I got scammed because I was an idiot

in scam •  6 years ago  (edited)

Friday morning started out awesome enough.

No SteemPh meeting meaning I had the whole day freed up. I spoke to Mum today and had a good catch up and my Cosmic Messengers book is finally arriving any time now. Everything considered today looked like it was going to be a great day.

Since I only had wrapping up a parcel to send tomorrow on my to do list, I had time to burn and eventually landed on @creativecrypto's twitter page cos I heard the creator of Litecoin dropped by.

When I got there I found this.


And this.


Let me just say I am not a twitter person and although I generally dont click random links, the fact that it had the creative crypto logo and it was in the comments of a trusted source I thought it was ok.


Long story short. I'm the idiot who didn't read the usernames properly and got scammed out of 0.5 ETH.

And thank god it was only 0.5 ETH it could have been so much worse. Still though, to me, it was an expensive lesson on learning how to bloody read because that's what it basically was.

I didn't read who the link came from and had I just checked with the boys (@sndbox) I would have totally avoided being in this position.


This right here is what I meant the other day when I wrote about not being the type to tell people how to be a good person, but instead by sharing myself unfiltered you guys can learn from my mistakes.

And this one is a doozy. Please learn from my mistake and take the time to read and check out who the link is coming from. If you have people to ask, ASK them.

I'm not gonna lie, I shed a tear or two, stressed out about money for a bit (I've been saving for ages!) but I'm opting to take this like a man, suck that tear back up and just learn from it.

On the plus side, I was struggling to find something to write about today and thanks to this little experience I now have blogging material 😂

Not a totally crappy day.


My book finally arrived while typing this blog out. I pre-ordered it last Dec and this morning I received the delivery today notice. I bought it before the settlement was finalised, not knowing if we were going to be living here by the time the book was ready, but I had it sent here anyway.

You know, indicating to the Universe that I will not accept any other outcome and that we WILL be living here.

The postie was also very helpful. He saw the view and said it was amazing. He also told me that if they try to build on the empty block next door and they build high and block our view, we can go to the council and protest the build on account of our house/land value would go down if our view was blocked.

That was really handy information!


Yes I got scammed today but is it weird that I still feel blessed?

Don't get me wrong, I still don't know how to break the news to Hubby, but overall I have great support here on Steemit.

Thanks for the pep talk @hansikhouse and those big cuddles @topkpop & @gohba.handcrafts

I'm sure I'll eventually earn my money back and in terms of being scammed, I've heard much worse stories where people lost thousands.

I also got my new book and received solid advice from the postie so Im pretty sure someone out there is helping me turn my day around.

Ok! Before I go absorb this book, please...


🌻 Arly

🍀 All pictures taken on my Samsung Note 8 🍀

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Oh damn that sucks! After losing a 100 times like this I learnt my lesson, there is no way anyone would give out crypto for free or interest or free or crypto for promotion except on Drops.

Rotten bastards. I hate scammers more than anything else in life...even balut. They prey indiscriminately on anyone, scum of the earth. Hope you can m0ve on..NEVER blame yourself and enjoy the rest of the weekend with your loved ones.

Ouch, I feel your pain on that it's always frustrating when your hard earned is taken away by unscrupulous people. It's a tough world out there though, running a business myself I've lost and learned over many years from card fraud - the most frustrating part of that being it can be months after you have taken the order and shipped the goods the card company take back the payment - at which point you can't do anything but suck the loss up and learn from the mistake.

One bright side though, a few years back I caught a card fraud scammer out - although he got the payment for an expensive piece of equipment through by providing the card holders address I was suspicious enough to land mail a letter through to the card holder address before shipping anything. A nice lady rang up a few days later to say it was her Husbands card, he had been working in America for a month and would have no need for a commercial espresso coffee machine. She blocked his card and I informed the local police, while keeping up the pretence with the "buyer" I was shipping his machine. In the end the Police did not do much, but the idiot doing the fraud spent 3 days outside the delivery address flat in a van waiting to intercept the equipment delivery that would never happen. It was difficult every time he rang to keep a straight face while saying - "it's on the way, but the van is caught in traffic", then "The van had a puncture they can't do it until tomorrow now".

Fortunately there are more good people in the world then bad, and that can brighten up even the darkest of days.


Oh shit that sucks

So sorry 😣


Aww thats ok lovely. Thanks for stopping by with the love ❤❤❤

Awww.... I'm so sorry that this happened to you sweetie 😔 I never klick on any links myself eather as I'm afraid of what might happen.
But it's so easy done and in your case you thought it was ok and how can people really know for sure... Damn idiot and not cool what they did to you. No matter the amount its still a painful lesson. Much love to you my friend and I hope you can tell your hubby and get to relax not have to think about it to much.

Aww thank you birthday sister 😘😘

Yup I never click links, this was the first lol and boom!

I will never understand why people would try to scam other people but oh well.

I love you Sass. Thanks for being here for me 💗

Ill pour him a glass of wine later then break the news lol

Always here for you my loving birthday sister.
I don't understand eather why people have to scam others or steal or hurt them in whatever way. Just make your own money and earn them like everyone else. They don't deserve to breath doing this to others.
Especially not to friends 😠 damn idiots.

Ohh.... Yes good plan 🍷 a little wine and then break the news. I'm sure it will go just fine and I'm here with you in my mind so just think a thought and I will answer 😉 lol

Love you too beautiful 💖💗💟

YES! IKR! Why cant they just earn their money the honest way? Ill never understand these sort of people.

Im hoping by the time he gets home youll be fast sleep in bed hun. Sleep. Remember that? Sure you dont need beauty sleep but still!

Youre the best Sass ❤

Of course, I would give you a hug! So sorry it happened though what a freaking pain. Another one for you:


Awww thanks honey. I loves you ❤

Awwwww.. I'm really sorry for that @bearone. The most important there is that we learn from our mistakes. I know you'll get more in return. ;-)

Aww thanks @leebaong. Yep that is the most important thing and I'm hoping others also learn from my mistake that would be great so one lesson can benefit many.

So sorry this happened to you-- yikes!

Yeah, sadly we have to be extremely careful these days... maybe I'm just old and jaded, but if someone tells me they will give me even 25 cents "for free," all my red flags go to full mast. Interesting (and sad!) that the @sndbox boys have gotten famous enough to be "spoofable" (I'm a fellow sndbox'er).

Lesson for EVERYONE: check everything for tiny typos!

Lesson learned for sure!

lol I'm usually the same! I just saw the links there with the creative crypto logo, plus I thought that was the Charlie Lee they were talking about on their Facebook page. I didn't even notice the usernames until @hansikhouse pointed it out to me 🙈🙈

So sorry that you got scammed. so many crazy people out there!!

Thanks love. People are messed up that's for sure!

Oh no hun, that absolutely sucks!!
I’m so sorry that happened.
It’s easy for them to catch you out these days. They have gotten so good at making the scam look legit.

🤗 thanks hun

It sucks but it could have been so much worse.

These scammers are really increasing by their numbers, it must really feel bad, maybe you need to confirm your source before doing business you know, however remain blessed and be careful with people you do business with

This is the first time Ive encountered one and trust me Ive learned my lesson for sure! Thanks @josediccus

I did this the other day with Twitter. But luckily realized as I clicked the link.

I seriously had no idea about Twitter being like that. I'm kinda used to the safe(ish) environment here. Sure there's scams here too but there are accounts that flag them and warn users. Plus on here we just know not to click links. Now I know its the same for Twitter.

Did you have to send them ETH to get more ETH?

YES! 🙈

Ack D: glad there were some nice things to balance out the bad things. And that it wasn't a lot of money in the grand scheme x_x And that your indication to the universe that you were going to have your way didn't result in the universe having a tantrum to make sure you didn't XD


Yup, always seems to be a balance every time something goes wrong so that's always awesome.

Haha the Universe reacts to energy. If you focus and want something and not have any conflicting emotions about what you want, the Universe finds ways to help you get what you want.

I know a bit about energy, it's how I do massage XD

Well I've been deadset focused with zero conflicting emotions knowing that I want to earn enough money doing my anim project for my partner to retire while the kids are still young so he can have fun homeschooling and being domestic, and I've been deadset focused and working my arse off (almost literally, though I can't forget to eat because of other issues otherwise I probably would, anyway my partner thinks I'm going to overwork/stress myself ino an early grave and is desperately trying to make me slow down with no luck), and...well...I'm still stuck in my fucking catch22 with no end in sight XD just a nudge from steem and patreon :)

I also really, really did want this house but yeh you saw what happened there XD

Balance in your own life is always good, I think it would suck if your life was super awesome because someone else's sucked or vice versa :D


@bearone, so sorry about this. It's terrible how rampant these twitter scams are. We're officially on alert and will do everything we can to prevent this from happening again. Stay safe out there fam.

Aww it's ok you guys <3 I had no idea about how scam filled twitter was, but I do now and really I should have used my eyes you know? It could have been so much worse.

However, I believe a live moonwalk on tomorrow's show would definitely turn my frown up side down ;)

Seriously, it's ok. I love you guys. Thank you for the love and support. #sndbox4eva

ahhwwiiee... its not about the amount but those crazy people who has nothing to do but dupe around! Stay safe mommeeyy!

Btw, that book looks interesting!! 😍

I got scammed too but it was because I downloaded and signed up on a fake DTube App in Google Playstore. Lesson learned the hard way and as they say:

Charge to experience!

don't consider your self as an idiot mommy.. there are people who loves to take advantage other people situation and I don't like that. They work and strive hard but not in a good way. let them do what they want always remember that someone is watching in everything we do. Your not an idiot sorry I bet to disagree.. you're an awesome person.. owrayt!!!

hahaha ... welcome to crypto world... i feel you... hugs ...

Woops...your little girl is cute as a button on the footer there :P