Curiosity | Is Telekinesis Possible?

in science •  8 years ago 


hey there!  welcome to the new episode of Curiosity! A series in which we will answer some of the questions that makes us all curious.   

The Ability to move or manipulate the physical Objects using the power of mind alone is Telekinesis. Sounds like a science fiction. But for Centuries , people have claimed to have telekinetic power. They have claimed , they could bend a spoon, open a door at their will, move things around just by the power of mind alone. In movies, we frequently see the power of mind to control things. So, what really is the truth behind telekinesis? IS it even possible? Let's find out.

The History of Telekinesis

The Idea of moving objects by the power of mind have been existed for centuries. But it was demonstrated only in 1800s. The power of telekinesis was shown during the success of early spiritualism. When the psychics claimed that they could contact the dead. During this process the object in the room suddenly and mysteriously started to move , float and break them self in a dark room. Also sometimes tables would levitate, claiming that it was done by a evil spirit. Later , by a investigation , it was revealed that. it was just a hoax. They used Black wires in the dark to make the objects appear to move untouched by any humans.

After this, Nobody believed in telekinesis any more. This slowly faded away from the minds. but later in 1930s. A researcher named J.B Rhine at the Duke University became interested in telekinesis once again. He wanted to see whether the power of mind could could control the random Events. He tested this by asking his subjects influence the outcome of the rolling dice only by the power of their mind. The effects were seen at very small level. He was actually that , telekinesis is real and something mysterious was going on. Unfortunately, he could not prove anything, and his findings could not be duplicated by any other scientists.

Fig : JB Rhine (Credits)

Slowly, the mind over body phenomenon faded away. Still some people claim to spend the spoon slightly or move objects but  later they are found to be a hoax.

Can we achieve Telekinetic Abilities in Future?

There is a belief that, our brain has capacity to much more than we can imagine. They claim , even today's physics are able to move things because they are able to use to use more percent of their brain than normal people. Apart from this, what could we unlock if we were able to use 100% of the brain.


The idea looks very fascinating , but it's just a MYTH. The fact is we use all of our brain. This myth basically began in 1900s. Many  Imaging research techniques such as PET scans and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) have clearly showed that we use vast majority of our brain. In fact, even the simple tasks requires the contribution and processing of the whole brain.

But probably , the closest thing to the telekinesis that science can explain is the use of Robotic arms and legs. In the patients who are unable to move their arms and legs, scientists implant tiny wires in the area of the brain that controls movements and make and train them to control the arm. It certainly works and is fascinating. But the arm is not controlled by the thoughts of the human, it is controlled by the measurable brain signals translating through the wire into the robotic arm. But what we know is, This kind of Mind control is Real. This might be the real future of mind controlling over things and this is what we might achieve in the future.

Fig : Controlling a Robotic Arm (Credits)


Over 100s of years of study, there is mostly evidences to disprove the ability to control things by mind. Still majority of people believe that telekinesis is real and it exits, but the truth is , history of telekinesis is filled with frauds and fakers. Also there is no know mechanism that Brain could move or bend objects even a few millimeters. But what we can achieve in the field of mind control is more advancement in controlling the robotic arms and other parts attached to the body by brain signals. Don't misunderstand it's not telekinesis at all, but it is one of the closest things to telekinesis.

 That's it for this Episode guys, Hope you enjoyed it. If you did, Upvote and comment your thoughts below. Thank you

Stay Curious.

References Used:

Last Five Episodes:  

Curiosity | How does Caffeine Keep you awake?
Curiosity | Can a Volcano Wipe out Humanity?

Curiosity | Is time Travel Really Possible?

Curiosity | What would happen if Nuclear War breaks out?

Curiosity | How did life Begin On Earth?

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Great post , Upvoted!!

Nice suerisue. Thanks for sharing.


Welcome :)

so i never have to get off da couch again! I can #YUNK with my mind!

nice article .

Nice post bro i hav upvoted you...

Glad you Like It bro :)

buen post bro!

It's a shame really although you never know if one day we do figure out how to do it! Nice article :)

niiice post thanks

I have done Telekinesis, it is very much a Real Deal! I shall see if I can make some General Instructions about that Topic from my own Experience. It is a fact that absolutely anyone can do it not just the so called "mentalists" although true mentalists just practice it as a hobby and professionally. Of course there will be frauds all over and people that want to make money out of it but along my journeys I have found that one can do the same thing with multiple ways, we tend to pick that one possibility that one has cheated and of course as I said that is true, one can do it in a legit way and cheat. I have witnessed some of the most amazing optical illusions and I honestly love them but also some of the most fantastic "miracles". As the great Albert Einstein once said... 'There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.'

done it, its easily done by maintaining a certain state of being (I cover it on one of my articles).
The interesting thing about this is... its debatable but at the same time the reasong why so many people try to debunk it is because they want to live in a world where everything is 100% objective, basically a world where the world itself is as it is and always has been while the people are a product of the world while in reality both the world and the beings in it are the same, they are consciences of the conscience, the world can change us... but we can also change the world (its correct also logically as we can observe with our modern societies).
There is one fact... you can produce results in an experiment with so many different means, you can debunk telekinesis but there will always be a small possibility that it is true and therefore it will always be debatable but no one side will win since they can both "prove" their points. The fact of the matter is... you can achieve everything with everything, you can use everything in so many different ways, its nautral that people that do telekinesis get debunked, especially when on stage its even harder to prove it with so many skeptics on the seats... because the practitioner might be on a level where they can just manage to do it but at the same time if the belief of the other individuals leans towards telekinesis being untrue, then the result of the experiment will fundamentally end up being a failure.
Therefore... we cannot disprove something while keeping this attitude of "disproving", in truth... whatever you believe the most will come true (thats the theory and in very personal cases... fact) and so... this is why it is so debatable. If we consider this variable then its possible.

In time we will understand how everything works and we will have a clearer picture of the claims, it will pop up at some point in the labs as a very likely matter (...and already has been to some extent).