
in sci-fi •  5 years ago  (edited)



Grand Fenwick

In the 1955 satirical novel The Mouse That Roared, the name quadium was given to the Hydrogen-4 isotope that powered the Q-bomb that the Duchy of Grand Fenwick captured from the United States.

There is no modern technology in the Duchy, but has a postal service, mail going outside the Duchy has to be sent to Monaco.

Monaco is a sovereign city-state, country, and microstate on the French Riviera in Western Europe.

Cathars came from the region Marseilles on Gulf of Lion, old province of Languedoc.

Gallo/Occitan languages of northwestern Italy, show little in common with Venetian.


a program by U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) that performs machine learning analysis on communications data.

Joint Assistant for Development and Execution, a U.S. military automated planning software system, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, used for planning the deployment of military forces.

Quantum Processor Unit
Quantum Logic Gate
Gate Model (Universal)
IBM Q (System One)
Google (Sycamore)
D-Wave Systems (DW)

SHOR (Algorithm)
polynomial-time quantum computer algorithm for integer factorization, solving the following problem of a Given Integer & Prime Factors, invented in 1994 by American mathematician Peter Shor.

Quantum Bomb

Antiparticle opposites annihilate each other.

Antiparticles are produced naturally as beta decayor the collision of cosmic rays with Earth's atmosphere, or by the simultaneous creation of both a particle and its antiparticle, which occur in particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.

Google Earth/Map Security

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demons can shift threw many people at once, like an invisible snake or puppetmaster.

unfortunately without universal spiritual assistance, we would need to declare war upon the afterlife underworld & dig out the demons threw some kind of Flatliner technology & special units to deep dive, map & organize an assault.

there are weapons that can be used as well, threw spectrometer mapping & emp devices, de-possession of the inhabited en-mass.


Approximate historical map of the spread of the spoke-wheeled chariot, 2000–500 BC



hittite sarruma.jpg

The Hurrians produced literary accounts of their myths, in which Mesopotamian and Syrian influences are clear. The most important myths form the Kumarbi Cycle, which parallels the Ugaritic Baal Cycle, which recounts how the Ugaritic weather god Baal became the ruler of the gods. Similarly, the Kumarbi Cycle recounts how Teššub gained his power and made it firm (thus some scholars refer to it as the Teššub Cycle).

Kumarbi is the chief god of the Hurrians. He is the son of Anu (the sky), and father of the storm-god Teshub. He was identified by the Hurrians with Sumerian Enlil, by the Greeks as Kronos and by the Ugaritians with El.

Kumarbi is known from a number of mythological Hittite texts, sometimes summarized under the term "Kumarbi Cycle". These texts notably include the myth of The Kingship in Heaven (also known as the Song of Kumarbi, or the "Hittite Theogony", CTH 344), the Song of Ullikummi (CTH 345), the Kingship of the God KAL (CTH 343), the Myth of the dragon Hedammu (CTH 348), the Song of Silver (CTH 364).



guess what the theme of my new post will be?

Die Wickiana
Johann Jakob Wick

there is a Bohemian myth of 3 brothers, Lech, Czech, and Rus, who were the sons of a prince from a city from the south called Pannonia, which lead to another Aquileia (Venice), Councils of Aquileia, Patriarchate of Aquileia & Holy See of Rome, that led to Christianity, Mithras, Belenus, Apollo, Apollyon.

lol, must have lost my touch, i thought for sure that this was going to be an epic failure & now i know it definitely will be!

Yazdânism, or the Cult of Angels is the pre-Islamic, native religion of the Kurds.

Yazidism religion has been described as a mixture of Islam, Zoroastrianism, and Mithraism.

Vritra ('enveloper') is a Vedic serpent or dragon in Hinduism, the personification of drought and adversary of Indra. Vritra is identified as an Asura.






Lamassu, an Assyrian protective deity, often depicted with a bull or lion's body, eagle's wings, and human's head.

Sumerian and Akkadian mythology feature the demon Anzu, half man and half bird, associated with the chief sky god Enlil. This was a divine storm-bird linked with the southern wind and the thunder clouds.

Jewish mythology speaks of the Ziz, which resembles Anzu, as well as the ancient Greek Phoenix. The Bible mentions the Ziz in Psalms 50:11. This is also similar to a cherub. The cherub, or sphinx, was very popular in Phoenicia.

In ancient Crete, griffins became very popular, and were portrayed in various media. A similar creature is the Minoan Genius.

In the Hindu religion, Garuda is a large bird-like creature which serves as a mount (vahana) of the Lord Vishnu. It is also the name for the constellation Aquila.

gothenburg geomagnetic excursion in relation to galactic equator & local interstellar cloud or fluff, specifically in regards to chromatic scale.


[[Place Token Here]]

i was looking into the 4th isotope of hydrogen for a clue into the earth being the 4th sphere if the sun is counted as 1.

i then discovered this ..


1955 satirical novel The Mouse That Roared, the name quadium was given to the Hydrogen-4 isotope that powered the Q-bomb that the Duchy of Grand Fenwick captured from the United States.

and they even made a move out of the novel.

my last name was changed from Korsvik to Wick from Norway emigration to America in 1800s.

war is playing both sides false flag

Chrestos & Christos


this is the argument regarding Christ existence, blood & crucifixion, also if using the death for sins is a gateway into something else, almost as a form of paganism, as apposed to the spirit of Christ within all people regardless of religion or belief & therefore cultivation of goodness from within as a fundamental element of life.

TV Technology Videodrome

ziocon zardoz xeno


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red ice with jason jorjani about iran



probably paid by mafia in conjunction with fed/cia ziocorp & human traffickers.

evil is bound to a centralized source of its power, the patterns are identical.

artificial intelligence (possession or hivemind).. apposed to legitimate intelligence from within.

this is the true source of gangstalking, from the demonic realms.

once these things are allowed in, they will hang around until everything is ruined & all is lost.

there are secret places & old cultures who exorcist possession, they must remain hidden because they will be murdered, this is an invisible war of spiritual forces.

what i am attempting to gather are very specific targets that hold the darkest secrets into this evil global phenomena, find its roots & find a solution.

i think of it as some kind of Babylonian multiple personality syndrome into the global subconscious of even the earth itself.

it appears to be operating almost as if automated, or a subconscious program locked into a cycle of abuse.

there are to many people infected, not including the afterlife victims & possible demonic influences.

as we enter the age technology this may be the only opportunity to do this effectively.

medieval serfdom began with the breakup of the Carolingian Empire


Jan 2020

Iran Assassination
Chinese Coronavirus
Brexit European
Trump Impeachment
Australia Fires
African Plague
Grand Solar Minimum
Economic Collapse

my new android phone & update, it has removed the ability to copy & pase ftom my gmail.

going to restart phone, might be a glitch, but my suspension is saboteur.

[Update] restarted phone & copy & paste works now.. hmm

seems ok for now, not to sure about Google Android.. gots a few concerns regarding cia alphabet ect..


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biggest pest ever award goes to?

and i was locked out again for 10 minutes.

its Google & Android, they are fucking with communications deliberately..specifically steemit.

copy & past works for email & internet, not steemit, specifically busy.

copy & paste with clipboard.

both north & south pole moving towards Philippines at the equator, from Siberia & Antarctica to Australia.

the Shuemann Resonance is giving pulse codes that are slowly moving from high to low, the fear is when its hits earths base frequency in approximately 4 years.





Ugaritic Baal Cycle

1200 BC


Baal is Osiris, and sister/wife went looking for Baal in underworld had a son named Moshe.


Ugaritic Baal Cycle

Mesopotamia & mythology of Judaism.

i believe this is where the pizzagate situation & demon worship originated.

the keys to unravel this pandora box is right here.

the nature of evil is an opposite reflection of life, it's not fundamentally real, as if its bound by artificial constructs or covenant that can be undone.



The Ancient Era

10th to 6th Millennium BCEEdit9130–7370 BCEThis was the apparent period of use of Göbekli Tepe, one of the oldest human-made sites of worship yet discovered; evidence of similar usage has also been found in another nearby site, Nevalı Çori. 7500–5700 BCE The settlements of Catalhoyukdeveloped as a likely spiritual centre of Anatolia. Possibly practising worship in communal shrines, its inhabitants left behind numerous clay figurines and impressions of phallic, feminine and hunting scenes.

3750 BCE The Proto-Semitic people emerged from a generally accepted urheimat in the Levant. The Proto-Semitic people would migrate throughout the Near East into Mesopotamia, Egypt, Ethiopiaand the eastern shore of the Mediterranean.3300–1300 BCE

The Indus Valley Civilization(IVC) was a Bronze Age civilization (3300–1300 BCE; mature period 2600–1900 BCE) in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent, noted for its cities built of brick, roadside drainage system and multi-storeyed houses.3200–3100 BCENewgrange, the 250,000 ton (226,796.2 tonne) passage tomb aligned to the winter solstice in Ireland, was built.[12]3100 BCEThe initial form of Stonehengewas completed. The circular bank and ditch enclosure, about 110 metres (360 ft) across, may have been completed with a timber circle.3000 BCESumerian Cuneiform emerged from the proto-literate Uruk period, allowing the codification of beliefs and creation of detailed historical religious records.The second phase of Stonehenge was completed and appeared to function as the first enclosed cremation cemetery in the British Isles.2635–2610 BCEThe oldest surviving Egyptian Pyramid was commissioned by Pharaoh Djoser.2600 BCEStonehenge began to take on its final form. The wooden posts were replaced with bluestone. It began taking on an increasingly complex setup (including an altar, a portal, station stones, etc.) and shows consideration of solar alignments.2560 BCEThis is the approximate time accepted as the completion of the Great Pyramid of Giza, the oldest pyramid of the Giza Plateau.2494–2345 BCEThe first of the oldest surviving religious texts, the Pyramid Texts, was composed in Ancient Egypt.2200 BCEThe Minoan Civilizationdeveloped in Crete. Citizens worshipped a variety of goddesses.2150–2000 BCEThe earliest surviving versions of the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh—originally titled He who Saw the Deep (Sha naqba īmuru) or Surpassing All Other Kings (Shūtur eli sharrī)—were written.1700–1100 BCEThe oldest of the Hindu Vedas(scriptures), the Rig Veda was composed. This is the first mention of Rudra a fearsome form of Shiva as the supreme god.1600 BCEThe ancient development of Stonehenge came to an end.1500 BCEThe Vedic Age began in India after the collapse of the Indus Valley Civilisation.1351 or 1353 BCEThe reign of Akhenaten, sometimes credited with starting the earliest known recorded monotheistic religion, in Ancient Egypt.[citation needed]1300–1000 BCEThe "standard" Akkadian version of the Epic of Gilgamesh was edited by Sin-liqe-unninni.1250–600 BCEThe Upanishads (Vedic texts) were composed, containing the earliest emergence of some of the central religious concepts of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.1200 BCEThe Greek Dark Age began.1200 BCEThe Olmecs built the earliest pyramids and temples in Central America.[13]877–777 BCEThe life of Parshvanatha, 23rd Tirthankara of Jainism.[14][15]800 BCEThe Greek Dark Age ends.8th to 6th centuries BCEThe Chandogya Upanishad is compiled, significant for containing the earliest to date mention of Krishna. Verse 3.17.6 mentions Krishna Devakiputra (Sanskrit: कृष्णाय देवकीपुत्रा) as a student of the sage Ghora Angirasa.6th to 5th centuries BCEThe first five books of the Jewish Tanakh, the Torah(Hebrew: תורה‬), are probably compiled.[16]6th century BCEPossible start of Zoroastrianism; however some date Zarathustra closer to 1000 BCE . Zoroastrianism flourished under the Persian emperors known as the Achaemenids. The emperors Darius (ruled 522–486 B.C.E.) and Xerxes (ruled 486–465 B.C.E.) made it the official religion of their empire.[17]600–500 BCEThe earliest Confucian writing, Shu Ching, incorporates ideas of harmony and heaven.599–527 BCEThe life of Mahavira, 24th and last Tirthankara of Jainism.[18]c.563/480–c.483/400 BCE,[19][20][21]Gautama Buddha, founder of Buddhism was born.551 BCEConfucius, founder of Confucianism, was born.[13]399 BCESocrates was tried for impiety.369-372 BCE

Bronze Age
Early Bronze Age
1900 BC Near East
mass migration

By this time, bronze metallurgy spread to Anatolia from the Transcaucasian Kura-Araxes culture in the late 4th millennium BCE. Anatolia remained fully in the prehistoric period until it entered the sphere of influence of the Akkadian Empire in the 24th century BCE under Sargon I.




Pizza Man (1991)
Bill Maher kills Trump in the movie Pizza Man: Kid Love production: Monarch Home Video: ..this has nothing to do with pizza!

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fuck off

are Melusine, Anjou & Merovech from a sea monster connected?

apparently all presidents are 100% connected to Anjou bloodline.

is there a connection between the cathars & carthage?

Cathars/Carthage.. the founder of the Jesuit Order from Basque.
