Way which we are killing ourselves.

in science •  7 years ago 

In this modern era where we have a lot of greenhouse gases, emmiting a lot of harmful substances, ingesting a lot of substances that are harmful to our body. We need to stop/reduce all these so as to live longer and healty. These are the things killing us in our day to day activities.

  1. Alcohol: One of the things killing us today is alcohol, ingesting too much of this on a daily basis is very harmful to our body. The liver present in the body is working in the detoxification of these chemicals which by doing this, it reduces the healthiness of the liver. Reduce/Stop alcohol and drink more of water, fruits which will provide needed nutrients for the body. image

  2. Smoking: This should be the number one on the list, nowadays smoking is now rampant among individuals. Smoking of weed, cigarettes are causing harm to out lungs by ingesting smoke into the lungs and which can affect our respiratory system . Too much of this can lead to death/failure of the lungs.

  3. Neglecting nature: What i mean by neglecting nature is by living in a poor ventilated area for instance, living in an area where the emmision of greenhouse gases is high. Emission of carbonmonoxide from car exhaust and other harmful substances are dangerous to our body. To counter this problem, where you live, try planting some trees or some plants which will aid in the production of oxygen.

  4. Food: We really need to be careful of the food we eat, eating junks which will increase the fat in the body which is not healthy, maintaining a healthy fit body through eating good balanced diet and exercises is perfect for your body system. Too much of fat will cause fat related diseases.

  5. 21st century innovation: Some of the things we use in this modern era emmit a lot of radioactive substance which are harmful to our body, so we need to reduce how we use these things.

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