RE: Scientific Evidence Shouldn't Dictate Your Opinion

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Scientific Evidence Shouldn't Dictate Your Opinion

in science •  8 years ago 

You are arguing that astrobiology is not a science. You say that they can't conduct any experiments. But in reality they can and they do the experiments. Astrobiology is not limited only to answering the question is there extraterrestrial life or not.

You are against cosmology. Read what NASA thinks about Cosmology.

"Cosmology is the scientific study of the large scale properties of the universe as a whole. It endeavors to use the scientific method to understand the origin, evolution and ultimate fate of the entire Universe. Like any field of science, cosmology involves the formation of theories or hypotheses about the universe which make specific predictions for phenomena that can be tested with observations. Depending on the outcome of the observations, the theories will need to be abandoned, revised or extended to accommodate the data."

If you don't understand what is written above so it's you the one who misses the point. Many advances in science started as hypothesis that could not be tested at a time.

After your bullshit about replicating the bullet holes with the laser drill i can't take you seriously not only as scientist but also as an engineer. It was not hard at all to imagine the process of drilling and to understand that bullet hole cannot be replicated with a laser drill.

I have no intention to continue that dispute because it's not interesting and absolutely useless.

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I am aware what NASA claims and I can and refuted their ways in another article. You can read the arguments here.

It was not hard at all to imagine the process of drilling and to understand that bullet hole cannot be replicated with a laser drill.

It can be replicated even with nano structures. You just seem to be a bit butthurted and thus accepting other possibilities. Learn to argue properly and learn to think for yourself instead of NASA (or others) doing it for you.

You have no arguments. You don't even know any experiments in astrobiology because you don't what astrobiology is))) You know nothing about what real science.

Arguments))) I'm laughing loud. You're pathetic. Your arguments are poor.

A drill, a laser drill, an artist, and now nano structures)))))))))))))). Great)))

You have a 10 mm thick iron water tank. Replicate a bullet hole in it. Suggest your algorithm. I'm gonna make some tea while you are doing serious science out there)))))

There are absolutely no experiments in astrobiology. not even cosmology. Everything that comes is from planetary science. < the actual scientific field.

You have a 10 mm thick iron water tank. Replicate a bullet hole in it. Suggest your algorithm. I'm gonna make some tea while you are doing serious science out there)))))

Your comment is in the blockchain and will stay here forever. Guess who will be laughing on this in 10 years from now.

1.Please, read this:

  1. Astrobiology is not limited only to an extraterrestrial life. I hope that 10 years later we will read about astrobiological experiments on Mars. I also hope that by that time we will have more advanced technology and methods.

  2. We not only need to know is there extraterrestrial life or not we also need to know where are the limits of the habitability. Why do you think we spend the resources on exoplanets? Because we are thinking about the future colonization of such planets. That's why scientific world and NASA don't have any doubts whether it science or not. That's why i say that you know nothing about astrobiology.

2. I've asked for an algorithm!!!

You have a 10 mm thick iron water tank. Replicate a bullet hole in it. Suggest your algorithm.

Do you know what is an algorithm?

irrelevant. We have no idea what ANY form of life looks beyond, earth, heck even if it exists in any other form other than carbon based. Contacting experiments from life on earth..doesn't count as astrobiology just because we took it a trip in space.

Astrobiology is not limited only to an extraterrestrial life. I hope that 10 years later we will read about astrobiological experiments on Mars. I also hope that by that time we will have more advanced technology and methods.

Unless you have other form of biology in...astrosomwhere..the title is pointless. just call it biology already. when you find another form of life beyond earth, sure call it that. Until then these guys are just collecting funding from sci-fi tax payer enthusiasts.

We not only need to know is there extraterrestrial life or not we also need to know where are the limits of the habitability. Why do you think we spend the resources on exoplanets?

We don't. the budget of the telescopes comes from NASA and the largest usage goes for the US. military. What the tax-payer gets is the artists rendition of what a planet looks so they can masturbate in their memory about the awesomeness of space.

  1. I've asked for an algorithm!!!
    You have a 10 mm thick iron water tank. Replicate a bullet hole in it. Suggest your algorithm.
    Do you know what is an algorithm?

No need. An example of the bullet hole would be big bang and cosmology. Sure we get the background radiation, we have some models on m-theory but all are based on post-hoc assumptions. We give the answer to ourselves and then form the question. What was before big bang? what made it bang?

this is how you distinguish science from bullshit. no falsifiable experiment? toss it away. Cosmology just invented constants so they could make their own predictions. it doesn't bring any answers not can it study phenomena. that's like trying to measure someone's mass by looking at their shadow..and even worse..never have seen a human before.

You need to study what epistemology is mate. sci-fi pop science doesn't cut it.

  1. It's astrobiology, nevertheless. Irrelevant are your answers to say the least. If you don't understand it's your own problem.

  2. You are not answering the question.
    Surely there is no need because you don't know. If you knew you could answer the question easily. You could easily write an algorithm on how to use the machine you've mention but you can't do that. You've shown yourself as complete dilettante and every new comment from only showing how deep your incompetance in science and engineering is.

  3. Big bang can not be a bullet hole. Big bang theory is only a hypothesis. With the given analogy you must have been said that the universe is a bullet hole. Cause and effect you know. Cosmology is trying to research the effect to find the cause. How can it be a bullet hole?

I don't need your advice because i'm not that dumb as you think. What is the level of your education? What is your speciality? I have a degree in applied mathematics. I've studied all the disciples of further mathematics, i've studied physics deeply. I know what science is and what scientific process is. I know who is Karl Popper, occam razor, i know what is epistemology, i know who is Roger Bacon. But i'm not going to call theoretical physics as bullshit. There a lot of dumb creatures that argues that theoretical physics is not a science!!! They are chewing the same gum as you about epistemology, Karl Popper and the rest blah blah blah from dictionaries.

As a mathematian i can tell you a secret. Further mathematics is not a science. Can you prove the existence of a circle of infinite radius? Can make an experiment to prove that? Can you prove that Riemannian space does exist? Can you suggest an experiment that will prove that complex numbers are real?

I guess that someone will laugh loud but there is a big quantity of people that really think that all further mathematics is not a science because it doesn't exist in reality. Only algebra that deals with natural numbers is real they say. They deny negative numbers because they doesn't exist in nature. They deny complex numbers because they doesn't exist in nature. They say that no experiment can be made to prove further mathematics. They say that academics only fooling people with their bullshit. I see a strong resemblance between you and them. They also praise engineering and hate theoretical physics.

It's astrobiology, nevertheless. Irrelevant are your answers to say the least. If you don't understand it's your own problem.

Well sure. Homeopathy is also bullshit with millions of followers. Numbers or institutions don't make anything valid.

You are not answering the question.
Surely there is no need because you don't know. If you knew you could answer the question easily. You could easily write an algorithm on how to use the machine you've mention but you can't do that. You've shown yourself as complete dilettante and every new comment from only showing how deep your incompetance in science and engineering is.

You can 3D scan the piece of medal and reproduce it with sandblasting. You can employ an artist to render it identical. Sure man. live in denial.

Big bang can not be a bullet hole. Big bang theory is only a hypothesis. With the given analogy you must have been said that the universe is a bullet hole. Cause and effect you know. Cosmology is trying to research the effect to find the cause. How can it be a bullet hole?

You cannot find the cause if time itself stops there. You cannot assume that is a bullet hole if you have not seen a gun before. Logic is not your strongest part now is it?

I don't need your advice because i'm not that dumb as you think. What is the level of your education? What is your speciality? I have a degree in applied mathematics. I've studied all the disciples of further mathematics, i've studied physics deeply. I know what science is and what scientific process is. I know who is Karl Popper, occam razor, i know what is epistemology, i know who is Roger Bacon. But i'm not going to call theoretical physics as bullshit. There a lot of dumb creatures that argues that theoretical physics is not a science!!! They are chewing the same gum as you about epistemology, Karl Popper and the rest blah blah blah from dictionaries.

If you have reached a point to summon academic authority to win an argument, you lost it already.

As a mathematian i can tell you a secret. Further mathematics is not a science. Can you prove the existence of a circle of infinite radius? Can make an experiment to prove that? Can you prove that Riemannian space does exist? Can you suggest an experiment that will prove that complex numbers are real?

of course it is not science. Math is a tool. You assume axioms and work around them. more or less, they are self proving.

I guess that someone will laugh loud but there is a big quantity of people that really think that all further mathematics is not a science because it doesn't exist in reality. Only algebra that deals with natural numbers is real they say. They deny negative numbers because they doesn't exist in nature. They deny complex numbers because they doesn't exist in nature. They say that no experiment can be made to prove further mathematics. They say that academics only fooling people with their bullshit. I see a strong resemblance between you and them. They also praise engineering and hate theoretical physics.

Why are you getting so defensive with math bringing up arguments I have not even asked? Anws. Again, You derailed the topic. No need to continue this discussion.


Excerpt from critical article about astrobiology. (

"As a final note, I just want to say that my negative attitude towards astrobiology comes out of a desire to see it succeed. Scientific astrobiological studies (i.e. anything that doesn’t mention extraterrestrial life) are genuinely great and cutting edge. "

Here is a fellow biologist tearing astrobiology a second arsehole. Mate, you just bought into the NASA meme due to the hype of sci-fi. Tyson pushed this like never before...and NASA is all for military research, not "searching for signs of life for the good of humanity". Be less gullible.

The article.

Excerpt from that article:

"As a final note, I just want to say that my negative attitude towards astrobiology comes out of a desire to see it succeed. Scientific astrobiological studies (i.e. anything that doesn’t mention extraterrestrial life) are genuinely great and cutting edge. "