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I'm not looking to start shit with you but you have to be ready for this when you come here, suddenly waving cash in front of people's faces in a place where a lot of us value the sense of community and are sincerely worried about it turning into a shitstorm of get-rich-quick schemes or being monopolized with those who already have way more than they need, see others as competition and have the resources to change the whole dynamic here for their own benefit.

And making a list of people who are "not invited to the party" is petty. You've been here for a few hours and are already the main talk of steemit. Your Rep and potential payout is the same as most people who work for 2 months at adding value to the community. You might think that makes you smart, but it might just mean you know how to take advantage of others.

I don't want to go around talking shit about you, I'd rather try to help you understand why you are rubbing some people the wrong way. We care about this community, not just how much money we can make from it. We are worried that our quality content will be drowned out by these kinds of posts, promising money, making it harder for us to get heard and to earn by just doing our thing.

Get it?

my exact thoughts. way to be real. thanks

🌺I care about this community's future!
What a POS he is as a zillion of others of his kind who thinks money is a God.
I muted this BS the moment it popped up in my feed.

The worrying part is that he seems to be involved with the bitshares community that is heavily connected with Steemit.

Screen Shot 2017-06-05 at 1.03.17 PM.png


I'm really sorry but you made some mistakes..

These mistakes will cost you.

We're only just looking for those that might be beguiled into getting hurt and be wrongfully traumatized to Steemit. Nothing personal.

There's minnows, dolphin, and Whales.. And then now there's a shark.

some whales here are not much better than sharks

hmm.. It's how it is.. they win by joining early. They've risked their investment and now it works out in their favour. not much we can do there, Unless one really crosses the line.

can hardly disagree

You should buy $10mio worth of STEEM and fight these darn trolls!

You could rule this system with your power and bring your message to even more people (potential investors) ... by just buying STEEM!

Feel the power Matt!

Do you feel it yet?


Now go be the #mogul you are and buy $10mio worth of STEEM and show us all your marketing power!

Tuck Fheman's inspirational seminars are available on Skype by request at a cost of .1 BTC per hour. Contact @tuck-fheman for more details.

Keel, do you take BTS cause I'm way short on BTC at the moment...

I can feel the power already !!!!

You are a fucking joke.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Name one person that announces a $10M prize pool for a game and then starts a thread banning people who don't like his project individually, rofl. Are you even trying?

I watched that older facebook video for way to long. You, sir, have issues.

I respect @stan but I really question his vouch on this. Hope an explanation follows.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Fuck you Matt. Go find a hole to die in. Steem does not want you.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Too bad you can't decide everyone's opinion on your shit.

I didn't choose to make this personal, it could've been anyone else announcing that shitshow what you call game, my opinion could've remained the same.

We'll see who the first one to fuck off is.

Mention the lawsuits, he hates that.

Savage & well played. I think you won since he's "gone".

It was a very fast game of war. Better man won.

Ooh ooh I remember! You tried to take $2500 away from him/her based on extremely vague promises!

i guess i'll take a 'wait and see' approach, but i sat thru the webinar and kept having the feeling i was being 'sold' on timeshares 😉

I wouldn't get involved. This sounds suspicious.

after listening to his webinar something's clearly not kosher, í'm not big on the 'hardsell' tactics and the lack of specifics

Do I get a-tshirt for being banned from your scam?
Nah it's fine.
Like the money people are sending you a shirt order will "disappear'".
Did you know if you Google Matt trainer the first results with autocomplete is scam?

Actually...a Mogul T-shirt might be pretty cool. Maybe just rip-off the design and make your own? Add a little flare to it? Sell them on Peerhub for STEEM? Would be a cool collector's item for all of us!

Put hashtag don't screw with steemit on there for kicks :)


Pretty good!


Indeed the popcorn is flowing...

Hahaha you are going to get flagged to death. There will be no game there will be no successful scam.

I've poured my life's work into this game. I won't have it slandered.

Then find BETTER ways to promote your product?

How ABOUT helping people for free?

You won't do that, right?

I have closely observed the IM field for a long time and found your webinar style sign up a classic way to generate leads...

And upfront money for yourself.

Dollar before product is the game.

Don't do that.

People are smart these days. And so if you ask money upfront without offering anything of value, but hopes and promises and dreams, then it's time to re-evaluate your strategy.

No one's gonna give you any of our hard-earned money.

Not blindly.

Comedy gold.


Prize pool went from $10million to $15million and haven't launched yet?

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Thanks for the great opportunity @matttrainer. Not.

But hey, I still want to see the presentation! :)

Bye you scammer waves hand

  ·  8 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Original comment

The way that you know you are on to something big is when close minded, short sighted and il informed folks make quick decisions on somethings validity.. It usually means they already had their mind up before hearing the story.. A shame for them.. Nothing leading edge, revolutionary or creative EVER became accepted as fact without some resistance. Kudos to you @matttrainer and team. I got your back! but thats probably because i know the REAL story.

It's really revolutionary to convince people that paying you $2500 to "play a game" is better than putting $2500 into any amount of top 100 cryptocurrency coins/tokens/assets. What a revolutionary adventure that will change steem forever!

Viva la revolution!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Original comment

bro.. its all about the gamification process.. Learning the power of customer interaction and participation. When you gamify your end users experience you get a much deeper level of participation. You reward, via points, or whatever to encourage people to do more of what they should be doing. Its a simple concept but super powerful and a win win as you help create better results for people. The packages that were part of the webinar were simply options for folks who want to take a deep dive and get one on one education on all the things they are doing behind the scenes. The crypto currency is to be backed by the bitshares platform and there are signed contracts for 'future gold' from mining operations so that the new crypto will infact be backed by gold. There is no scam here.. maybe the delivery was in such a way that didnt make sense to some

uh huh honey

  ·  8 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

It's like being blocked by the Nigerian prince that emails you :/. If only.

First you give @matttrainer the money, then he uses it to buy DMT and Ayahuasca, Step 2 ???, Step 3 Profit.

You spelt step 3: 'lose all your money' wrong. :p
He's going to be a steemit meme now haha.


Stella beat me to it! Someone photoshop his face on that girl. ASAP.

it is a guy......

Omg. I feel so bad.

LMFAO u guys are killing me!

ha ha! Nice one.