xRapid via XRP and R3 are in the driver seat of being implemented for AWS. You can roll your eyes at this all you want, but it just is what is it!
R3, December 5th News: https://www.r3.com/news/r3-launches-universal-corda-settler-application/
I used to hate XRP and Ripple too Jonathan - you should have seen the things I used to say about it...
... one my best friends Tim who invested earlier than I did won’t let me live it down and I have to hear I told you so from him all the time, he was right.
Eventually if you do enough research about it and separate your emotions from your investments you realize its by the far the best, most efficient system - one that will be a multiple blockchain killer. This is not shilling.
I have personally done a complete 180 on XRP and Ripple in the last year - I used to be just like all the hardcore haters, and then i educated myself about just how much better the ILP and RippleNet are than every single other system, it's not even close. Ripple has already beat VISA (is processing between 50-70,000 tx/per second) and is coming for SWIFT next.
I was wrong initially about XRP, but only because I let my emotions get in the way.
It's hard to admit when you're wrong.
The XRP writing is on the wall and is clear as day for anyone who doesn't let their emotional attachment to worldview get in the way of making money!
Worth checking out:
High-speed high-security signatures: https://ed25519.cr.yp.to/ed25519-20110926.pdf
Cornell University: Analysis of the XRP Ledger Consensus Protocol
Payment Channels: https://developers.ripple.com/payment-channels.html
Escrow: https://developers.ripple.com/escrow.html
Bank of England Pilot Program: https://ripple.com/insights/ripple-selected-to-participate-in-the-bank-of-england-fintech-accelerators-exploration-of-the-use-of-blockchain-for-global-rtgs/
SBI Holdings Japan Investor Presentation (English Version): https://www.sbigroup.co.jp/english/investors/disclosure/presentation/pdf/180731presentations.pdf
Federal Reserve Faster Payment Task Force Pilot Program: https://www.federalreserve.gov/econresdata/feds/2016/files/2016095pap.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0rmJoIWGfYkpCWQShRAurir65xKl_uIqKkM2Hyq418oiwc_YwPwNByuSM
German Major Bank Initiative: https://ripple.com/customer-case-study/reisebank/
Highly recommend this blog: https://xrpcommunity.blog/author/hodor/
Ripple and R3 Team Up with 12 Banks to Trial XRP for Cross-Border Payments: https://ripple.com/insights/ripple-and-r3-team-up-with-12-banks-to-trial-xrp-for-cross-border-payments/
XRP isn't just going to the moon, it's going to Saturn! 🤷♂️