Mysticism and cynicism of scientist | Мистицизм и цинизм учёного

in science •  7 years ago 

The eldest son asked an interesting question, which seemed to me very important: «Why are some scientists and doctors believers?»

Indeed, really. Scientists in the field of natural or technical sciences, doctors, teachers, engineers and other people of similar specialties must, in the course of their activities, penetrate so deeply into the mysteries of the Universe that there should not be room for superstitions in anybody's head. But there are such people, I myself know several such vivid examples. But why?

And that's what I thought. In the process of scientific search and following the Tao of the Scientist, there are two extremes, into which it is very easy to slip, as one can only go through the «razor's edge». On the one hand, it is mysticism and belief in the supernatural, and rolling in this direction is due to weakness. The scientist can not understand the riddles, does not see the possibility of applying the existing formal apparatus to the experimental data, and then folds the paws with the words: «Divine Providence, not otherwise», instead of simply admit that the theory is not sufficiently worked out, does not apply, does not have tools, etc., and therefore, we must continue the search. Newton folded his paws and hit into mysticism. Lobachevsky and Riemann offered the world new geometries.

On the other hand, it is a deep cynicism that arises in relation to literally everything. Especially to a person and his inner world. After all, man is just a collection of atoms, a bunch of biochemical reactions, though complex, but quite understandable. And if so, why does this one set of atoms require more attention than any other? And this cynicism extends to everything, literally everything. I have seen more of them than those who have fallen into mysticism.

And here it is necessary to be a very strong person, so as not to slip neither there nor here. Truly pass along the razor's edge, as Ivan Efremov wrote.

Старший сын задал интересный вопрос, который мне показался очень важным: «Почему некоторые учёные и врачи являются верующими людьми?»

Ведь, действительно. Учёные в области естественных или технических наук, врачи, учителя, инженеры и прочие люди подобных специальностей должны в процессе своей деятельности так глубоко проникнуть в тайны мироздания, что места всяким суевериям быть в голове уже не должно. Но такие люди есть, я сам знаю несколько таких ярких примеров. Но почему?

И вот, что я подумал. В процессе научного поиска и следования Дао Учёного есть две крайности, в которые очень легко скатиться, поскольку точно пройти можно только по «лезвию бритвы». С одной стороны — это мистицизм и вера в сверхъестественное, и скатывание в эту сторону происходит из-за слабости. Учёный не может разобраться в загадках, не видит возможности применения имеющегося формального аппарата к экспериментальным данным, и после этого складывает лапки со словами: «Божественное провидение, не иначе», вместо того, чтобы просто признать, что теория недостаточно проработана, неприменима, не имеет инструментов и т. д., а значит, надо продолжить поиски. Ньютон сложил лапки и ударился в мистицизм. Лобачевский и Риман предложили миру новые геометрии.

С другой стороны — это глубокий цинизм, который возникает по отношению буквально ко всему. Особенно к человеку и его внутреннему миру. Ведь человек — это просто набор атомов, куча биохимических реакций, хоть и сложных, но вполне познаваемых. А если так, то почему это один набор атомов требует больше внимания, чем любой другой? И вот этот цинизм распространяется на всё, буквально на всё. Я повидал таких ещё больше, чем тех, кто ударился в мистицизм.

И вот тут надо быть очень сильным человеком, чтобы не скатиться ни туда, ни сюда. Воистину пройти по лезвию бритвы, как писал Иван Ефремов.

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There’s an upper bound of something and there’s a lower bound to it. Then there’s everything in between. Then there are totally different thingss that doesn’t follow all these principles and our brains can’t actually process them. All these highly educated people usually become believers when they bypass the threshold of their understanding and realize there is a lot more to everything and they don’t actually know anything. That’s where they understand that toward the edges of everything we tend to break the science and it all connects us to the power that created us. I hope I’ve put it in understandable form, I really tried

Sorry, but this explanation is very trivial :).

Sorry but I don’t entertain trolls :) lol just kidding. Why is it trivial ? I bet you didn’t even understand it completely. lol just kidding. Why is it trivial ?

Just because everyone can give such an explanation :). What if one see into neurophisiological causes of such behaviour of people?

Trying to act smart and actually being smart are two different terms. For instance acting smart just to engage more people by using negative strategies is actually stupidity.

Now comes to your reasoning, I respect the part where you actually tried to use rationality but would you care to elaborate but before you do that let me tell you one thing. Reality has nothing to do with our understanding on it, also reality exists in more than one dimension and form, one can see a thing with countless perspectives yet he wouldn’t understand the true nature of what’s going on as singularity is way bigger than we have ever imagined and our brains are too small to understand any of it, this is not it, I’m starting to believe that we shouldn’t even attempt to understand such realities and refrain ourselves from using such approaches none the less reality stays intact in the dimension UNKNOW. Try to warp your head around what I’ve just written. Lastly, it’s okay to be ordinary, it never hurts you or anybody else in a big run. Being arrogant is what makes you not likable, think about that too. Have a great day ahead. Poka.

Interesting, but not in my way. I don't see the reasons to use such notions as «other dimensions», «hidden planes» and so o to try to explain the reality.

O well gladly your way is not the universal way and what’s with upvoting your own comments lol?

I upvote everything, why not?