Schism 2019: World’s Apart! Multiple perspectives or parallel universes.

in schism •  6 years ago 


While observing different events and perspectives across the internet, it appears to be multiple alternate realities playing out on different metaphysical plains. While I’m sure that there’s some much more sophisticated language to what I’ve just described, I’m hoping it’s relatable enough for others to get some sort of confirmation in what they may be sensing as well. As we draw closer to the 2020 elections, some extremely brash and transparent moves are being made all over different media platforms in my opinion, which I’m pretty sure will end up biting them later. We’ve all seen the SJW and Feminist Owned videos and while some of us get a good laugh from their reactions, some get a sense of empowerment. I’ve seen people completely transformed into stronger and better people from viewing them. Mentally, it’s almost like they’re hacking into the source of logic itself, and changing their way of thinking entirely. Almost as if a new network of neurons lit up and access a new part of the mind. The closest definition I’ve found to what I’m trying to describe is Introverted Thinking, a term from Analytical Psychology. Which involves breaking and categorizing the mind into terms like cognition and personality traits. However, on the other side of the metaphysical mirror just having the search results pulled up around certain people triggers a negative emotional response. Some acquaintances react by turning their heads as they defensively hold up a hand to further shield their eyes. It’s really hard to maintain a face of genuine compassion and understanding while simultaneously playing out the most overblown and ridiculous scenario in your head should they ‘happen’ to be subjected to watching them in their entirety. I imagine the local news reports of the latest string of brutal ‘ist/ism’ attacks by secret ‘Alt-Right’ co-workers. Then I remember who and where I am, immediately close the browser and feign compassion, remorse, and understanding. However, if they’re someone within the vicinity I can feel their negative swamplike presence pressing against the back of my chair from across the call center floor. If I’m in a cynical mood, I might find their discomfort amusing and start scheming additional and equally amusing ways to pass my work week. How did society come to such a schism? How does looking at the very same thumbnail cause such one person endless amusement and the other such aggravation? There is a multitude of theories and parables that describe these phenomena, one that stuck out is Nietzsche’s views on morality by contrasting the Higher Man and the herd.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was a German philosopher who was also a cultural critic. One of the central themes surrounding his works is the Higher Man and the Herd Morality which is derived from Master-Slave Morality. There is an excellent channel on Youtube called The Academy of Ideas that has several videos regarding Nietzsche and his philosophy if you want to go do some surface level digging.
This can be an extremely polarizing view for most people when you realize who it applies to and what it starts to mean. That is assuming your subconscious doesn’t manifest a reality where you never encounter this ‘Horrible man” and his offensive words in the first place (That convenient call or text from a friend you just ‘have’ to answer, hmmm). It’s amazing to observe this in real time with friends you’re trying to help. Especially when you explain what’s happening, why it’s happening, how they’re doing it and how to change it, what ‘choice’ they’ll make, the final result of their choice before-hand, and then watch or listen (Phone) as the scenario unfolds precisely as described. However, for those who make that choice and then bravely leap down that rabbit-hole to truly learn about themselves and their place in this life, I believe they’ll find themselves as worthy of their result. Now take this philosophy and apply it to the political spectrum today, those who scream for diversity and equality seem to justify whatever abhorrent actions they take in the name of their moral code, just look at Jussie Smollett or the Covington Kids incidents. I believe that there is a real possibility that the shared energy and beliefs of these people have manifested an alternate reality or mental matrix chop-full of racism, oppression, nazis, populists, and countless other manifestations of fear. There is a phrase that states that fear is simply the mind processing an energy or spectrum that it doesn’t understand that I’ve concluded to be valid, and it’s worked wonders in my life since embracing it. It also serves as a useful filter when trying to understand why some people react the way they do to certain elements. So does the fact that I know this information, combined with the fact that I know where their knowledge begins and ends and their fear-based manifestations take over, make me the monster that they fear so much, or does it make that person weak for being a victim of their own shortcomings and needs some tough love?

Biased Opinion: I think Neitzche’s point is valid and applies today.

Unbiased Judgement: We can all benefit from showing some compassion for each other’s feelings. While mentally bullying on your end may manifest amusement for you, for them it may manifest a subconscious scenario where a disabled queer-gendered person-of-color is executed by stake-burning right in front of them with the theme from Serafina playing quietly as BGM.


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