty who created with His word everything we see? … Isn't it daring to even imagine that God would delight in me, me with all my struggles and my carnal failures? ”

Do not! It is not daring! Yes it would be, if it were not the idea of ​​God himself. But He is offering to be our loving Father - He declares that He is the excited boyfriend, and we are the bride - He compares us to chicks looking for the chicken's protective wings ...

“By thinking of a relationship of intimate communion, of trust and love with God, we are not diminishing His transcendence. Seeking a friendship with the living God never wanes who He is (... in fact, He has already "diminished" by becoming a man). That does not reduce Him to our level so that we then treat him disrespectfully; that only defines him in his fatherhood in a much greater way. ”

“For your personal journey - take a moment to think about your relationship with God:

Is it growing in closeness and sensitivity, or does it feel more like something abstract?
Is He more real than your best friend, or is it rather a distant presence that rarely seems to be interested in the real situations of your life?

If your relationship with Him is not what you want it to be, ask him to help you grow in knowing him more and recognizing His presence every day. ”

“And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love; and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. ”(1 John 4:16)

Beloved: Let us pray that we can proclaim these words with complete security and confidence for our own lives!

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Jesus said that we would no longer be servants but we would be his friends, to be friends with Jesus we must do the will of the father.

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