in science •  9 years ago 

Recently a mysterious burst of energy has been turning over the physics world that was discovered in a test at the LHC (Large Hadron Collide). Scientist all around the physics world have been working day and night to try to piece together the puzzle and find what this burst of energy was caused by, and if it can be replicated. Many believe that the excess energy could be evidence of at least 1 new fundamental particle. not only that but they also think that these new particles cannot be explained by the standard model of particle physics. This basically means it can be the door to a whole new field of physics that can change the world forever.

The team at CERN is planning on bringing an update to the world of this mystery particle. The conference of high energy physics (ICHEP) in Chicago is going to be happening on Friday at 9am CST.

If you are hoping to find a new particle some people are saying the chances aren't that high though and it may be something completely different. The discovery was made at the LHC and is beign refered to by many as the 750 GeV (750 Giga electron Volt) diphoton excess. It was first found in December of last year during a test and was shown as just a blip on the data.

Now you are probably wondering what that all means, well basically it means that researchers at CERN have collided photons together at huge energies. When these particles collide, the debris was detected by the LHC's detectors and reported as data to the researchers. What they found was that out of this collision they also saw the excess photons come out with a total energy of 750 GeV.

Now some of you may remember this by the data that was collected right before the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 and was what kicked off the discovery of it. If the experiment is repeated and the data supports the findings, it could spell the discover of a particle 6 times more heavy than the Higgs boson.

The difference between the Higgs and this new data is that the Higgs boson predicted by the standard model, this one is not! With the new data it could close some of the holes in the standard model. Things like how the standard model cannot explain gravity.

This could be the creation of a new branch of physics and the beginning of a new exciting age of science. Only time will tell with more tests and the release of information to the public.

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Lets wait until the data is replicated again before getting too ahead of ourselves. I have a habit of doing this in my own research, have one really interesting result but am then unable to replicate it again. Perhaps we all do, its really easy to get excited over new weird data!

Anyway nice post, keep em coming!